cover of episode 03/15 TOP NEWS丨上海新增核酸检测点/数字人民币投入使用/俄罗斯对乌打击

03/15 TOP NEWS丨上海新增核酸检测点/数字人民币投入使用/俄罗斯对乌打击

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NEWS ON 0**3/14 1. MORE TEST SITES OPEN ACROSS THE CITY 上海新增核酸检测点,有序应对激增需求 2. DIGITAL RENMINBI WIDELY USED IN SHANGHAI 数字人民币大规模投入使用 3. RUSSIAN MISSILES STRIKE MILITARY BASE IN WESTERN UKRAINE 3920个基地瘫痪,俄罗斯对乌打击仍在继续 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. MORE TEST SITES OPEN ACROSS THE CITY 上海新增核酸检测点,有序应对激增需求  More temporary test sites have been set up in public venues across Shanghai, to meet the increase in demand. Zhang Yue takes a look. 面对眼下激增的核酸检测需求,上海各区正在挖掘潜力,转化或新增检测点。更多信息,请听张乐带来的报道。 A new temporary testing site opened this morning (March 14) at Huangpu District’s Luwan Stadium, which covers around 1,000 square meters. A total of 19 windows were open for people to have a sample taken, but a maximum of 30 can be made available if needed. 上海市中心黄浦区新增卢湾体育馆作为临时核酸检测点,检测点占地1000平米左右,今天早上(3月14日)正式启用。整个场馆共启动了19个检测点位,点位启动数量将根据检测人数动态调整,最多可启动30个点位。 Resident 上海居民 “I saw it on my Wechat moments that some people spent three to four hours to get the test done in hospitals. It is much faster and it is well organized. My family will feel relieved to get the test done. ” 之前在其他医院看到做核酸的人排队都很长的,朋友圈看到都是三四个小时做。这里组织得都挺好的,做做对自己也放心,对家里人也比较负责。 The check point opens every day from 8am to 8pm, and it is capable of testing 30,000 people per day for free. Xiangyang Park in Xuhui District is the largest temporary nucleic acid testing point in Xuhui, which mainly provides service for residents undergoing their 12 days of health observation after finishing a 48-hour home quarantine. Residents are required to show a certificate issued by the community committee before entering. In Jing’an District, 40 nucleic acid test check points opened today in 18 residential communities. They are free of charge, and provide services from 9am to 6pm. 这里的检测时间为每天早上8点到晚上8点,预计一天可为 3万市民提供免费检测服务。在徐汇区,襄阳公园是临时增设的区内规模最大的核酸采样点,主要为涉及"2+12"的人员提供核酸检测服务。 现场秩序井然,市民须手持所属社区下发的证明,也就是"小白卡",才能进入检测。在静安区,今天开始在18个居民区临时增设40个免费核酸检测点,检测从早上9点半,一直持续到晚上6点,居民可在接到通知后有序前往。 Resident 上海居民 “We are told to come downstairs in order, ten floors at a time. The whole process is very efficient and safe.” 十个楼层一组,安排(下楼),整个过程有序安全高效。 More than 27,000 residents were tested today in the Baoshan Road sub-district of Jing’an. 今天,静安区宝山路街道社区目前已累计检测超过27000人。 2. **DIGITAL RENMINBI WIDELY USED IN SHANGHAI 数字人民币大规模投入使用 More than 260 million users have spent more than 87 billion digital yuan since **pilot projects【试点项目】**of the digital currency were launched in 2019. Shanghai is among the second group of pilot zones, and the digital renminbi can now be widely used in the city. Yuan Chenye has more. 自2019年数字人民币启动试点以来,超过2.6亿用户已经支付了超过870亿元的数字人民币。上海是第二批试点地区之一,而数字人民币目前在全市大规模投入使用。更多信息,请听袁辰玥带来的报道。   In this residential complex with a **scooter【小型摩托车】**charging area, residents can pay the electricity fee in a more fashionable way—digital renminbi. Apart from being accepted in more venues, digital renminbi has some additional applications. For example, machines for digital renminbi payments recognize 17 foreign currencies including the US dollar and euro, and exchange them to renminbi according to the current exchange rate. Foreigners can scan their passport and do a facial recognition scan to receive a card. They can pay with digital RMB by scanning the card on devices with NFC【Near Field Communication functions 近场通讯】. 在这个装配着电动车充电区域的小区里,居民们可以采用一种更新潮的方式来支付电费——数字人民币。数字人民币不仅能够在越来越多的场所中进行使用,同时还有一些其他的用途。 例如,数字人民币支付机器可识别包括美元、欧元在内的17种外币,并能够按照现行汇率兑换成人民币。外国人可以通过扫描护照,进行面部识别后获得兑换卡。这样他们就可以通过具备NFC功能的设备上扫描卡片来使用数字人民币进行支付。 