cover of episode 02/28 TOP NEWS | 国务院联防联控机制权威发布/共享菜园:种地吧/日放宽中国入境检疫

02/28 TOP NEWS | 国务院联防联控机制权威发布/共享菜园:种地吧/日放宽中国入境检疫

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NEWS ON 02/27 1.NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION SAYS HOSPITALS NEED TO STOCKPILE MEDICINES 国家卫健委:季节性传染病高发,各地医院应备足药品 2.SHARED GARDENING BECOMES A GROWING TREND 上海掀起租地种菜热:“共享菜园”经济兴起 3.JAPAN TO EASE BORDER CONTROLS FOR PASSENGERS FROM CHINA 日本3月1日起放宽从中国入境的防疫措施 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NATIONAL HEALTH COMMISSION SAYS HOSPITALS NEED TO STOCKPILE MEDICINES 国家卫健委:季节性传染病高发,各地医院应备足药品 The National Health Commission said today that it will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation. Further measures will be taken to enhance the government’s capability to deal with emergencies and consolidate【加强】 the results of past coronavirus policies. Zhang Hong tells us more. 国务院联防联控机制召开新闻发布会(02/27),国家卫健会相关负责人在会上表示,将继续监测新冠病毒的情况。为了提高政府应对突发事件的能力,将采取进一步措施,巩固过去冠状病毒政策的成果。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 The commission said hospitals should prepare enough medicine and equipment in case of an emergency and that pandemic【流行的】 treatment teams should be arranged. 国家卫健委表示,医院应该准备足够的药品和设备,以备不时之需,并且安排大型流行病治疗小组。 Guo Yanhong, Head of Medical Emergency Department, National Health Commission 郭燕红 国家卫生健康委医疗应急司司长 “We need to set up a national emergency medical rescue plan and a national pandemic prevention and control plan. We also need to do medical emergency drills in case of natural disasters, public health issues, social security issues and accidents. About 20 teams should be set up nationwide to deal with a major pandemic.” “我国将建设国家紧急医学救援基地和国家重大传染病防治基地,针对自然灾害、公共卫生、社会安全、事故灾难等几大类的突发事件建设医疗应急演训基地,并预计在全国增设20支左右的国家重大疫情医疗救治的队伍。” Also, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the National Development and Reform Commission reviewed achievements in terms of the country’s grain supply and necessities during the past three years. Grain output exceeded 650 billion kilograms each year. The government launched a special process for the approval and administration of pandemic-related drugs and medical equipment. Companies were offered financial support. 同时,农业农村部、工业和信息化部、国家发展和改革委员会还回顾了过去三年国家粮食供应和生活必需品方面的成就。年粮食产量稳定在6500亿公斤以上。政府将启动大型流行病相关药品和医疗设备的特别审批和管理程序。 Zhou Jian, Ministry of Industry 8 Information Technology 周健 工业和信息化部消费品工业司副司长 “We offered loans of 83.03 billion yuan to 327 companies on the white list. Production capacity surged for various drugs and medical equipment in a short period of time. The daily production capacity of Azvudine increased 8.2 times, Ibuprofen 7.5 times, and Paracetamol 4.9 times. For medical equipment, the production capacity of invasive ventilators increased 6.8 times, while it jumped 4.3 times for finger pulse oximeters, and 2.1 times for oxygen generators. A domestically made ECMO machine was approved for the market.” “我国累计为327家白名单企业贷款830.3亿元。各类医疗物资产能产量短时间内实现大幅提升,阿兹夫定片日产能提升8.2倍,布洛芬提升7.5倍,对乙酰氨基酚提升4.9倍,有创呼吸机提升6.8倍,指夹式脉搏血氧仪提升4.3倍,制氧机提升2.1倍,国产ECMO成功获批上市。” Data from the Chinese National Influenza Center found influenza cases in the country continues to rise. H1N1 is the dominant flu virus, accounting for 71%. Experts said people should be taking Oseltamivir according to doctor’s instructions and that it’s not suitable to take for a long time. 