NEWS ON 02/22 *1. BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE WINTER OLYMPICS CLOSING CEREMONY) 冬奥会闭幕式幕后 2.RENOVATION PROJECT BEGINS AT CENTURY-OLD NEIGHBORHOOD 97岁永安里启动最大规模修缮* 3.GREECE RESUMES SEARCH FOR 10 MISSING FERRY PASSENGERS 希腊海域渡轮火灾:一人被困超48小时**"奇迹生还" **幸存者回忆惊险时刻 **-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. BEHIND THE SCENES AT THE WINTER OLYMPICS CLOSING CEREMONY 冬奥会闭幕式幕后 The theme of the Beijing Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony "Together for a Shared Future" was in line with the Olympic motto: "Faster, Higher, Stronger, Together". Zhang Yue looks at how the ceremony) unfold)ed. 北京冬奥会闭幕式的主题是“一起向未来“,与“更快,更高,更强,更团结”的奥林匹克精神完美契合。下面,由记者张乐为您带来有关闭幕式的报道。 A traditional Chinese knot) appeared over the stadium before athletes gathered one final time in Beijing. Using augmented reality, the red knot was rendered digitally in the sky. As the athletes finished entering the stadium, 12 giant ice skates carrying dancing children. 在全世界运动员最后欢聚在一起的北京冬奥闭幕式上,一个巨大的红色“中国结”在空中出现。利用现实增强AR技术,红结在天空中以数字方式呈现。随着运动员逐渐结束进场,鸟巢中出现了十二只巨大冰鞋,载着孩子们飞舞滑行。 Sha Xiaolan 沙晓岚 A Chinese knot symbolizes many good wishes including peace, health and prosperity. This is why we used the knot to connect China with the world, as we wish to represent the Olympic spirit of ‘Together’.中国结,它有很多美好的祝福在里面。平安、吉祥、安康等等这些祝福,那么我们用它一个最重要的一个点就是联结。通过这个中国结把大家连在一起,更加能够体现这种人类命运共同体这个理念。 The director said 55 Chinese knot sketches were made before the final version was selected.导演说,在最终版本被选定之前,共制作了55个中国结草图。 Li Yan 李岩 At the beginning, we designed the knots in the shape of ancient enamelware Cloisonne, and blue and white porcelain), as well as rime. As the main torch is 16 meters high, we wanted the knot to cover most of it, but leave some extra space for the torch as well.最开始有景泰蓝、青花瓷,然后还有一些丝绸、丝带、红丝带,然后还有雪凇、雾凇。主火炬它有16米高,我们要既让中国结包裹到它,然后中间还要给主火炬留到足够的空间。 Performers danced to the song "Moment of Remembrance, The Message of a Willow Twig)" as LED lights showed a willow tree. 随着LED灯的亮起,巨型柳树缓缓出现。365位普通人手捧柳枝、跟着配乐歌曲《送别》起舞,演绎中国人传承千年的“折柳寄情”。 Zhang Yimou 张艺谋 The core values and cultural spirit of Chinese people are about looking forward to the future. This is the reason we used green to represent hope and the theme of ’Together for a Shared Future’.中国人的这种生命观、价值观,和他的这种精神文化底蕴,我们可能不是哀伤的,我们常常是在纪念的同时展望未来。我们更多的是一种深沉的纪念,所以用绿来展现希望的重新升起、一切都要向前看,就像我们的主题"一起向未来"一样。 The theme song "Together for a Shared Future" was played as the torch was blown out. 当圣火一熄灭之后,主题曲《一起向未来》再次想起、升华了整场闭幕式。 2. RENOVATION PROJECT BEGINS AT CENTURY-OLD NEIGHBORHOOD 97岁永安里启动最大规模修缮** The 97-year-old neighborhood Yong’anli永安里 with 155 three-story shikumen houses is now being renovated. Residents will be able to live in their homes while the work is done. The project is expected to be finished by the end of the year. Zhang Yue tells us the details.上海市优秀历史建筑——始建于1925年的永安里,和它里面的155幢砖木结构三层房屋(石库门),在虎年伊始迎来了其长达97年的历史中最大规模的一次修缮工程。工程预计年底前完工,届时居民将可以回到自己家中,永安里也将再现著名广式里弄的风采。更多内容,请听张乐带来的报道。 Scaffolds can be seen in Yong’anli on North Sichuan Road in Hongkou District. Many of the homes are damaged due to age. Both the exteriors and interiors of the homes will be renovated, as will the neighborhood’s main public spaces. 