NEWS ON 0**3/07 1. FOREIGN MINISTER MEETS PRESS AT 5TH SESSION OF 13TH NPC 外交部召开新闻发布会 2. SHANGHAI SEES RISE IN WINTER SPORTS FOR THE DISABLED 享受出彩人生!残疾人群冰雪运动蓬勃发展 3. OIL PRICES SPIKE AS RUSSIA-UKRAINE CONFLICT AFFECTS EXPORTS 俄乌冲突下大宗商品何去何从? -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. **FOREIGN MINISTER MEETS PRESS AT 5TH SESSION OF 13TH NPC 外交部召开新闻发布会 Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi answered questions about the country’s foreign policy and diplomatic relations at a press conference this afternoon (March 7) on the sidelines of the fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress【第十三届全国人大五次会议】. Now Ai Bei brings us the highlights of the press conference. 国务委员兼外长王毅今日下午(3月7日)在十三届全国人大五次会议期间举行的新闻发布会上,对中国外交政策和外交关系的相关问题作出了回应。更多信息,请听爱贝带来的报道。 On the crisis in Ukraine, Wang called for calm and rationality. Wang said the international community should focus their efforts on facilitating Russia-Ukraine talks and preventing a large-scale humanitarian crisis. 针对当前乌克兰局势,王毅指出,国际社会应聚焦"劝和促谈"和"防止出现大规模人道主义危机"这两大问题继续努力。 Wang Yi Chinese State Councilor & Foreign Minister 王毅,国务委员兼外交部长 “The tenser the situation, the more important it is for talks to continue. The wider the disagreement, the greater the need to sit down and negotiate. China is willing to continue playing a constructive role to facilitate a Russia-Ukraine dialogue for peace, and work alongside the international community to carry out necessary mediation. **The Red Cross Society of China【中国红十字会】**will send emergency humanitarian assistance to Ukraine soon.” 形势越紧,和谈越不能停止;分歧越大,越需要坐下来谈判。中方愿继续为劝和促谈发挥建设性作用,也愿意在需要的时候同国际社会一道开展必要的斡旋。我也在此宣布,中国红十字将会尽快向乌克兰提供一批紧急人道主义物资援助。 Wang added that the Taiwan question differs in nature from the Ukraine issue. 王毅同时强调,台湾问题与乌克兰问题有着本质区别,两者没有任何可比性。 Wang Yi Chinese State Councilor & Foreign Minister 王毅,国务委员兼外交部长 “The Taiwan question is China’s internal affair while the Ukraine issue is a dispute between Russia and Ukraine. Some people, while being **vocal【大声表达的,直言不讳的】**about the principle of sovereignty on the Ukraine issue, have kept undermining China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Taiwan question. This is a **blatant【明目张胆的】double standard.” 台湾问题完全是中国内政,乌克兰问题则是俄罗斯和乌克兰两个国家之间的争端。我们看到有些人在乌克兰问题上反复强调主权的原则,但在台湾问题上却不断损害中国的主权和领土完整,这是赤裸裸的双重标准。 On China-U.S. ties, Wang called for China-U.S. relations to be brought back on the right track【正确的道路】. Wang said although U.S. leaders and senior officials have stated that the U.S. has no intention to seek a new cold war or change China’s system, that the revitalization of U.S. alliances is not anti-China, and the U.S. does not support Taiwan independence, these statements are merely verbal assurances. The U.S. needs to put them into practice. Wang said the U.S. keeps provoking China on issues concerning China’s core interests, and is taking a string of actions to piece together small blocs to suppress China. 在谈到中美关系时,王毅呼吁中美关系能够重回正轨。他指出,尽管美方领导人和高官相继表示,美方不寻求"新冷战",不寻求改变中国的体制,不寻求强化同盟关系反对中国,不支持"台独",无意同中国发生冲突对抗。但这"四不一无意"的表态迟迟没有落地。美方仍不断在涉及中方核心利益的问题上攻击挑事,接连在国际上拼凑打压中国的"小圈子"。其中,美国的"印太战略"正在成为集团政治的代名词。 Wang Yi Chinese State Councilor & Foreign Minister 王毅,国务委员兼外交部长 “The real goal of the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy is to establish an Indo-Pacific version of NATO. The perverse actions run counter to the common aspiration of the region for peace, development, cooperation and win-win outcomes. They are doomed to fail.” "印太战略"的真正目的是企图搞印太版的"北约"。这股逆流与地区国家求和平、谋发展、促合作、图共赢的共同愿景背道而驰,注定是没有前途的。 Wang pointed out that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century and the most urgent imperative now is to maintain peace. Wang called for countries to oppose protectionism and isolationism, and keep opening up as economic globalization is the trend of our time. 王毅表示,当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,维护和平是当务之急。在当前经济全球化的时代潮流下,各国应反对保护主义和孤立主义,不断扩大开放进程。 2. *SHANGHAI SEES RISE IN WINTER SPORTS FOR THE DISABLED “享受出彩人生”,残疾人群冰雪运动蓬勃发展 While the athletes are competing at the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympics, schools and sports venues in Shanghai have been introducing winter sports to those with disabilities to help them enjoy life more. Zhang Yue tells more. 2022冬残奥会如火如荼进行的同时,上海的一些学校和运动场所中,冰雪运动的普及也正在向残疾人群体延伸,让这个特殊的群体感受到冰雪所带来的快乐。