NEWS ON 03/01 1. 111 MEDICINES ADDED TO MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT LIST 医保目录新增111种药品 2. WHERE IT’S FROM MEANS IT’S GOOD-SO WHERE IS IT FROM, REALLY? 产地决定品质****? 3. S. KOREA, JAPAN EASE COVID BORDER MEASURES FOR TRAVELERS FROM CHINA 韩国日本放宽对从中国入境****旅客的检测措施 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. 111 MEDICINES ADDED TO MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT LIST 医保目录新增111种药品 111 medications became an average of 60% cheaper today as they were added to the national medicine reimbursement【报销】 list(national medical insurance catalog). The drugs include ones that treat cancers, chronic【慢性的】 diseases, tumors, rare diseases, and COVID. Zhang Hong has the details. 111种药品被纳入国家医保药品目录后,平均降价了60%,这些药品包括癌症、慢性病、肿瘤、罕见病和新冠感染治疗用药等。张泓带来详细报道。 Most of the drugs added to the list have been developed in the past five years, including 23 that entered the market last year. Among the newly added drugs, 7 treat rare diseases, 22 are specifically for children and 2 help battle COVID. 56 of the medicines will offer doctors more options when treating chronic diseases. For example, Kerendia is used to treat chronic kidney diseases related to type II diabetes. The price dropped from over 440 yuan per box to less than 100 yuan after being added to the reimbursement list. Kerendia was approved for use on the Chinese mainland last year. 这次目录新增药品绝大多数是5年内上市的新药,其中包括23个去年新上市的药品。被纳入目录的药品里,7个是罕见病用药,22个是儿童用药,2个是新冠治疗用药。其中56种药品将为医生治疗慢性病提供更多选择。例如,可申达用于治疗与2型糖尿病相关的慢性肾脏病。在新版目录中,可申达的价格从原来的每盒440多元下降到百元以内。该药于去年在中国大陆获批使用。 Chen Nan, Tenured Professor, *Ruijin Hospital 陈楠上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院终身教授 The drug can be used in early, middle or later stages of disease. It’s effective if a patient isn’t on dialysis【透析】 and helps reduce the mortality【死亡率】 rate. 它(药物)在早期应用、中期应用甚至比较晚的,比方没有透析的病人里应用的话,它也是有非常好的表现。而且明显降低了死亡率,提高了生存率。 14 drugs for cancer were also among those added to the list. 14款治疗癌症的药品也被首次纳入目录。 Shen Lin, Director of Digestive Oncology Department,Beijing Cancer Hospital 沈琳北京大学肿瘤医院消化肿瘤内科主任 It used to cost 300,000 yuan a year to take such medication. The cost was reduced to between 30,000 and 60,000 yuan a year. After being added to the reimbursement list, patients only need to pay 20 percent, which means it will cost them around 10,000 yuan each year. 这一类的药物,从当初一年要30万,后来慢慢降到每年只需要3到6万,进入医保以后基本上80%可以报销,患者一年的负担只有1万左右。 The National Healthcare Security Administration stipulates【规定】 that medications on the list can be purchased from either a hospital or designated pharmacies. 国家医保局明确规定,目录上的药品可以在定点医疗机构和定点零售药店购买。 Ding Jinxi, Professor*, China Pharmaceutical University 丁锦希中国药科大学研究生院常务副院长教授 With a doctor’s prescription【处方】, people can get the medicine from apharmacy【药房】 and still be reimbursed. It’s convenient for patients. 医院处方开出来到药店买,同样可以用医保的统筹基金来报销,而且是患者他只掏他自己付钱的那一部分,这是非常便民的一个政策。 A total of 2,967 drugs are now on the list, including over 1,300 traditional Chinese medicines. 目前,新版目录内药品总数达2967种,其中中成药超过1300种。 2. WHERE IT’S FROM MEANS IT’S GOOD-SO WHERE IS IT FROM, REALLY? 