今天,在虹口区四川北路的永安里弄堂内,已经搭起了脚手架,施工人员准备开始修缮外墙。多数房子都因为年岁的洗礼而变得破旧不堪。此次修缮工程除了对建筑外立面、屋面及结构进行检修改造外,还将重点改善公共部位以及厨卫空间。 Shen Siquan 沈嗣全 Lanes inside the residential community and facilities such as racks for people to dry their clothes, public kitchens and restrooms will all be renovated, so that the living conditions will be improved.通过小区道路改造以及内部的一些晾衣架和生活设施的改造,甚至包括居住空间当中的公共卫生间和公共厨房间的改造,来提升老百姓的居住环境和居住条件。 Both British and Spanish architectural styles can be found. 44 Yonganli is the former home of Zhou Enlai, China’s first premier, and his wife Deng Yingchao. 135 Yonganli was the former site of the Liaison Office of the CPC Central Committee, a protected historical building where revolutionists Zhou Enlai, Luo Dengxian, and Li Weihan held meetings in the 1920s. A Hongkou District official said the goal is to restore the buildings to their original appearance and retain the neighborhood’s ambiance). 单开间、连列式石库门的设计,兼具古典英国式和西班牙式等多种建筑风格。这里也是一条红色里弄,44号是周恩来在沪早期革命活动的一个秘密地点,他和妻子邓颖超曾在这里居住过。135号是原中共中央联络处旧址,周恩来、罗登贤、李维汉等都曾到这里开过会。虹口区虹房集团永安里修缮项目负责人表示,市历保中心沟通以后,会寻找以前屋面和墙面的施工工艺,保留原汁原味的永安里风貌。 3.GREECE RESUMES SEARCH FOR 10 MISSING FERRY PASSENGERS 希腊海域渡轮火灾:一人被困超48小时“奇迹生还”幸存者回忆惊险时刻 Greek Fire service rescuers said yesterday that at least one person had been found dead on a ferry that caught fire off the Greek Island of Cor-fu on Friday. Rescuers are expanding a search today inside the ferry for the other 10 missing passengers. Stephen Rancourt has the details. 希腊消防部门昨天发布公告称,本周五发生在该国海域的渡轮火灾事故,已造成至少一人死亡,另有10人失踪,搜救工作仍在进行。详情请听记者斯蒂文带来的报道。 Video footage shows smoke still billowing from the ferry more than 72 hours after the fire ripped through the vessel. 视频画面显示,截至当地时间昨天上午,在燃烧了超过72小时后,渡轮上的大火仍未完全扑灭,现场升起滚滚浓烟。 Wife of Missing Person 失踪者妻子 He is alive. He is alive. He is very experienced and capable and he is alive, I am telling you with certainty.他活着。他肯定还活着。他有专业知识和应对能力。我告诉你,我确信,他肯定还活着。 A coast guard spokesman said a Belarussian survivor in his 20s was rescued yesterday after being trapped for 48 hours. He was found in apparently good condition, at the back of the vessel on the port side. Some survivors described the initial evacuation as dramatic. 所幸,救援人员带来了好消息。一名20多岁的白俄罗斯籍乘客,在被困48小时后成功获救。这名乘客被困在船的左舷后方,救援人员发现他时可以独立行走,身体状况并无大碍。一些幸存者在描述到疏散情况时,表示过程十分具有戏剧性。 Survivor 意大利籍男性幸存者 When you start to see the smoke and you can’t breathe anymore, the smoke going into your eyes, people falling to the ground including small children. A situation like that you can’t understand unless you live through it.当时浓烟弥漫,令人无法呼吸。烟熏得眼睛都睁不开,很多人跌倒在地,其中还有孩子。没有亲身经历的话,你根本无法理解当时的状况。 The fire broke out on the deck of the ferry on Friday, after it departed from the port of Igoumenitsa en route to Brindisi in Italy. 280 people were rescued from the vessel including two men who were found several hours after the evacuation. 事发渡轮原定驶往意大利布林迪西,于18日凌晨驶至希腊科孚岛附近海域时发生火灾。从船上获救的共有280名乘客,其中包括两名男子,他们在救援疏散的几小时后被发现。 #热词加油站 unfold 【呈现;发生,发展】 traditional Chinese knot 【中国结】 enamelware Cloisonne【景泰蓝】 blue and white porcelain【青花瓷】 Willow Twig)【柳条】 story 【楼层】 renovate)【修复,翻新(尤指建筑】 ambiance【氛围,周围环境,格调】 billow【翻腾,使翻腾】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~