cover of episode 03/04 SHLIVE丨 BLOSSOMS IN SHANGHAI 魔都赏樱正当时!


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BLOSSOMS IN SHANGHAI 魔都赏樱正当时!** Numerous parks and botanical gardens【植物园】 in Shanghai are attracting big crowds for cherryblossom season. Reporter Sun Siqi takes a tour of Chenshan Botanical Garden andgushes about the scenery. 在这个樱花盛开的季节,上海各大公园和植物园吸引了众多游客前去赏樱。记者孙思奇参观了辰山植物园,对那里的景色赞不绝口。 Question for the day: What is the difference between plum, peach, pear,apricot, cherry and quince blossoms? You may know they all come from the familyof rosaceae【蔷薇科】, and they blossomaround the same time in spring, but it does take expertise to know the exactdifferences -- take a listen. 今天的问题是:梅花、桃花、梨花、杏花、樱桃和海棠花有什么区别?你也许知道它们都是蔷薇科植物,而且它们几乎在春天同时开花,但要知道它们之间的确切区别确实需要专业解答——来听一听。 Cherries trees have horizontal stripes on the bark, the flowers have a long stalk【植物的茎】 and grow in a cluster【簇,团】, just like cherries. Plum flowers have very shortstalks and look like they're clingingto【贴,依附】 the branches. Peachblossoms are similar but have only five petals. Pear and quince have a bulgingpart under the flower. But pear flowers have a bright red anther【花药】,which is unique. And you can recognize apricot blossoms by their red calyx【花萼】. 樱花树的树皮上有水平条纹,花朵的茎很长,像樱桃一样成簇生长。梅花的茎很短,看起来就像紧紧地贴在树枝上。桃花与梅花相似,但花瓣只有五瓣。梨花和木瓜花的下部有一个突起。但是梨花的花药部分是鲜红色的,这是独一无二的。你还可以通过红色的花萼来辨别杏花。 Yeah, I know about the tree bark markings. I also know cherry blossom petals【花瓣】** have a V-shaped dent. 我不仅知道樱花树皮上有独特的纹路。我还知道樱花花瓣上有v形凹痕。 Putting what I just learned to the test ... 现学现卖,我们一起来试试… Based on my recently obtained knowledge, even though the shape of these flowerslooks rather unorthodox, theyshould also be a category of cherry blossoms. 虽然这些花的形状和我刚刚所了解的并不完全一致,但它们也应该是樱花的一类。 That is correct. These bell-like flowers are cherry blossoms native to China.The ancestor of all cherry blossom trees started as fruit bearing trees, andwere later cultivated【种植】** just for the flowers. 是的。这些钟状的花是中国特有的樱花。这些观赏性的樱花树最早都是结果的,后来人们才开始种植观赏性的花树。   Over here, the latest bunch of plum flowers are still in bloom ... 在这里,最后一束梅花还在盛开…… There's something infinite about this shade of pink, you feel like you canstand under a cloud of it, and all of your troubles would melt away ... 这一片粉色无限延伸,置身其中,仿佛所有的烦恼都会消失…… ... Just watch out for the bees as your troubles fade away ... …只要小心蜜蜂,当你的烦恼消失… ... The famous pear blossom tree -- one that marks the legendary love betweenTang Emperor Li Longji and his favorite concubine.…著名的梨花树——象征着唐代皇帝李隆基和他心爱的妃子之间的传奇爱情。 Onto apricots, there's only ONE tree in the entire garden. You'll need to booka guide service to find out where it is. Still, none can beat people'sfavorite.说到杏树,整个花园只有一棵。你需要预约导游服务才能知道去哪儿找。不过大家最爱的还是它—— I saw plum and apricot trees at Century Park this spring. I stillprefer cherry blossoms. They are so romantic.今年春天我在世纪公园看到了梅树和杏树。我还是比较喜欢樱花,太浪漫了。 And no, none of these delicious looking flowering trees bear fruitexcept Chinese quince.不过,这些好看的花树都不结果,除了木瓜。 Chinese quince is a typical plant that gives you both gorgeous flowers andfruit. The quince fruits come out in fall and last until the following spring.The short bonsai【盆景】** quince in homegardens also bears fruits. 木瓜有着美丽的花朵和果实。木瓜树在秋天开花,一直持续到第二年春天。家庭u种植的盆景木瓜也能结出果实。 The garden's attendance tripled in January and February compared to the sameperiod in 2019. Closer to downtown, check out Gucun Park in Baoshan and CenturyPark in Pudong. If you missed the baby pink Kawazu cherry blossoms, the whitepink Yoshino cherry will go into full bloom in two weeks, with a host of otherplants likely to flourish 【盛开】well into April.今年1月和2月,花园的游客人数是2019年同期的三倍。靠近市中心,可以去宝山顾村公园和浦东世纪公园看看。如果你错过了浅粉色的河津樱花,那么粉色的吉野樱花将在两周内盛开,还有许多其他植物可能会在4月份盛开。 #热词加油站 botanical gardens [bəˌtænɪkl ˈɡɑːdn]【植物园】 rosaceae [rəu'zeisi,i:] n.【蔷薇科】 stalk [stɔ:k] n.【植物的茎】 cluster [ˈklʌstə(r)] n.【簇,团】 clinging to [ˈklɪŋɪŋ tu]【贴,依附】 anther [ˈænθə(r)] n.【花药】 calyx [ˈkeɪlɪks] n.【花萼】 petals [ˈpɛtlz] n.【花瓣】 cultivate [ˈkʌltɪveɪt] v.【种植】 bonsai [ˈbɒnsaɪ] n.【盆景】 flourish [ˈflʌrɪʃ] v.【盛开】