产地决定品质****? Today marks the 2nd anniversary of the *bilateral【双边的】agreement between China and the European Union on geographical indications, usually just called GI. They identify the geographical origin of a product, in cases where its quality, reputation, or other characteristic is closely linked to where it comes from. Their use is giving a lot of good meals to fine diners here, as our reporter Zhang Shixuan has been finding out. 今天,中欧地理标志协定生效满两周年。地理标志常被称作GI,它标示商品的来源地。该商品的质量、信誉或其他特征与其产地密切相关。正如我们的记者张诗璇所发现的那样,这些带有地理标识的商品,被做成许多美食招待这里的高级食客。 An exquisite plate of Jamon Iberico from Spain, along with a dish of fresh oysters from France. For western cuisine foodies【吃货】,it’s definitely a delightful combination. 一盘精致的西班牙伊比利亚黑猪火腿,还有一盘来自法国的新鲜生蚝。对于西餐爱好者来说,这绝对是一个令人愉快的组合。 Abby Zhang, Partner, Osteria Osteria生蚝海鲜餐厅合伙人** Almost all the customers order the ham with oysters. We are all full on Friday and Saturday, 30 or so tables. 基本上每桌必点,火腿、生蚝都会吃。一天的话客流周五周六基本上爆满订不到位子,30桌左右。 Following the easing of COVID precaution【预防措施】 policies, things have started recovering at this Italian restaurant in Shanghai’s downtown【市中心】 Huangpu District. It’s just one of the large buyers of iconic Spanish products in China, as the importers are well aware. 随着新冠肺炎防控政策的放松,这家位于上海市黄浦区中心的意大利餐厅已经开始复苏。进口商很清楚,这家餐厅只是西班牙标志性产品在中国的大买家之一。 Chen Wei, CEO**, Shanghai Flavour Industry Company 陈伟上海福壬实业有限公司CEO We’re now seeing a 30 to 50% growth in imports every year. When we first entered the China market, corporates【集团】 and restaurants dominated our customer list. But since 2018, there’s been an increasing demand from individual buyers. “我们几乎每一年都可以达到30-50%的增长。刚刚进入中国市场的时候一般是企业、餐厅客户为主。但是2018年以后,个人市场对火腿需求有特别明显的增长。” It was on March 1st, 2021 that the landmark agreement between China and the European Union on geographical indications took effect. So far, 244 GIs from China or the EU, have come under protection in both regions. 2021年3月1日,具有里程碑意义的中欧地理标志协议正式生效。到目前为止,中欧双方已实现244个产品的互认互保。 *Chen Wei, CEO,Shanghai Flavour Industry Company 陈伟上海福壬实业有限公司CEO The Spanish government has a legal requirement on the product origin for Jamon Iberico. Only if you meet a certain grade, can you get thecertificate. It’s an industry under protection in Spain, and we hope to bring more of it here. With the further development of bilateral trade relations, we want to make more expensive products available to Chinese consumers at a more favourable price. 西班牙的伊比利亚黑猪火腿有一个法定产区的要求,达到一定等级之后才能颁给你这个认证,在西班牙当地属于保护性的产业。接下去我们希望能够把一些更高等级的火腿直接带到中国来,我们希望随着双边贸易关系进一步发展,能把一些原来看上去很天价的东西,用更实惠的价格可以尝到。 *Freesia Zhu, Deputy General Manager,Shanghai Hongqiao International Import Commodity Exhibition and Trade 朱菁上海虹桥国际进口商品展销有限公司副总经理 The bilateral agreement on GI means the well-known products are certificated by the government. So we may prioritize those products when we buy, like Spanish ham, French champagne as well as wine and fruit vinegar from Europe. This is also a great tool as an introduction for consumers. This year, we are also working to develop silk road e-commerce. Through cross-border e-commerce, we want to introduce more popular European products to China quickly. 中欧的地理标识互认相当于当地的知名商品有了政府的背书,对我们采购会优先考虑有标识的产品,比如说西班牙火腿、法国香槟、红酒、欧洲的果醋,对消费者也是很好的介绍资料。今年目前正在积极创建丝路电商的示范区,通过跨境电商,让欧洲深受消费者喜爱的商品更快进入中国市场。