Pan Xuerong Bank of China, Shanghai Branch 潘学荣,中国银行上海分行支付清算部高级经理 “It is not very convenient for foreigners to download apps and do the SMS verification. But with the money-exchanging machine, foreigners can exchange the digital chip wallet directly, and confirm their identity online.” 下载应用程序呢,因为现在下载的客户需要另外登记,尤其是对境外的人士来说,下载需要用手机号码来进行短信验证,这块的流程不像境内人士那么便利。而如果是用外币兑换机,直接兑换数字芯片钱包,那他可以在这个机具上面通过在线的方式直接确认他的身份。 The machine will be introduced in airports, hotels and bank branches in the future, allowing foreign travelers to exchange other currencies into renminbi. And in the cross-border e-commerce field, institutes in Shanghai are accepting cross-border payments with digital renminbi for the first time. On the **ICBC【INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA 中国工商银行】app, there are many overseas stores and mainland users can purchase goods using digital renminbi. 该种机器未来将应用在机场、酒店和银行网点等地,并允许外国游客将其他货币兑换为人民币。而在跨境电商领域,上海的相关机构也将首次受理数字人民币的跨境支付。中国工商银行APP上有很多海外店铺,而内地用户则可以使用数字人民币购买商品。 Wang Shun Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, Shanghai Branch 王顺,中国工商银行上海分行副行长 “With digital renminbi we can pay money to the store owner in Hong Kong.” 基于这样进口的场景,我们依托于个人在境内端的数字货币,能够支付到我们香港侧的商户,实现了数字人民币的一个跨境支付。 10 provinces and cities are now testing digital renminbi use. It was also being used during the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. The number of pilot areas will reach 28 by the end of this year. 目前,有10个省市正在试点数字人民币。同时,数字人民币也在北京冬奥会和残奥会期间投入使用。到今年年底,试点地区预计将达到28个。 3. **RUSSIAN MISSILES STRIKE MILITARY BASE IN WESTERN UKRAINE 3920个基地瘫痪!俄罗斯对乌打击仍在继续 The Russian defense ministry said that the Russian armed forces have disabled 3,920 Ukrainian military facilities since the start of the conflict. Lei Shuran has the details. 根据俄罗斯国防部的消息,自特别军事行动开始以来,已有3920个乌克兰军事基地瘫痪。更多信息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed yesterday (March 13) that Russian missiles have struck a military training base at Yavoriv in western Ukraine, near Ukraine’s border with Poland. 俄罗斯国防部昨日(3月13日)证实,俄军使用高精度远程武器袭击了乌克兰西部靠近乌克兰与波兰边境亚沃洛夫的一个军事训练中心。 lgor Konashenkov Spokesperson, Russian Defence Ministry 科纳申科夫,俄国防部发言人 “Up to 180 foreign mercenaries were killed and a big batch of foreign weapons was destroyed by the strike. The **extermination【灭绝】**of foreign **mercenaries【雇佣兵】**arriving in Ukraine will continue.” 俄军打死了近180名外国雇佣兵,并击毁一批外国制造的武器。那些抵达乌克兰的外国雇佣兵都将面临同样的下场。 On the other side, the Ukrainian military stated the airstrike killed at least 35 people and wounded another 134, far different from Russia’s claims. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy yesterday repeated his call for the NATO military alliance to declare a no-fly zone over Ukraine. However, NATO’s stance hasn’t shifted. On the same day, a US Pentagon spokesman said a no-fly zone would not have prevented Russian forces from continuing military operations. The fourth round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine to resolve the conflict was held virtually today (March 14). Zelenskyy yesterday said the task of the Ukrainian delegation in the talks is to do everything possible to set up a meeting between him and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Kremlin has not **ruled out the possibility of【排除...的可能性】**contact between Putin and Zelenskyy. 乌克兰方面也证实了训练中心遭袭的消息,但就伤亡人数说法不一。乌方表示,该次袭击共造成35人死亡、134人受伤。乌克兰总统泽连斯基昨天再次呼吁西方国家,在乌克兰设立"禁飞区",但北约的态度并未改变。美国国防部发言人柯比当天表示,在乌设立"禁飞区"不会阻止俄罗斯军事行动。紧张局势持续的同时,俄乌谈判传出了积极信号。双方第四轮谈判今天(3月14日)以视频方式举行。泽连斯基表示,乌方代表团的任务是就俄乌首脑会面达成一致。俄方昨日也表示,不排除未来两国总统会面的可能性。 #热词加油站 scooter[ˈskuːtə(r)]【小型摩托车】 extermination[ɪkˌstɜːmɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n]【灭绝】 mercenary [ˈmɜrs(ə)nˌeri]【雇佣兵】 NFC(Near Field Communication)【近场通讯】 pilot project【试点项目】 rule out the possibility of ...【排除...的可能性】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~