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EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENT LEVELUP FOR PROPERTY AGENTS IN CHINA Welcome to MoneyTalks, I'm Wang Lihuan / ICS Anchor. 欢迎收听《财道》,我是王黎欢 / ICS主播 In Shanghai now more than 60 percent of property agents hold at least a bachelor's degree, some of them even with overseas educational backgrounds. It turns out they need the education to deal with increasingly sophisticated buyers. Chen Tong takes a closer look. 在上海,超过60%的房地产经纪人至少拥有学士学位,其中一些人甚至有海外教育背景。事实证明,受过良好教育的房产经纪人,更有能为服务成熟买家。请听记者陈彤发回的报道。   Zhang Haoran specializes in)【专门从事】 selling apartments to foreigners...and that's when his educational background comes to the fore. Zhang received his master degree in IT from a college in the UK, but then decided to become a property agent【房地产经纪人】 in Shanghai.Zhang Haoran负责对接外籍客户,教育背景的优势在此时凸显出来。他毕业于英国的一所大学,并取得了计算机专业硕士学位。但后来他决定回到上海做一名房地产经纪人。 Zhang Haoran, Property Agent Shanghai LianjiaAlthough my major is not perfectly or precisely matched with this industry. The logical thinking and the way of solving the problem do help me get used to my career now. 虽然我的专业与这个行业不是完全对口的,但它的逻辑思维和解决问题的方式的确让帮助我适应了现在的职业。 The company says it started to raise the academic threshold【学历门槛】 for its sales staff in 2015. Nationwide, some 47 percent of its agents now hold a bachelor's degree, nearly ten percentage points more than in 2015. And in large cities like Beijing and Shanghai where buyers are more are more sophisticated, most agents are required to have a bachelor's degree. 房产经纪公司表示,销售人员的学历门槛从2015年起提高。在全国范围内,公司旗下约47%的房产经纪人拥有学士学位,比2015年高出近10个百分点。在北京和上海这样的大城市,买家更多也更成熟,大多数经纪人都被要求拥有学士学位。 Lan Xin, HR General Manager Shanghai Lianjia过去经纪人定位为房产销售,我们希望将来是属于顾问型经纪人。目前我们的全国教育体系非常专业对口的相对还是少的,我们更加看重今天来了之后学习能力是否强。In the past, we considered property agents to be property sellers, but we hope they can become professional consultants【顾问】 in the future. There are not many majors relevant to this in our educational system, so we look for agents with a real ability to learn.And of course in a mega city like Shanghai, there is plenty of room for sales staff with a wide variety of backgrounds. Chen Tao graduated with a degree in art, and perhaps surprisingly, he became a property agent last year. Chen lives in Shanghai's downtown districts【市中心区】, however, surrounded by all types of classic buildings and villas【别墅】. That makes him very professional when it comes to introducing apartments with interesting histories.当然,在上海这样的大城市,有足够的市场空间容纳各种背景的销售人员。陈涛毕业时取得了艺术学位,但令人惊讶的是,他去年成为了一名房地产经纪人。他住在上海的市中心,周边围绕着各种经典建筑和别墅,这让他在销售那些有历史背景的房产时,更加游刃有余。 Chen Tao, Property Agent Ming Ming Real Estate历史的话有些著名的比如保护建筑介绍的这些都是了解的,这肯定也是要介绍的老房子里面的故事本来也是卖点之一。 I know about the famous buildings and their history. I introduce them to my clients because the stories behind the old buildings are a good selling point【卖点】. Le Lijun, Senior Consultant Ming Ming Real Estate 我们从事这个中介行业里面有博士生、研究生,大学生非常常见的。如果他刚刚从业,会有专业的老师带他看一些老房子,走一些知名的马路,了解房子跟房子里面的故事,包括每条马路的知名建筑和老洋房。Our academic requirement is at least junior college level, but we also have PhD students, and graduate and undergraduate college students. We have teachers introduce the history of the buildings to new agents.A survey from property search engine shows nearly 50 percent of property agents spent an hour a day studying property-related information last year, and 27 percent of them spent one and a half hours. It says 73,000 property agents in China hold bachelor's degrees or above, with 6,000 of them having graduated from universities ranked by the Ministry of Education 【教育部】 as among the country's best.房地产搜索 引擎Ke.com的一项调查显示,去年有近50%的房地产经纪人每天花一小时研究房地产相关信息,27%的人每天花一个半小时。报告称,中国有7.3万房地产经纪人拥有本科及以上学位,其中6000人毕业于国内教育部排名最好的大学。     **#**热词加油站 specializes in专门从事 property agent房地产经纪人 academic threshold学历门槛 consultant [kənˈsʌltənt] 顾问 downtown districts市中心区 villa [ˈvɪlə] 别墅 selling point卖点 the Ministry of Education教育部