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗璇记者 It’s an important way of protecting and guaranteeing the quality and authenticity of the products. It’s also a way of enhancing their reputations. Think about it. You may well be familiar with the European products like French Champagne, Munich Beer, and Feta Cheese, products closely tied to their origins. And consumers in the European Union may also get more familiar with the iconic products from China. 这是保护和保证产品质量和真实性的一种重要方式,也是提高它们声誉的一种方式。想想看,你可能很熟悉著名的欧洲产品,如法国香槟、慕尼黑啤酒和菲达奶酪。这些产品与它们的原产地紧密相关。欧盟的消费者现在也可以更加熟悉来自中国的标志性产品。 At this import market in Shanghai, the Spanish ham saw sales jump 200% last year from 2021. Last year, trade between China and the EU rose almost 23% from the year before, reaching 856 billion euros. According to the China National Intellectual Property Administration, by the end of the 14th Five-Year plan two years from now, around 550 registered product GIs from both sides will have come under protection. 在上海的这个进口市场,2022年西班牙火腿的销量比2021年增长了200%。去年,中国和欧盟之间的贸易额较前一年增长了近23%,达到8560亿欧元。根据中国国家知识产权局的数据,到两年后的“十四五”计划结束时,双方地理标志互认互保的规模将扩大到550个左右。 3. S. KOREA, JAPAN EASE COVID BORDER MEASURES FOR TRAVELERS FROM CHINA 韩国*日*本放宽对***从中国入境旅客的检测措施** South Korea and Japan are easing coronavirus border measures for travelers from China. As of today, only passengers selected randomly will be tested for the virus. Zhang Yue has more. 韩国和日本正在放宽对来自中国旅客的边境检疫措施。从今天起,只有随机选取的乘客才会接受病毒检测。张乐带来详细报道。 Japan had been testing all travelers from China at four designated【指定的】 airports since December. Now it’ll only test selected samples. 自去年12月以来,日本一直在四个指定机场对所有来自中国的旅客进行全体检测,现在只选取样本检测。 Chinese Traveler 中国旅客 I’m so excited since it’s the first time that I can travel abroad to attend different events as the pandemic has stabilized. 我挺激动的。因为这是疫情这么多年来,第一次有机会走出国门,去参加音乐的活动和学习。 Travelers will still need to show a negative test 72 hours before boarding a flight to Japan. Many businesses in Japan welcome the measures since it will likely lead to an increase in Chinese customers. South Korea has** lifted【解除】** a COVID-19 test requirement upon arrival for travelers from China. More flights between the two countries are expected to be added. Flights from China can now also land at other airports, not just Incheon International Airport. Travelers will still need to show a negative test before boarding a flight to South Korea. 旅客在登机飞往日本之前,仍需出示72小时内新冠病毒检测阴性证明。许多日本企业对这些措施表示欢迎,因为这可能会带来更多中国顾客。韩国取消了对来自中国的旅客入境时进行新冠病毒检测的要求,预计两国之间将增加更多航班。现在,来自中国的航班不仅可以在仁川国际机场降落,还可以降落在其他机场。旅客在登上飞往韩国的航班前仍需出示新冠病毒阴性证明。 Worldwide, both Switzerland and Italy no longer require people arriving from China to be tested for COVID-19. 在世界范围内,瑞士不再要求对自华入境旅客进行新冠病毒检测,意大利不再对来自中国旅客实行强制性核酸检测,而是改为“随机检测”。 #热词加油站 reimbursement /ˌriːɪmˈbɜːsmənt/【报销】 chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/【慢性的】 dialysis /ˌdaɪˈæləsɪs/【透析】 mortality /mɔːˈtæləti/【死亡率】 stipulate /ˈstɪpjuleɪt/【规定】 prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃn/【处方】 pharmacy /ˈfɑːməsi/【药房】 bilateral /ˌbaɪˈlætərəl/【双边的】 foodie /ˈfuːdi/【吃货】 precaution /prɪˈkɔːʃ(ə)n/【预防措施】 downtown /ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn/【市中心】 corporate /ˈkɔːpərət/【集团】 designated /ˈdezɪɡneɪtɪd/【指定的】 lift /lɪft/【解除】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~