NEWS ON 02/17 **1. **JAPANESE CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF BING DWEN DWEN 冰墩墩成日本民众“团宠” 相关商品被抢购一空 2.SHANGHAI FILM ART CENTER WILL CLOSE FOR RENOVATION 上海影城即将暂别观众启动焕新工程 3.U.S. SCIENTISTS POSSIBLY CURE HIV IN A FEMALE 美国:全球首例女性艾滋病痊愈者诞生 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. JAPANESE CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF BING DWEN DWEN 冰墩墩成日本民众“团宠” 相关商品被抢购一空 Beijing Olympic mascot Bing Dwen Dwen has been a massive hit in countries like Japan, Russia and Germany. The lovable panda has Japanese people in a frenzy on social media as they try to snatch up) Bing Dwen Dwen souvenirs. Zhang Yue tells us more. 北京奥运会吉祥物“冰墩墩”在日本、俄罗斯和德国等国都大受欢迎。在日本的各大社交媒体平台上,正是这只可爱的熊猫,让日本人都陷入了抢购冰墩墩纪念品的疯狂之中。更多内容,请听张乐带来的报道。 There are no licensed stores selling Beijing Olympic souvenirs, so Japanese customers have turned to second-hand trading platforms. But with demand skyrocketing, prices have at least tripled. 日本顾客不得不在二手交易平台购买冰墩墩,鉴于他们没有网上旗舰店。但随着冰墩墩需求量的不断上升,其价格至少要涨2倍。 Tokyo Resident 一名日本女性 I heard it’s priced higher and hard to buy one now. But I want to get a Bing Dwen Dwen key chain and brooch).我听说现在冰墩墩很难买到,价格也比之前更贵了。但我确实很想要一条冰墩墩钥匙链和一枚冰墩墩胸针。 Since it’s become difficult to purchase the Olympic mascot, some Japanese have gotten creative. One Yokohama resident made a Bing Dwen Dwen-shaped ice cream. The panda has also made waves in Russia, where a virtual Bing Dwen Dwen was invited to a television studio to report on the Games with the news anchor). In Germany, a newspaper reported that many Germans want Bing Dwen Dwen souvenirs even though they could not travel to Beijing to watch the Games. 鉴于奥运会吉祥物越来越难购买到,许多日本人开始自给自足。一名来自日本横滨的居民给自己做了个冰墩墩造型的雪糕。熊猫在俄罗斯也引起了轰动,一个虚拟的“冰墩墩”被邀请到电视演播室,与新闻主播一起报道奥运会。在德国,一家报纸报道称,许多德国人想要冰墩墩纪念品,即使他们不能去北京看奥运会。 **2. **SHANGHAI FILM ART CENTER WILL CLOSE FOR RENOVATION 上海影城即将暂别观众启动换新工程 The Shanghai Film Art Center, built in 1991 in Changning District, will be temporarily closed for renovation starting from next Monday. Some moviegoer)s went to the cinema today to say a temporary goodbye. Zhang Hong tells us more. 位于上海市长宁区的上海影城建于1991年,将于下周一开始暂别广大观众。许多影迷今日特地前往影院进行告别。更多内容,请听张泓带来的报道。 The Shanghai Film Art Center, located at Xinhua road and Fanyu Road, was still open to the public today. The most renowned theater is Hall No.1 with over 1,000 seats and a giant 22 by 10.5-meter screen. The theater is among the first choices for premiere)s of films from home and abroad. 上海影城坐落于新华路番禺路口,一直开放至今。最具代表性的“千人影厅”即1号厅,拥有1000余个座位,和宽22米、高10.5米的巨型银幕。是中外大片举办首映礼的首选。 Audience 观众 I often come here, mainly because of the experience of watching a film in Hall.我经常来上海影城看电影,主要它有个千人厅,效果非常好。 Wang Jiayan 王佳彦 Hall No.1 has audio equipment on both sides, the back wall and even on the ceiling. So it offers audiences a very unique film watching experience.影城1厅不仅是两边有,影厅后面以及它顶上都有配备音响设备。所以它的观影效果天生是与众不同的。 Shen Yue 沈玥 The hall is one of the spaces that will be upgraded during the renovation. There will be changes in the cinema’s exterior, its interior setting. People will have a new experience after the renovation.千人厅将是这次翻新工程中被升级的场所之一。无论是外观还是内部的放映功能,都会有改变。人们对影院的电影和文商旅融合的业态,会有一个整体的不一样的感观。 The cinema was the first five-star cinema to open in the city and has been the main venue for the Shanghai International Film Festival since the first Festival in 1993. 