cover of episode 03/01 TOP NEWS丨冬残奥会准备中/《中美联合公报》50周年/浦东美术馆“水之域”展览

03/01 TOP NEWS丨冬残奥会准备中/《中美联合公报》50周年/浦东美术馆“水之域”展览

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NEWS ON 0**2/28 1. PREPARATIONS FOR THE BEIJING 2022 WINTER PARALYMPICS WELL UNDERWAY 开幕在即,北京冬残奥会有条不紊准备中 2. COMMEMORATING 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE 《中美联合公报》发表50周年纪念活动在沪举办 3. MUSEUM OF ART PUDONG FEATURES THE TERRITORIES OF WATER 关于“水”的艺术!浦东美术馆推出年度首展《水之域》 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. *PREPARATIONS FOR THE BEIJING 2022 WINTER PARALYMPICS WELL UNDERWAY 开幕在即,北京冬残奥会有条不紊准备中 With the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games approaching, a number of delegations have begun training at competition venues in Beijing, Yanqing and Zhangjiakou. Sun Siqi has more. 2022年北京冬残奥会开幕在即,一些代表团已经在北京、张家口和延庆三个赛区的竞赛场中展开了赛前备战。更多信息请听孙思奇的报道。 At Genting Snow Park in Zhangjiakou, 18 athletes from the Chinese snowboard team have started training. They will compete in eight events in both Para Snowboard Cross and Slopestyle, the very first time the team will compete in them. 在张家口赛区云顶滑雪公园,来自中国体育代表团残奥单板滑雪队的18名队员全部来到现场,开启了非官方训练。本次冬残奥会,他们将参加障碍追逐和坡面回转两个大项、共八个小项的比赛,历史上首次实现全项目参赛。 Zhang Guosheng Team Leader, Chinese Paralympic Snowboard Team 张国生,中国体育代表团残奥单板滑雪队领队 “The average age of our team members is around 22. We have confidence in demonstrating the Paralympic spirit of self-esteem【自尊】, self-reliance and self-confidence during the Games.” 运动员平均年龄在21.8岁,是我们中国代表团最年轻的队伍。我们有信心展现出残疾人自尊、自强、自信的精神风貌。 All the competitions will take place in the same venues as the Winter Olympics. The National Indoor Stadium has made some changes to make the ice surface quality required for Paralympic standards. 冬残奥会使用的场馆全部是沿用冬奥会场馆,一馆两用。在北京赛区,承担冰球比赛的国家体育馆,在冬奥会闭幕的第二天,就迅速启动了转换工作,首先要做的就是加厚冰面。 Qi Liang Operation Secretary General, National Indoor Stadium 齐靓,国家体育馆场馆运行秘书长 “The para-ice hockey athletes use sleds【冰橇】. We have increased the thickness of the ice from 3.5 centimeters to 4.55 centimeters to make it more durable.” (冰面厚度)要从3.5厘米加厚到4.55厘米。因为残奥运动员是滑着冰橇比赛,冰橇的一头是击球的,另一头是尖的,是辅助滑动来戳冰的。如果冰面比较薄的话容易戳着冰的底漆。 Simulation ice boards have been laid in places where the athletes enter and exit the ice rink. Barrier-free infrastructure has been installed so the athletes can easily navigate the venues. 为保障比赛顺利进行,更衣室和通道专门加铺了300平方米的仿冰板。同时,冰场还实施了很多无障碍的转换,以便运动员能够在场馆内畅通自如。 2*. **COMMEMORATING 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF SHANGHAI COMMUNIQUE 《中美联合公报》发表50周年纪念活动在沪举办 **The Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association【上海市欧美同学会】**held several events and an exhibition over the weekend, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the China-US Joint Communique【《中美联合公报》】 in Shanghai. Tang Xiaofan takes a look. 本周末,上海市欧美同学会举办了民间外交联谊以及展会活动等来纪念《中美联合公报》发表50周年。更多信息请听唐晓帆的报道。 Student cards, textbooks, passports and commemorative stamps of some historical meetings of Chinese and US leaders... these are some of the precious items treasured by generations of Chinese students who went to the US to study. Nearly 90 items were on display at this special occasion, an exhibition that looks back on the signing of the China-US Joint communiqué. During an exchange event, the Vice Chancellor of New York University Shanghai Jeffery Lehman, who was named as an honorary citizen of Shanghai for his great contributions to building the first China-US joint university, said the continuous exchanges between the two countries over the past 50 years were remarkable. 学生卡、教科书、护照和一些关于中美领导人历史性会晤的纪念邮票……这些是几代留美学习的中国学生所爱不释手的珍贵物件。在本次特殊的展览中,共展出了近90件物品,共同回顾了《中美联合公报》发表这一特殊历史时刻。在交流分享会上,来自上海纽约大学的副校长杰弗里·雷曼进行了致辞。此前,为了表彰他为第一所中美联合大学建设做出的巨大贡献,杰弗里荣获“上海市荣誉市民”的称号。他表示,在过去50年里,中美两国不断进行着交流,这意义重大。 Jeffery Lehman Vice Chancellor, New York University Shanghai 杰弗里·雷蒙,上海纽约大学常务副校长 “If you look back at the Shanghai Communique itself, part of what made it such an extraordinary diplomatic document is that it **spelled out【详细说明】**the differences in perspective, and said, even though we have these very important areas where we disagree, we can manage those differences respectfully. And we can also think about the areas in which we have so much to gain from cooperation. I think that is a good role model for the way we can be today.” 