cover of episode 02/09 TOP NEWS | 外国运动员点赞奥运村/崇明区打造光伏板阵列/开幕式背后的视觉团队

02/09 TOP NEWS | 外国运动员点赞奥运村/崇明区打造光伏板阵列/开幕式背后的视觉团队

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直播时间:每周二-周六 11:30 - 14:30 订阅《魔都英语新闻|ShanghaiLive 周一到周五下午**4:30,精选新闻音频****+中英文稿放送 NEWS ON 02/08 1. WINTER ATHLETES IMPRESSED WITH FOOD AND HOSPITALITY 待遇极佳!外国运动员集体点赞”** 2. CHONGMING TO BUILD SOLAR POWER PLANT 世界级生态模范!崇明区打造光伏板阵列 3. SHANGHAl-BASED STUDIO CONTRIBUTES TO VISUAL EFFECTS OF OPENING CEREMONY 开幕式的背后:一个不可或缺的视觉团队 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. WINTER ATHLETES IMPRESSED WITH FOOD AND HOSPITALITY 待遇极佳!外国运动员集体点赞 Four days into the Games, athletes are impressed with their living arrangements and food at the Olympic Village and the hospitality热情 of volunteers. Sun Siqi takes a look. 冬奥会开始四天后,外国运动员们对奥运村的生活、美食以及志愿者的热情感到印象深刻。 In the Olympic Village, athletes are posting videos on social media about the cafeteria food.  奥运村内,运动员们纷纷在社交媒体上发布了自助美食的视频。 Leon Vockensperger German Snowboarder 沃肯施佩格,德国运动员 “Grab a drink or maybe a coffee or some ice cream, KFC or Pizza Hut and some of the main dishes.” 拿一瓶饮料,来点咖啡或冰淇淋,来点汉堡炸鸡或披萨,再来点主食。 Tessa Maud US Snowboarder 特莎·莫德,美国运动员 “This is my breakfast, you guys. I’ve got peas, a fried egg and rice, coffee cake, matcha cookies and red bean bun. This is my red bean bun. It’s so yummy.” 大家看,这是我的早餐。我有豆子、荷包蛋还有米饭,咖啡蛋糕、抹茶饼干和豆沙包。这是我的豆沙包,太好吃了 American snowboarder Tessa Maud also filmed Chinese volunteers welcoming Team USA at the opening ceremony. 美国单板滑雪运动员特莎·莫德还拍摄了中国志愿者在开幕式上欢迎美国队的场景。 北京冬奥会志愿者 “Hi! Welcome to China! Welcome!” 你好!欢迎来到中国,欢迎! Tessa Maud US Snowboarder 特莎·莫德,美国运动员 “Last night after we went home, I literally just sat in bed and cried because I kept watching that video over and over again, and i was just crying because it was just the cutest thing ever.” 昨天(2月7日)我们回到住处,我坐在床上哭了。因为我反复看了开幕式上拍摄的那段视频,我哭了。我觉得这是世界上最可爱的事情。 Maud’s post went popular and many Chinese social media users sent greetings in the comment section. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said he felt warmth through Maud’s video.  莫德这段小视频一发布,便引发网络热议。大量中国网友给她留言,送上暖心祝福。对此,中国外交部发言人赵立坚在记者会上表示,莫德的这段视频让他感到十分暖心。 Zhao Lijian Spokesperson 赵立坚,中国外交部发言人 “Since the Games opened, there’ve been many little episodes of warmth, friendship and solidarity团结. Many athletes have said that they are enjoying and are thankful of everything they have come across in China. Some say their favorite thing in a day is to count how many volunteers smiled and waved at them.” 北京冬奥会开幕以来,已经有很多这样传递温暖、友爱、团结的小故事。很多运动员都这样说,说他们非常享受和感谢在中国遇到的一切。他们每天最喜欢做的事情就是数一数会遇到多少志愿者微笑向自己招手。 The spokesperson added that the Games is a grand gathering for athletes and fans, and like many users commented on social media, it’s also a place for solidarity and love.  赵立坚还表示,奥运会是广大运动员和粉丝的盛宴。正如网友热评的那样,所有的爱因为北京冬奥会而相聚。 2. CHONGMING TO BUILD SOLAR POWER PLANT 世界级生态模范!崇明区打造光伏板阵列 Chongming government is now building a solar power plant above a pond in Gangxi Town. It’s part of the district’s efforts to make the area carbon neutral. Zhang Hong brings us more. 崇明区政府目前正在港西镇一个鱼塘上方建造太阳能发电厂,这也是该地区致力于“碳中和”努力之一。 The 160-megawatt solar project will have solar panels光伏板 installed above a pond. Phase one will have a capacity of 128 megawatts and is expected to generate more than 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity each year.  这个160兆瓦的太阳能项目将搭建在一个池塘上方,并安装光伏板。第一阶段的发电能力将为128兆瓦,预计全年发电量将超过1亿千瓦时。 