NEWS ON 0**3/08 1. MINISTERS ANSWER QUESTIONS ON VACCINES, ECONOMY & FLOODS “部长通道”采访召开,积极回应社会关切 2. CHINA’S FEMALE ASTRONAUT SENDS INT’L WOMEN’S DAY GREETINGS FROM SPACE 女航天员王亚平从太空发回妇女节祝福 3. U.S. GASOLINE PRICES SOAR TO HIGHEST SINCE 2008 一路飙升!美国油价创新高 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **MINISTERS ANSWER QUESTIONS ON VACCINES, ECONOMY & FLOODS “部长通道”采访召开,积极回应社会关切 At the second passage interview for ministers, the heads of the ministries of science, industry and water resources answered some of the most frequently asked questions from the people in areas including vaccine development, industrial growth and flood prevention. Sun Siqi has more. 在今天举行的第二场“部长通道”上,科学技术部、工业和信息化部、水利部部长就疫苗研发、工业发展、水利安全等热点话题回应社会关切。更多信息,请听孙思奇带来的报道。 The Minister of Science and Technology cited a list of data on the growth of R&D capacity in China. Total R&D investment approached 2.8 trillion yuan (about 4400 billion dollar) in 2021, up 14.2% year-on-year. The value of contracts based on the commercialization of the results of research totaled 3.7 trillion yuan (around 5900 billion dollar). China ranked 12th on the 2021 Global Innovation Index【全球创新指数报告】, up from 14th in 2020. Minister Wang Zhigang added that this year, China will have more tools for the development of vaccines and international collaboration in the fight against the pandemic. 科技部部长王志刚通过一组数据介绍了2021年中国在科技研发、创新能力等方面取得的成绩,其中全社会研发投入达到2.8万亿,同比增长14.2%。创新成果转化的技术合同成交额达到3.7万亿,国家创新能力综合排名上升至世界第12位。而在科技防疫方面,王志刚特别强调,今年在疫苗研发、国际合作等方面的手段和工具箱也将更加丰富。 Wang Zhigang Minister of Science & Technology 王志刚,科技部部长 “The development of mRNA vaccines has entered Phase III clinical trials, and so have the DNA vaccines. A neutralizing antibody medication has already been released. 3 oral medications have entered Phase III trials. Given the fact that the coronavirus keeps mutating, we’re also developing a broad spectrum medication that can fight all strains of the virus.” 一个是mRNA疫苗,已经进入三期临床。还有一个是DNA疫苗,也进入了三期临床。在药物研发方面,我们知道中和抗体药已经正式上市。但同时还有3个小分子药,也就是我们平时说的口服药,这种小分子药也都进入了三期临床。同时病毒老在变异,我们能不能有一种广谱的药来对付冠状病毒或者新冠病毒,现在这种广谱药我们也在积极研发。 The Minister of Industry and Information Technology said he’s confident about steady growth of China’s industrial economy, adding that January and February numbers have **inherited【保持,继承】the same stable trends as the Fourth Quarter of last year. 提到今年工业经济的运行态势时,工信部部长肖亚庆表示,从今年1、2月份态势来看,总体上保持了去年四季度稳健的态势,对平稳运行有着充分信心。 Xiao Yaqing Minister of Industry & IT 肖亚庆,工信部部长 “We do have to acknowledge that there are some difficulties in the stable operation of China’s industrial economy, like the rising prices of raw material, difficulties and rising costs for transport and some logistical blockage after sporadic cases arose in China. Most importantly, changes in the international environment have inevitably resulted in impact on our industrial economy.” 当然我们也要看到,当前在工业经济平稳运行中还有不少困难和问题。比如原材料价格的上涨,再比如说交通运输的困难和费用的提升,还有疫情散发出现以后一些不畅通的地方。再有,最大的就是我们外部环境的一些变化,不可避免对工业经济平稳运行造成影响。 After multiple massive floods struck China’s Yellow and Yangtze River watersheds【流域】 last year, the Minister of Water Resources said they are working to create forecasts for this year’s flood activities, these forecasts will then be analyzed, and alerts will issued as the year progresses. 2021年中国水旱灾害频发,长江黄河等诸多流域陆续发生多起洪涝灾害。对此水利部部长李国英表示,目前水利部正在进行初步研判,将持续进行滚动分析与预警。 Li Guoying Minister of Water Resources 李国英,水利部部长 “We try to stop floods higher upstream. In this year’s flood season, we forecast a high likelihood of floods in the northern and southern parts of China, while the central part of the country is showing higher chances of droughts.” 我们努力将"防"的关口前移,研判的结果是这样的:(今年汛期)我国北部、南部发生洪水的可能性较大,而北部大于南部;中部地区发生干旱的可能性较大。 The interview is the second and last passage interview for ministers during this year’s Two Sessions, so named because they take questions in the hallway leading to the Great Hall of the People. 本届两会共行了两场"部长通道",今天的也是最后一场"部长通道"。之所以被叫做“部长通道”,是因为各部长会在通往人民大会堂的走廊上回答问题。 2. **CHINA’S FEMALE ASTRONAUT SENDS INT’L WOMEN’S DAY GREETINGS FROM SPACE 女航天员王亚平从太空发回妇女节祝福 Wang Yaping, China’s second female astronaut who is now on a six-month mission on board the country’s Space Station sent a video message to the United Nations office in Geneva, Switzerland, sending her greetings to women around the world as today (March 8) is International Women’s Day. Lei Shuran has the story. 