cover of episode 02/03 ShanghaiLive丨满园春色关不住,“立春”其实刚上路

02/03 ShanghaiLive丨满园春色关不住,“立春”其实刚上路

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《中国天文年历》显示,北京时间2月3日22时59分将迎来“立春”节气。 The "Start of Spring" 【立春】is the first of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms【节气】. 立春是农历二十四节气之首。 The Chinese character“立”means“launch; start; or establish”and ordinary people in ancientChina considered the day as the beginning of the year. An old Chinese sayinggoes, 一年之际在于春,“a year’s plan starts with spring”. “立”是“开始、建立”的意思。古人认为这一天是新的一年的开始。俗话常说:一年之计在于春。 Flowers begin to bloom and it's a good timefor people to go outdoors, which is called 春游 or 踏春 in Chinese. 立春时节,春暖花开,万物勃发,适宜人们出游踏春。 In many parts of China, people observe thecustom of "biting the spring"【咬春】 on thefirst day of the "Start of Spring" term. People eat traditional foodlike radishes,and spring rolls, hoping that a smoothbeginning to the year will bring good luck all year long. 在中国的许多地方,人们在立春时还遵循“咬春”的习俗,会吃萝卜、春卷一类的传统食物,希望来年顺风顺水、好运常伴。 Another custom is "whipping the springox". 【鞭春牛】A sculpture of an ox made of paper, mud,or clay is beaten by farmers with colorful clubs or whips, this symbolicallyannounces the start of spring and symbolizes a wish for a good harvest. And… the year of the Ox【牛年】** is on the way. 立春的另一个习俗是鞭春牛。人们会用彩色的鞭子鞭打用纸、泥或是粘土做成的“牛”。这象征着春天的开始,祈愿新的一年五谷丰收。牛年就要到了!预祝大家牛年大吉,牛气冲天! 立春到了,让我们一起迎接春暖花开! #热词加油站** Start of Spring 立春 solar term 节气 a year's plan starts with spring 一年之计在于春 biting the spring 咬春 whipping the spring ox 鞭春牛 the year of the Ox 牛年