cover of episode 03/12 SHLIVE丨Wearable Screens 把屏幕穿在身上?复旦“高定”厉害了!

03/12 SHLIVE丨Wearable Screens 把屏幕穿在身上?复旦“高定”厉害了!

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Welcome to this edition of ShanghaiLive, I’m Aixinjueluo Bei/ ICS Anchor. 欢迎收听今天的《直播上海》,我是爱新觉罗·贝  / ICS主播。   Fudan University researchers have developed textiles【纺织品】** that can serve as a display screen, according to an article in Nature, a weekly British scientific journal. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look. 最近,英国科学周刊《自然》刊登了来自复旦大学研究团队最新研究成果——他们研发出了一种可以作为显示屏的纺织品。请听记者张弘带来的报道。   In author Liu Cixin's "Three Body Problem", people in 2211 wear clothes that glow with patterns and colors changing according to their mood. This futuristic clothing is becoming possible with "large-area display textiles" developed by a research team from Fudan University. It all began with an illuminating【发光的】**thread. 科幻作家刘慈欣在著作”三体”中提出:到 2211年,人们所穿着的衣服将会随着心情的变化而呈现不同的图案和颜色。2021年,来自复旦大学的研究团队所开发的“大面积显示纺织品”使这种充满未来感的服饰成为可能。而这一切都是从一条发光的细线开始的。   Interview: Shi Xiang, Primary Author / Doctoral Student, Fudan University 施翔 论文第一作者 复旦大学高分子科学系博士研究生 It's a **conductive **【导电的】thread with a smooth electroluminescent 【电致发光的】 coating. It looks and feels like regular yarn. It's firm. As you can see, it can still illuminate steadily after being sewn onto thick leather. It is also machine washable. 它其实是一根导电的线,外面负载了一些发光材料。它与我们普通纺织用的线非常相似,它耐洗涤,也很牢固,编制在这么一个很厚的皮革上面它也是可以很稳定地发光的。   Brightness between EL units deviates by less than 8% and remains stable even when bent, stretched or pressed, which means the image on the textile remains clear. 电质发光单元之间的亮度偏差小于8%,即使弯曲、拉伸或按压也保持稳定,这意味着织物上的图像能够保持清晰。   Interview: Peng Huisheng, Corresponding Author / Macromolecular Science Dept., Fudan University 彭慧胜 论文通讯作者 复旦大学高分子科学系教授 We can now produce a textile that is over 10-meters long. It is machine washable and can work for 1,000 to 2,000 hours. 我们织物目前可以做到十几米长。我们可以放到洗衣机里去洗,反复弯折,都没有问题,且可以稳定工作一两千个小时。   This method of weaving can be used to include other electronic functions such as a keyboard and power supply【电源】into the textile, thus allowing the team to build a "multifunctional integrated 【综合的】textile system" for various applications, including checking and replying to messages, and navigation when you're riding a bike and you cannot hold your phone. Professor Peng said he believes display textiles will be an integral part of smart garments【衣服】 in the future. 这种编织方法可以将键盘和电源等其他电子功能融入到纺织品中,从而使团队能够为各种应用构建一个“多功能集成纺织品系统”;包括当你骑自行车不能握着手机时,可以通过智能织物查看、回复信息以及使用导航功能。 彭教授说,他相信显示纺织品将成为未来智能服装不可或缺的一部分。   Interview: Peng Huisheng, Corresponding Author / Macromolecular Science Dept., Fudan University 彭慧胜 论文通讯作者 复旦大学高分子科学系教授 Almost all electronic products need a screen, so do smart garments. It would be difficult for people to use without a screen. Our textile can serve as a screen on a smart garment. We can put sensors into a smart garment that can measure various body indexes and send the information to your doctor. In the future, it may save us the trouble of going to the hospital for a check-up. 做任何的电子产品都离不开屏幕显示,智能织物做好了很多功能就都有了,没有显示就很难真的用起来,所以它是必不可少的。我们可以做传感,把体内的指标采集出来,把你的健康情况传输到医生那里。我们提出一个梦想,把医院带回家。   Some people said they would love to try it if available. 有些人说,如果有机会的话,他们很乐意尝试一下这款智能织物。   Interview:Citizen We need to take out our phone from our pocket to check information and sometimes it's inconvenient. But with this textile display, you can easily check your messages on your sleeve 【袖子】and it's much lighter than a phone. 现在大家都有手机,你需要看消息还需拿出来,有时候挺麻烦的,但是有这种柔性织物的话就很方便,也不会有什么负担,就贴在你身上,很方便。   Interview:Citizen It seems really cool to display words and pictures on your clothes. They would definitely make an awesome daily outfit. 在衣服上显示一些你想展示的东西,我觉得挺酷的,而且你还可以个性化搭配这些衣服。   A member of the research team said they've already received interest from various companies for products ranging from voice box covers and automotive【汽车的】 interiors to home decorations and high-end【高档的】 couture【时装】**clothing. 该研究小组的一名成员表示,已经有多家公司对他们的可穿戴电子织物表现出了兴趣,而这些公司的产品包括音箱盖、汽车内饰、家居装饰和高端时装等。

#热词加油站 Textile [ˈtekstaɪl]【纺织品】** Illuminating illuminating【发光的】** Conductive [kənˈdʌktɪv]【导电的】** electroluminescent 【电致发光的】** power supply【电源】** integrated [ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd]【综合的】** garment [ˈɡɑːmənt]【衣服】** sleeve [sliːv]【袖子】** automotive [ˌɔːtəˈməʊtɪv]【汽车的】** high-end [ˌhaɪ ˈend]【高档的】** couture [kuˈtjʊə(r)]【时装】**