上海影城,是沪上首家五星级影院。从1993年第一届上海国际电影节举办以来,上海影城就一直是电影节的主会场。 Zhang Jianya 张建亚 When we applied to make it the main venue for the first International Film Festival, many observers went there and graded the cinema based on the box office numbers.我们向(国际)制片人协会去报第一届上海国际电影节申请的时候,观察员来了好多呢,要来给你打分的,看观众流量和售票情况来给影院评级。 The renovation is expected to take about a year and a half. Which means that Shanghai International Film Festival organizers will need to choose another cinema in the city as the main venue for this year’s Festival.此次翻新预计将历时一年半。这也就意味着,今年上海国际电影节将需要选择另一座影院来作为这场年度盛会的主会场。 3.U.S. SCIENTISTS POSSIBLY CURE HIV IN A FEMALE 美国:全球首例女性艾滋病痊愈者诞生 US scientists recently revealed that an American woman is believed to have become the third ever person, and the first woman, to be cleared of HIV following a novel stem cell transplant treatment. Stephen Rancourt has more. 美国科学家近日公布的一项报告显示,一名患有艾滋病的美国女子在经过干细胞移植治疗后痊愈,成为全球第三例艾滋病痊愈患者、也是首例女性痊愈患者。更多内容,请听斯蒂文带来的报道。 The woman had been diagnosed with HIV in 2013, before receiving a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia four years later. She underwent high-dose chemotherapy that destroyed her blood cells, before receiving a transplant of stem cells from a family member to boost her immunity and replenish her blood cell levels. The patient then received stem cells from the umbilical cord blood of a newborn baby who had no relation to her. The cord blood had a specific mutation that makes cells resistant to an HIV infection. Since 2020, she stopped taking HIV meds, known as antiretroviral therapy, and had no detectable virus 14 months later. 这位混血中年妇女2013年确诊了艾滋病,四年后又被诊断患有急性骨髓性白血病。由于高强度化疗破坏了血细胞,这位女性病患在接受家人的干细胞移植之前,率先通过一位非血亲新生儿的脐带血,移植了造血干细胞。捐赠者的脐带血干细胞含有一种能抵抗艾滋病毒的突变。术后,她体内的艾滋病毒无法再感染免疫细胞。2020年左右,她开始停止服用艾滋病治疗药物。目前,她体内已经14个月检测不到具有活性的艾滋病毒了。 Glesby 格莱斯比 It’s very important because worldwide women constitute over a half of people with HIV and in the United States is about a quarter.全球艾滋患者中有一半是女性,而在美国艾滋患者中,女性占四分之一。所以成功治愈该病例的意义十分重大。 This mutation is predominantly found in people of northern European descent, limiting the treatment’s ability to be widely used. Although female patient in the study was identified as mixed-race, she was still a match for the transplant, indicating a wider pool of possible transplant recipients from diverse racial backgrounds. Stem cells from cord blood does not need to be as rigorously matched as adult donor stem cells. 具有抗艾滋突变的成体干细胞主要存在于有北欧血统的人群中,限制了其移植到非白人体内的可能性。此次混血病例的成功移植,意味着脐带血干细胞或许不像成体干细胞那样需要严格匹配,可接受移植的人种范围或许更广。 Lewin 勒温 This, first of all, tells us that curing the AIDS is possible, scientists need to keep working to find the cure.这一案例说明,治愈艾滋是可能的。科学家们只要继续研究就能发现"解药"。 Researchers warn that the development applies only to a small fraction of people with HIV. This is not the type of treatment that would be appropriate for everyone, and like any procedure the transplant carries risks of complications, and can be can be fatal in up to 20% of cases. 不过,医学专家也指出,干细胞移植很难推广。这一方面是因为,要找到具有抗艾滋突变的干细胞并不容易,不适用于每一个患者。更重要的是,这一疗法和别的移植手术一样有并发症的风险,甚至有20%的致死可能。 #热词加油站 snatch up 【抢购】 mascot 【吉祥物】 souvenir【纪念品】 brooch【(女用的)胸针,领针】 anchor【<美>新闻节目主持人】 moviegoer 【常看电影的人】 premiere【)首映,首次公演】 venue【(事件的)发生地点,(活动的)场所】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~