cover of episode 03/16 SHLIVE丨Strongest sandstorm in decade 沙来请闭眼!特大沙尘暴今起好转

03/16 SHLIVE丨Strongest sandstorm in decade 沙来请闭眼!特大沙尘暴今起好转

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NEWS ON 3/15 Strongest sandstorm in decade ENGULFS NORTHERN IN CHINA Many regions in northern China including Beijing experienced a sand-storm today. According to the National Meteorological Center【国家气象中心】, the sand-storm is the strongest and most wide-spread storm in nearly a decade. Meteorologists say the sand-storm originated from southern part of Mongolia, where at least six people were killed over the weekend. Sun Siqi has the story. 今日,包括北京在内的北方多地出现沙尘天气。根据国家气象中心,本次沙尘天气是近十年来最强、范围最广的一次。气象学家称,本次沙尘暴自蒙古国南部而来,上周末已造成蒙古国内至少六人死亡。 Interviewee: Li Liang, Weather Analyst of China Meteorological Administration 受访者:李靓中国天气网气象分析师“The storm originated in southern Mongolia. The area is under unusually high temperatures, that leads to deserts thawing【融化】earlier. As strong winds pass over these deserts at the border of China and Mongolia, they churn up【搅动】 the sand and dust, and send it south.” “此次的沙尘源地主要是蒙古国的南部。由于近期蒙古的气温是异常偏高的,因此沙源地在不断解冻。大风经过中蒙边界的沙源地时吹起了沙尘,向下游输送。” The cloud of dust arrived at northwestern Hebei Province last night before moving toward Beijing. The sandstorm swept across Beijing this morning, turning the sky yellow. At 10 am, average concentration of hazardous airborne【空气中的】particles【颗粒】 PM10 exceeded 5,000 micrograms per cubic meter, with some areas registering more than 9,000. Air quality levels read "hazardous". 沙尘风暴于昨夜先到达河北省西北部,并向北京移动。今天早晨,沙尘席卷了北京,天空也变成了黄色。上午十点,有害的可吸入颗粒物PM10平均浓度超过了每立方米5000微克,一些地区更是达到了9000微克每立方米,空气质量指数“爆表”。 Interviewee: A Beijing Citizen 受访者:北京市民“It smells like soil in the air, my eyes hurt.” 就是那种沙土的味道,眼睛会有点不舒服。Visibility【能见度】 was lower than 1,000 meters in most parts of Beijing during the day. At least 120 flights arriving or departing from Beijing's two airports were canceled as of midday, 49 flights were delayed. The National Meteorological Center issued a yellow alert this morning for 12 provincial-level regions. 今日,北京多地能见度小于1千米。上午至中午,从北京两大机场出发或到达的近120架次航班取消,49列航班延误。今晨,国家气象中心也在12个地区发布黄色预警。 Seniors, children and those with a chronic【慢性的】 respiratory【呼吸道的】 illness are reminded to avoid outdoor activities. People should wear a mask and wash their face and the inside of their nose when they come inside. This is the most intense and extensive sandstorm in China in the past ten years. 老人、小孩以及慢性呼吸道疾病患者需减少户外活动。市民外出需戴口罩、勤洗脸,并在进入室内后清洗鼻子。这是近十年来我国最强、范围最广的一次沙尘天气。   #热词加油站 National Meteorological Center【国家气象中心】 thawing【融化】 churn up【搅动】 airborne【空气中的】 particles【颗粒】 Visibility【能见度】 chronic【慢性的】 respiratory【呼吸道的】