今天(3月8日) 是国际妇女节,航天员王亚平通过瑞士日内瓦联合国办事处送上节日祝福,向世界各地的妇女致以问候。这位中国第二位女航天员如今正在中国空间站执行为期六个月的任务。更多信息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 Wang said that space has never changed its environment or lowered its threshold【门槛】 because of the arrival of women, and that ample flight data show that there are no significant differences in the ability of the sexes to adapt and work in space. 王亚平在视频中说道,太空不会因为女性的到来而降低它的门槛,太空环境不会因为你是女性而对你特殊照顾。大量的飞行数据表明,两性在太空中的适应能力和工作能力并无明显差异。 Wang Yaping Chinese Astronaut 王亚平,中国航天员 “I would like to take this opportunity to thank every female for their selfless dedication. I also hope every female can achieve their life goals, and find a career that they truly love.” 借此机会我要感谢每一位女性同胞的无私奉献,也祝愿每一位女同胞在自己的星空中为我们所爱的生活和事业采撷最璀璨的星。 She added it is **conceivable【可想象的】that more and more women will participate in space exploration, and they will have a very important impact on the large-scale and long-term human exploration of space in the future. Wang and two other astronauts went into space onboard the Shenzhou-13 spacecraft and entered the space station on Oct. 16, 2021, for a six-month mission. The trio has been in orbit for more than 130 days, with Wang setting a new record for the most days in space by a Chinese astronaut. 王亚平还说道,可以想象的是越来越多的女性将参与到太空探索中来,并且将对未来大规模、长期的人类太空探索产生非常重要的影响。2021年10月16日,王亚平与另外两名宇航员乘坐神舟十三号飞船进入空间站,执行为期六个月的任务。当前,三人已在轨飞行130多天,而王亚平也创造了中国宇航员在轨时间最长的新纪录。 3. **U.S. GASOLINE PRICES SOAR TO HIGHEST SINCE 2008 一路飙升!美国油价创新高 The price of regular gasoline broke 4 US dollars per gallon on average across the United States on Sunday for the first time since 2008. During the first full week of military conflict in Ukraine, the price of regular gas rose almost 41 cents. Lei Shuran has more. 当地时间周日,美国汽油首次突破4美元,创下2008年以来新高。在俄乌冲突爆发的第一周,汽油价格上涨了近41 美分。更多信息,请听雷舒然带来的报道。 The all-time high for average gasoline prices was set on July 17th, 2008 at 4.10 US dollars per gallon. Neither US President Joe Biden nor Congress has moved to ban the import of Russian oil or place energy sanctions on the country. On Sunday, California had the highest average price per gallon among US states at 5.29 US dollars, while Missouri had the lowest at around 3.60 US dollars. 2008年7月17日,汽油平均价格创下每加仑4.10美元的历史新高。而美国总统乔·拜登和美国国会均未采取行动禁止俄罗斯石油进口以及实施能源制裁。周日,加利福尼亚州每加仑汽油平均价格最高,达到了5.29 美元;而密苏里州最低,约为3.60美元。 Sam Guillen Gas Station Customer 洛杉矶民众 “I remember it being 2, 2.5 or even 3 US dollars. I spent 38 dollars to fill my tank top. Now it’s about, it what you saw, it’s between 70 and 90 dollars. I think that’s crazy.” 我还记得油价2到3美元的时候,我只要花大概38美元就能加满油。现在则要70到90美元,这太疯狂了。 The head of a petroleum analysis company said the Russian-Ukraine military conflict and seasonal price changes mean Americans should prepare to pay more for gas than ever before. 一家石油分析公司的负责人表示,俄乌间的军事冲突以及季节性价格调整意味着美国人要面对比以往任何时候更高的油价。 Robert Sinclair Spokesman, AAA Northeast 美国汽车协会发言人 “Russia is a major producer and number two or number three in the world, 10 million barrels per day, and if that oil is taken off the market, well, we’re going to have to find a replacement for it somewhere and wherever it comes from, it’s going to be more expensive.” 俄罗斯每天可出口近千万桶石油,如果这些原油被禁止入市,那我们必须寻找替代品。而无论替代品来自何处,都只会更贵。 The White House is **weighing【权衡】**the immediate economic costs of rising gasoline prices, as calls grow to ban imports of Russian oil. Prices at the pump were rising long before the Russia-Ukraine conflict and have **spiraled【迅速上升】**faster since the start of the war. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said President Biden was focused on delivering punishing economic consequences to Russian President Vladimir Putin, while taking all action necessary to limit the impact to prices at the gas pump. 随着禁止俄罗斯石油进口的呼声日益高涨,白宫正在权衡汽油价格上涨的直接经济成本。早在俄乌冲突之前,加油站的汽油价格就已然上涨,而自战争以来上涨得更加迅猛。白宫新闻秘书珍·普萨基表示,拜登总统当前专注于向俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京实行惩罚性经济制裁,同时采取一切必要行动限制对加油站汽油价格的影响。 #热词加油站 inherit [ɪnˈherɪt]【保持,继承】 watershed[ˈwɔtərˌʃed]【流域】 threshold [ˈθreʃˌhoʊld]【门槛】 conceivable [kənˈsivəb(ə)l]【可想象的】 weigh[weɪ]【权衡】 spiral [ˈspaɪrəl]【迅速上升】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~