中国国家流感中心的数据发现,该国的流感病例持续上升。H1N1是最主要的流感病毒,占比71%。专家指出,人们应该根据医生的指示服用奥司他韦,而不应该长期服用。 2.SHARED GARDENING BECOMES A GROWING TREND 上海掀起租地种菜热:****“共享菜园”经济兴起 Shared gardening has become a trendy method for business operators to connect urban residents with nature. Without traveling dozens of kilometers out of the city center, people can easily find a space closer to downtown to grow their own herbs, fruits, or vegetables. Reporter Zhang Yue spent a day visiting two of these gardens, and dug up this story. 到市郊租一块耕地,享受自己动手种菜的乐趣,近年来,上海悄然流行起了“共享菜园”的生意,为市民提供租地种菜的服务。“共享菜园”也成为企业经营者将城市居民与自然联系起来的时髦方法。不需要离开市中心几十公里,人们可以很容易地找到一个离市中心较近的地方,种植自己的草药、水果或蔬菜。记者张乐花了一天时间参观了其中两个花园,并为您带来详细报道。 Digging, seeding, watering, and finally harvesting. Gardening has become a trendy activity for city dwellers.【居民】  挖掘,播种,浇水,最终收获。园艺已经成为城市居民的一种时尚活动。 Mr. Hu, Resident 胡先生 市民 “It’s a good place for us to get some exercise after retirement. We sat in an office for most of our lives. It’s very peaceful here.” “退休了之后,平常一直坐着上班,所以到这里来锻炼身体,陶冶一下情操,也挺好的。” Mrs. Bai, Resident 柏女士 市民 “I always dreamed of becoming a farmer since little. I harvested a lot of cucumbers last summer and I gave them to my friends.” “我自己就一直是有一个农场主的梦想。去年夏天我收获了很多黄瓜,并且分给朋友吃。” Mr. Yang, Resident 杨先生 市民 “I have grown garlic, cilantro, and cabbage. I just prepared some more soil today, so my grandchildren can come to plant seeds this weekend.” “我种了大蒜、香菜和卷心菜。我今天刚准备了更多的土壤,以便于我的孙子们周末前来体验播种。” Most shared gardens provide basic gardening tools, such as gloves and shovel. Don’t worry if you are a total green hand like me. There are some professional gardeners here. They’re always ready to tips about how to best take care of your crop. 大多数共享花园提供基本的园艺工具,如手套和铲子。如果你完全不懂园艺,也不用担心,这里有一些专业的园艺师,他们随时提供关于种植的专业建议。 Reporter 记者 “So with my lettuce planted, all I have to do is let it grow, and hopefully, in a couple of months, I’ll be able to harvest it and have a tasty salad.” “我的生菜种好后,我所要做的就是让它生长,在几个月后,我就有望吃上美味的沙拉了。” Managing you own plot is not cheap. Renting a 20-square-meter plot of land in the suburbs costs at least 1,500 yuan per year, not exactly cheap, but not preventatively expensive. If you are looking to grow your own crops in the city center however, it gets much more pricey - one single square meter of growing space could cost you as much as 5,000 yuan per year. But even at that price many people believe it is worth the expense. 这些共享园艺的地块并不便宜:在郊区租一块20平米的土地,每年至少需要1500元,不算便宜,但也不至于太贵。但如果想在市中心种植作物,价格就会高得多,一平米的种植空间每年可能需要5000元。但即使是这个价格,许多人认为也是值得的。 Mrs. Gong, Resident 宫女士 市民 “We have been growing here for more than two years. My daughter couldn’t even walk then. It is a great opportunity for her to get in touch with nature.” “(我们在“共享菜地”种植)大概已经有两年多的时间了,那个时候宝宝还不会走路,我希望她可以借助这个机会去深入了解大自然。” Feng Shiwei, Manager, Tonggeng Farm, Century Park 世纪公园童耕农场 负责人 冯士伟 “We have courses teaching people how to grow mushrooms and tomatoes, how to mill soybean milk, and how to raise silk worms. These activities can also bring parents and children together. It’s about pursuing a higher quality of life and providing children with a well-rounded education. These are some of the main reasons why shared gardening has become so popular.” “农场里开设了课程教人们如何种植蘑菇和西红柿,如何磨豆浆,以及如何养蚕。亲子互动是很强的。