Chongming already has several solar power plants. The one in Chenjia Town generates 140 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, saving almost 40,000 tons of standard coal and cutting about 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide. The district also plans to build more wind power plants and explore biomass power生物质能.  崇明已先后建成多个光伏发电项目。以陈家镇的项目为例,全年发电量达到1.4亿度,节约标煤近4万吨,减排二氧化碳近10万吨。在未来,崇明还将适度开发陆上风电,并积极探索生物质能开发利用。 Ding Zhenxin Deputy Director 丁振新,崇明区发改委副主任 “One out of every three or four kilowatt-hours of electricity in Chongming is generated from clean energy. Our next step is to increase this ratio.” 我们(崇明)所用的电里面平均每3到4度电里面有1度电是“绿电”,下一步这个比例将进一步提高。 By the end of last year, the island’s renewable power plants had a capacity of 56.4 kilowatts. According to the 14th Five-Year Plan, Shanghai aims to reach peak carbon emissions by 2025. 截至去年底,崇明可再生能源装机量已达到56.4千瓦。根据十四五规划,上海致力于2025年达到碳排放的峰值。 3. SHANGHAl-BASED STUDIO CONTRIBUTES TO VISUAL EFFECTS OF OPENING CEREMONY 开幕式的背后:一个不可或缺的视觉团队 A Shanghai-based studio was part of the visual effects team for the Winter Olympics’ opening ceremony. It took team members almost one year to create the giant Olympic rings and the huge snowflake雪花 formed by dozens of smaller ones—one for each country and region at the Games. Zhang Hong tells us more. 位于上海的一家工作室是本次冬奥会开幕式视觉效果团队的一份子。成员们花了将近一年的时间,才创造出了冬奥会开幕式所呈现的场面:宏辉的奥运五环和缤纷的大型雪花(众多小型雪花构成了大雪花,而每一篇雪花则代表一个国家和地区)。 Sun Chaoping is one of the team members. Due to confidentiality protocols, the designers had a WeChat group code-named "Five Large Circles". And even Sun’s family members were unaware of the details of his work. 孙超平是团队成员之一。由于签订了保密协议,团队设计人员组建了一个代号为“五大圈”的微信组。就连孙先生的家人也不知道他工作的细节。 Sun Chaoping Nuctopus Studio 孙超平,核子章鱼工作室主美 “I told my family what I was doing at the New Year’s Eve dinner. They didn’t know until then that I was part of the design team for the Olympics opening ceremony.”  我是吃年夜饭的时候跟家人说的,他们才知道原来是去参加奥运会了。 Sun and his colleagues spent over 10 hours each day working out ways to create Chinese water-and-ink painting水墨画 in two-dimensional animation二维动画. 孙先生和他的同事们每天都要花上10多个小时,研究如何用二维动画创作中国的水墨画。 Sun Chaoping Nuctopus Studio 孙超平,核子章鱼工作室主美 “The most difficult part was to make the ice and snowflake props as life-like as possible. We also needed to match the animation with the walking speed of the performers. It was tough, but satisfying to find a solution. We drafted over 10 plans with 400 sketches.” 技术上最难的在于,要去模拟真实的冰、真实的雪花道具以及和演员配合步伐的节奏。过程非常烧脑,但是做完之后也很爽。前前后后不同的方案有十几种,画的效果图可能有四百来张。 The LED screen shaped like a block of ice is 157 meters wide and 77 meters tall. The team had a hard time figuring out how to present a black water-and-ink figure on a black screen. LED屏幕的形状像一块冰,宽157米,高77米。对于如何在黑色的屏幕上呈现一个黑色水墨的形象这个问题,该团队当时感到非常困扰。 Song Yuefeng Founder 宋岳峰,核子章鱼工作室创始人 “We saw designers complaining online about being required to create something with a ‘colorful black’. And that’s exactly what we faced this time. But eventually, we found a way.” 有时候我们经常看到网上吐槽“色彩斑斓的黑”这种设计要求,要怎么去达到。最后还好是真的找到了一个方法,真的做到了。 The designers said the video represented the charm of Chinese culture and world class visual effects.  设计者们均表示,视频中的表演充分展现了中国文化的魅力和世界级的视觉效果。 #热词加油站 1. hospitality [hɒspɪ'tælɪtɪ]【热情】 2. snowflake ['snəʊfleɪk]【雪花】 3. water-and-ink painting【水墨画】 4. two-dimensional animation【二维动画】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