更多信息,请听张乐带来的报道。 The Shanghai wheelchair curling team started training at this rink. Professional coaches have been hired to offer help and training four times a week. Formed in 2015, the team grabbed its first ever bronze medal for Shanghai at the 11th National Games for Persons with Disabilities. 冰壶馆里,上海轮椅冰壶队正在训练。每周他们都会在这里上冰四次,有专业的教练提供帮助和培训。该队成立于2015年,在全国第十一届残奥会上为上海夺得了第一枚铜牌。 Liang Ji Player, Shanghai Wheelchair Curling Team 良集,上海轮椅冰壶队队员 “Winter sports can bring you happiness. You can also feel a sense of belonging. I want to participate in the Paralympics.” 参与到冰雪运动中来,你会体会到那种快乐,会让你有一种归属感。我想去参加残奥会。 Yang Hongbo Coach, Shanghai Wheelchair Curling Team 杨洪波,上海轮椅冰壶队教练 “Some disabled players could not feel how cold it was in the venue until they found they had frostbite【冻伤】. But they will have a more positive attitude towards life by playing sports.” 冰场的环境可能会冷。有的队员截瘫,下面冷感觉不到。但回去一看,某个部位已经冻伤了。但体育能改变他们对生活的态度,变得更积极了。 At the Special Education Vocational School in Huangpu District, students with mental disabilities were learning how to play floorball. 在黄浦区特殊教育职业学校,一群“特殊”的学生正在学习如何打旱地冰球。 Yin Ming Student, Huangpu District Special Education Vocational School 殷铭,黄浦区特殊教育职业学校学生 “I have played floorball for more than three years. I like this sport very much. It can also help you lose weight.” 旱地冰球运动打了三年多了,我挺喜欢的,而且还能减肥的。 The school principal says physical education is essential to the growth of students with disabilities, as it can bring them happiness and a sense of accomplishment. 该校校长表示,体育教育对残疾学生的成长至关重要。在运动中,他们既得到了快乐,也收获了满满的成就感。 3*. **OIL PRICES SPIKE AS RUSSIA-UKRAINE CONFLICT AFFECTS EXPORTS 俄乌冲突下大宗商品何去何从? The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has left global oil and gas markets uncertain and unstable, causing supply issues and price spike【迅速提升,急剧增加】s, with oil once hitting nearly 140 US dollars a barrel this morning (March 7). China’s market regulators have taken measures to take some of the pressure off. Sun Siqi has the story. 随着俄乌冲突升级,全球能源市场也受到了冲击。原油价格大幅拉升,今天早上(3月7日)一度触及每桶近140美元。对此,相关部门正综合施策,缓解输入性通胀带来的影响。更多信息,请听孙思奇带来的报道。 The owners of small restaurants and mini-markets have been worrying about the same problem recently rising prices. One is worried about the price of soybean oil, while the other is concerned about the price of gasoline. 小馄饨店,小超市,虽是不同买卖,但老板们却面临着同样的问题:涨价。让馄饨店操心的是豆油的价格,让小超市牵挂的则是汽油价格。 Restaurant Owner 馄饨店店主 “The price of each bottle has increased several yuan in just three days. It must have something to do with the current Russia-Ukraine situation, otherwise it wouldn’t be like this.”三天时间又涨了几块钱,肯定跟俄乌打仗有关系,不然怎么会这样子。 Shop Owner 小超市店主 “This must be related to the global situation, and I think prices will continue to rise, because the costs have risen.” 这个跟国际形势肯定有关系的,感觉肯定还会涨的,因为成本都涨上去了。 Ukraine and Russia are major exporters of sunflower oil, as the fighting has blocked exports from the region, prices of other major **edible oils【食用油】**including palm oil and soybean oil have been pushed up. Also, Russia’s crude oil exports account for between 5 and 7 percent of world’s total, and no other oil-producing country can **make up for【弥补】**that quickly enough to maintain market stability. 乌克兰和俄罗斯是葵花油的主要出口国。然而由于战火阻碍了该地区的出口,棕榈油和豆油等其他主要食用油的价格也冲上高峰。此外,俄罗斯原油出口占到全球出口总量的5%到7%,一旦这部分出口受到影响,没有任何一个产油国能够弥补。 Wang Xiao Director, Crude Oil Research, Guotai Junan Securities 王笑,国泰君安期货原油研究总监 “The usual analytical approach of using supply and demand or inventory levels no longer applies. The trade is now being affected by strong and uncertain geopolitical factors. Since that is the case, there is no good way to forecast price movements.” 使用供需或库存水平的通常分析方法已经不再适用了。现在这个交易,更多是在被一个强烈的不确定的地缘政治因素所影响,这种情况下你没有办法很好地把控价格走势。 The government is beginning to take action to ease imported inflationary pressures. **The National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration【国家粮食和物资储备局】**began releasing some edible oil reserves recently, and launched a special auction for them to keep prices down. 面对输入性通胀压力,相关部门也在采取综合措施予以缓解。近期,国家粮食和物资储备局安排中央储备食用油轮出,并启动政策性大豆拍卖来缓解价格压力。 #热词加油站 vocal[ˈvoʊk(ə)l]【大声表达的,直言不讳的】 blatant[ˈbleɪt(ə)nt]【明目张胆的】 on the right track【正确的道路】 spike【迅速提升,急剧增加】 edible oils【食用油】 make up for【弥补】 The National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration【国家粮食和物资储备局】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~