我觉得这种对高品质生活的需求,对孩子的这种全面素质教育的这种追求,是这种一米菜园这种业态能够逐渐热起来的主要原因。” Gardening on a rooftop** terrace****【露台】** is an easy way for people living in the city to get in touch with nature, as most farms in Shanghai are over 30 kilometers out of the city center. At this Lujiazui garden, people are able to grow their own vegetables, right here in the middle of downtown Shanghai. 在屋顶露台种菜是在城市生活的人与自然接触的一种简单方式,因为上海的大多数农场都距离市中心30多公里。在陆家嘴花园,虽然是市中心,人们也能够种植蔬菜。 Chen Chuanming, Student 陈传铭 学生 “I saw some kale. I thought they were broccoli. I have done some experiments at school using vegetables, but I can barely recognize them in the garden.” “那个植物应该是羽衣甘蓝,我以为是西兰花。在学校里就是有时候老师可能会拿来做实验什么的会有,但是我几乎是在学校没有看见过的。” Deng Lihong, Myfarm *上海吾亦农业(Myfarm*中国)**负责人 邓丽红 “We want to make a good use of limited urban spaces to help children learn about how food is grown, and cherish the food that they eat. It’s good that they can eat something organic right after harvest.” “我们希望能在城市里面有这么一个体验的空间,让消费者尤其是小朋友从小就可以重新去踏上土壤,去认知什么样的食物从哪里来。” An increasing number of people have started growing vegetables on their balconies as working from home has changed many people’s lives in urban areas across the country during the past three years. However, one researcher says this is not the only reason. 越来越多的人开始在他们的阳台上种植蔬菜,因为在过去三年中,在家工作改变了许多居住在城市里的人们的生活。然而,一位研究人员认为,这并不是唯一的原因。 Lu Xiaowen, Researcher Inst. of Sociology, SH Academy of Social Sciences 上海社会科学院社会学所研究员 陆晓文 “Shanghai is among the cities in China with an aging population, and the number of senior and elderly residents is estimated to rise in the next two years. Gardening helps seniors get some exercise, make friends in the community, and enjoy a simplicity of life that some of them had for decades in their hometown. For office workers in Shanghai, gardening helps relieve anxiety and pressure.” “上海居民平均寿命能达到80、84岁左右,因此大家通过一定的劳作来提高自己的生活质量,这也是一种社会交往;第三点在于上海是全国的生活节奏和工作节奏最快的地方,有相当大基数的白领会向往一定‘采菊东篱下’的生活。现在的农村职业化程度高,一些土地可能无人耕作,这在某种意义上非常浪费。对于那些已经完全职业化的农村家庭来讲,他们可以通过共享园艺获取经济收入,这也是一种提升生活质量的方式。” Lu also said shared gardens are a positive business mode, as they can help promote tourism development in suburb areas, and help farmers make money by making a good use of spare land. 陆晓文还表示,共享花园是一种积极的商业模式,它有助于促进郊区的旅游发展,同时帮助农民通过善用闲置土地赚钱。 3.JAPAN TO EASE BORDER CONTROLS FOR PASSENGERS FROM CHINA 日本3月1日起放宽从中国入境的防疫措施 Japan will ease its COVID restrictions on travelers from China from Wednesday, dropping the mandatory PCR test upon arrival. 日本政府正式宣布:于3月1日起,放宽对自中国入境旅客的检疫措施,对其进行新冠病毒“抽样”检测;但仍然需要提供72小时阴性证明。 Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirozaku Matsuno said today that instead of testing all incoming travelers from China, Japan will only test a small number of randomly selected people. He added that all travelers will still need to show a negative test taken 72 hours before boarding their flights to Japan. Airlines will also be allowed to operate direct flights from China to more Japanese airports. At the moment, direct flights from China are only permitted to operate at Narita and Haneda in Tokyo, Kansai in Osaka, and Chubu international airport in Nagoya. 日本内阁官房长官松野博一在2月27日的记者会上宣布,3月1日起放宽从中国入境的边境口岸新冠防疫措施。他表示,日本将不对来自中国的入境旅客进行全体检测,而只对少数随机挑选的人进行检测。所有旅客仍然需要出示登机前72小时内的核酸测试。而日本各地机场,也可以增加来自中国大陆的直飞航班,将“不再设限”。目前,来自中国的直飞航班只被允许在东京的成田和羽田机场、大阪的关西机场和名古屋的中部国际机场运营。 #热词加油站 dwellers['dwelə(r)z]居民 terrace[ˈterəs]露台 consolidate[kənˈsɒlɪˌdeɪt]加强 pandemic[pænˈdemɪk]广泛流行的 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~