如果你回顾《中美联合公报》本身,你会发现:它之所以能够成为如此非凡的外交文件,部分原因在于阐明了双方在观点上的差异性。即使在一些非常重要的领域中存在分歧,但双方能够尊重这些差异,并妥善处理。同时,双方还能够共同探讨在哪些领域中进行合作能够获益良多。因此,这份文件为当今的中美合作奠定了基础。 The statement was **echoed【回响,共鸣】**by Chinese scholars who see exchanges in the fields of education, science and business as an important way to enhance the China-US relations. They say the two sides should seek common ground while **shelving【搁置】differences, so that the bilateral relations can move forward. 中方嘉宾对杰弗里教授的分享表示赞同。他们认为教育、科学和商业领域的交流是加强中美关系的重要途径。在搁置分歧的同时,中美双方应寻求共同点,以便双边关系能够向前发展。 Zheng Yi President, The American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai 郑艺, 上海美国商会主席 “Though the world has been changing, we still need to uphold the basic principle of achieving mutually beneficial cooperation and peaceful coexistence between China and the United States. We should continue our efforts in face-to-face exchanges and seek more opportunities for cooperation in culture, business and education.” 现在世界局势发生了很大变化,但中美和平共处、找到合作双赢的机会的基本原则不应该变。我们民间应该继续在文化、商务、教育领域有更多沟通,寻找合作的机会。 Pei Gang President, Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association 裴钢,上海市欧美同学会会长 “Actions speak louder than words, especially in education. China and the US, are both home to some top institutions of higher learning, they have both paid special attention to education. The educational exchanges can not only improve the two countries’ relationship, but also enhance the mutual understanding of the two peoples.” 民间外交不只是说,还要做。这其中,教育是很重要的事业。中美两国都对教育很重视,都有世界上最好的高等学府。通过两国教育交流,不仅促进两国关系发展,更促进两国人民自身的发展,大家能够相互理解。中国有句更好的话就是和而不同。 More than 70 scholars, entrepreneurs and students from China and the US have come for the commemoration. They also shared their own stories and understanding of the two countries’ bilateral relations during the event. 来自中国和美国的70多名学者、企业家和学生纷纷前来参与本次纪念活动。在活动中,他们还分享了自己的亲身经历以及对中美两国双边关系的个人看法。 3. **MUSEUM OF ART PUDONG FEATURES THE TERRITORIES OF WATER 关于“水”的艺术!浦东美术馆推出年度首展《水之域》 Museum of Art Pudong today (February 28) launched a new exhibition called "The Territories of Water", showcasing nearly 100 art pieces collected from **Musee du Quai Branly【法国凯布朗利博物馆】**and **Fondation Francois Schneider【弗朗索瓦·施耐德基金会】**in France. Lei Shuran has more. 浦东美术馆年度首展《水之域》于今日(2月28日)揭开神秘面纱。本次展览将展示来自法国凯布朗利博物馆与弗朗索瓦·施耐德基金会中的近100件艺术品。更多信息请听雷舒然的报道。 The exhibition consists of five sections, displaying all kinds of antiques that could be traced back to as early as 9th century. One of the highlights is this installation, which depicts a fishing rod dropping a line into a white canvas, representing the artist’s strong condemnation of large-scale commercial fishing that endangers both ecosystems and food security. Other highlights include this Inuit rain **cape【披风】**made in 1905. It’s made from a seal gut and was completely waterproof. Both the Museum of Art Pudong and Musee du Quai Branly in Paris were designed by French architect Jean Nouvel. Both institutions say they will continue to cooperate on more exhibition projects in the future. 本次展览由五个部分组成,呈现了各式各样的古董作品,最早可追溯到9世纪。其中,作品《垂钓灵魂》吸引了众多关注。钓鱼竿和鱼线勾起白色画布的中心,艺术家借这种形式谴责大规模捕捞的行为。另一件备受关注的作品为因纽特人的儿童雨披。它于1905年由海豹的直肠缝制而成,可以完全防水;值得一提的是,法国凯布朗利博物馆和浦东美术馆均出自法国著名建筑师让·努维尔之手。两家博物馆都表示,他们未来将会继续进行合作,推出更多的展览项目。 Li Minkun President, Shanghai Museum of Art Pudong Mgnt. Co. 李旻坤上海浦东美术馆经营管理有限公司董事长 “ ‘Water’ is an essential element of our life and it’s also very crucial to cultural exchanges and historical development around the world. Our two museums have some similarities. We’re on the banks of the Huangpu river while they’re on the Seine, and I believe we’ll have more cooperation projects in the near future.” 我们在黄浦江边上,它在塞纳河边上,有非常多的相似性。(展览)更多反映水与人的紧密联系,水对我们生活的重要性,以及水对文化、对历史的改变和迁移的作用。我相信未来我们会有更多合作项目。 The exhibition will run until June 5, with tickets priced at around 130 yuan. 该展览将持续到6月5日,门票价格约为130元。 #热词加油站 self-esteem [self ɪˈstim]【自尊】 sled [sled]【冰橇】 echo [ˈekoʊ]【回响,共鸣】 shelve [ʃelv]【搁置】 cape [keɪp]【披风】 spell out【详细说明】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~