直播时间:每周二-周六 11:30 - 14:30 订阅《魔都英语新闻|ShanghaiLive》 周一到周五下午4:30,精选新闻音频+中英文稿放送 NEWS ON 02/09 1. HEAT GENERATING FIBER IN OLYMPIC JACKETS 冬奥服装里的保暖新科技 2. SPECIAL TRAIN HELPS MIGRANT WORKERS RETURN TO WORK 春节暖心返工专列 3. SERVICES UPDATED AT BEIJING OLYMPIC PARK 冬奥服务再升级 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. HEAT GENERATING FIBER IN OLYMPIC JACKETS 冬奥服装里的保暖新科技 The jackets worn by staff members at the Beijing 2022 have seen a spike【急剧增加】in searches online. The jackets are filled with heat generating fiber developed by a company right here in Shanghai. Zhang Hong tells us about the textile. 北京2022冬奥会工作人员的一款工作服近日在网上的搜索量激增。这种工作服内填充了一种由上海一家公司所研制的发热纤维。 At Antu Flame Retardant Fiber Corporation in Jiading, a lab was set up to test the heat generating capability of the fiber. An employee showcased how it works. 这家公司便是嘉定安凸阻燃纤维有限公司。在公司中,有一间专门用于测试纤维发热能力的实验室。一位员工向我们展示了它的工作原理。 Zhu Zhenxiao Project Manager 竺震霄,上海安凸阻燃纤维有限公司蓄热纤维项目经理 “We keep the indoor temperature at 22 degrees. A sample of the material and a reference object are placed 40 to 50 centimeters below the light source. We use an infrared camera to monitor how much their temperatures increase.” 我们将室温控制在22摄氏度左右。 将材料样品和参考物体放置距离灯具 40 到 50 厘米处。 再用红外摄像头来监测它们(两种材料)升温的幅度。 Under the light, the heat generating fiber’s temperature increases from 14 degrees to 31 degrees within 1 minute. Ten minutes later, it is 20 degrees higher than the reference substance, a standard form of cotton used in winter gear. 在光照下,发热纤维的温度在一分钟内从14度升高到了31度。十分钟后,相比起实验参考物(冬季服装中普遍使用的棉花),发热纤维的温度整整高了20度。 Fu Changjun Founder 付常俊,上海安凸阻燃纤维有限公司创始人 “The heat generating particles are a form of nanotechnology【纳米技术】, when exposed to infrared light they generate heat more efficiently. By adding the particles into the fiber, the fiber is able to generate heat.”保暖材料(光谱蓄热母粒)是一种纳米技术,当它们暴露在红外光下时,会更有效地产生热量。 通过将这种远红外辐射材料添加到纤维中,纤维就具备了蓄热保暖的功能。 The founder of the company said he and his colleagues were proud to know that their fiber was selected for uniforms for staff, technical officials and volunteers at the Winter Olympics. 该公司创始人表示,得知他们研发的纤维被选为冬奥会工作人员、技术人员和志愿者的服装材料后,他们都感到很自豪。 Fu Changjun Founder 付常俊,上海安凸阻燃纤维有限公司创始人 “It’s not only our company’s honor but also an honor for Jiading and the entire industry in China. We have competitors like 3M in the U.S. Our material performs better in heat generation when made into flocs. “ 不光光是我们公司吧,这个荣誉也是归我们上海嘉定、归我们整个纤维行业。因为当时参与竞争的材料中有美国3M的"新雪丽"。而用我们材料做的絮片,其指标都远远在这些材料之上。 The company says the fiber will be used in more sportswear in the future. 同时该公司表示,这种发热纤维未来将应用到更多的运动服中。 2. SPECIAL TRAIN HELPS MIGRANT WORKERS RETURN TO WORK 春节暖心返工专列 600 migrant workers in Guizhou Province were given a special train trip yesterday (February 8th) to Zhuhai and Guangzhou in Guangdong Province. 昨天(2月8号),贵州省600名务工人员乘坐着一辆特殊专列火车前往珠海和广州。 The workers needed a negative nucleic acid test result within 48 hours and a green health code to board at Zunyi Train Station after having their temperature checked and registering their health status. They also each received a gift bag from the government, containing masks, a tooth brush, raincoat, and instant noodles. It was the first such train for returning workers in Guizhou this year. Also, yesterday (February 8th), another train with 700 migrant workers left Liupanshui City in Guizhou to Guangzhou. 这些务工人员需要提供48小时内核酸阴性证明和绿色健康码,同时经测温登记健康状况后,便可在遵义火车站上车。同时,每个人还收到了政府赠送的礼品袋,里面装着口罩、牙刷、雨衣和方便面等物品。这是今年贵州的首趟返工班列。在昨天(2月8号),另一列载有700名务工人员的火车正式启程,从贵州六盘水市开往广州。 3. SERVICES UPDATED AT BEIJING OLYMPIC PARK 冬奥服务再升级 Beijing government officials said today (February 9th) that it will continue to update services at Beijing Olympic Park, where events for the 2022 Winter Games are taking place. 北京政府官员于今日(2月9号)表示,将继续升级北京奥林匹克公园的各项服务。目前,在该公园内举办的冬奥会项目正如火如荼地进行。 13 security check entrances have been set up outside main venues. Temporary facilities have also been set up for check in, medical and consultant services. Fresh meals and beverages will be provided 24 hours a day. More personnel will be deloyed【部署】at 34 main accommodation areas to monitor food safety. As of today (February 9th), more than 680,000 people involved in the Olympics have been tested for COVID-19. 主会场外设置了13个安检口,还设立了各种临时设施,用于办理登记手续,提供医疗和咨询等服务。场地内全天24小时提供新鲜的饭菜与饮料。34个主要住宿区将会部署更多工作人员,实时监测食品安全。截至到今日(2月9号),已有超过680,000名参与冬奥会的相关人员接受了新冠病毒的检测。 #热词加油站 1. nanotechnology [ˌnænəutekˈnɔlədʒi]【纳米技术】 2. deploy [dɪ'plɒɪ]【部署】 3. see a spike【急剧增加】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~