NEWS ON 01/26 1. TRAIN TRIP OFFERS POSTCARD VIEWS OF CHANGBAIMOUNTAINS 坐上“雪国列车”,邂逅长白山的“冰雪奇缘” 2. SH EXPATS CAN NOW GET CORONAVIRUSBOOSTER SHOT 上海启动在沪外籍人士新冠疫苗加强针接种 3. NEW YEAR, NEW HOME-URBAN RESIDENTSUPGRADE APARTMENTS FOR THE FESTIVAL 告别旧居换新居,上海旧改居民迎虎年 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. TRAIN TRIP OFFERS POSTCARD VIEWSOF CHANGBAI MOUNTAINS 坐上“雪国列车”,邂逅长白山的“冰雪奇缘” A new high-speed rail route hasopened that makes it even easier to reach several ski resorts set in the Changbaimountains of Jilin Province. The route's winter scenery is so dreamy that sometravelers think the journey is every bit as good as the destination. Lei Shuranhas the story. 随着长白山在去年底进入高铁时代,这一度假胜地迎来了"高铁+冰雪"的旅游新模式。春节临近,多趟"长白山冰雪游"主题列车开行。游客们踊跃"尝鲜",一起坐上"雪国列车",来邂逅长白山的"冰雪奇缘"。 On the high-speed train from Shenyangin Liaoning Province to the Changbai Mountains, a conductor hands out booklets【小册子】 with travel tips. All trains on theroute are currently decked on in red lanterns to provide a festive atmospherefor Chinese New Year. 从沈阳开往长白山的高铁列车上,满满的金色福字红灯笼,洋溢着浓浓的节庆气氛;列车员发放的"秘制"旅游攻略,把沿途民俗风情、旅游景点和特色美食"曝光"得明明白白。 Traveler 辽宁游客 "This is really majestic becauseyou see the winter scenery on the journey. I came here for the famous powdersnow in the Changbai Mountains." 沿途可以观赏冬日的风景,特别地好。因为(长白山)有著名的粉雪嘛,所以就是冲着这个来的。 The route opened one month ago. Ittakes travelers just two hours and 18 minutes to go from Changchun to themountains. The travel time between Beijing and the Changbai Mountains wasslashed to 7 hours and 30 minutes. 一个月前,沈阳至佳木斯高铁长白山至敦化段开通运营,结束了长白山不通高铁的历史。从长春前往长白山只需2小时18分钟,哪怕从北京出发,到长白山只花7个半小时。 Guo Shuang China Railway Shenyang Group 郭爽,中国铁路沈阳局集团公司客运营销中心副经理 "We are offering discounts of upto 45% for some attractions in the Changbai Mountains. We hope to attract moretourists from southern regions of China." 我们还对开往长白山这些冰雪旅游景点方向的高铁动车,给予最低票价5.5折的折扣优惠。(我们)希望能吸引更多的南方游客。 The Beijing Olympics have sparked a blizzard【大量】 of interest in winter sports aroundthe country. Five trains run between Changbaishan Station and Dunhua RailwayStation daily. 随着北京冬奥会临近,人们对冰雪运动和冰雪游的热情骤然升温。目前,白敦高铁日均开行动车组列车5对,已累计发送旅客5万多人。 2. SH EXPATS CAN NOW GET CORONAVIRUSBOOSTER SHOT 上海启动在沪外籍人士新冠疫苗加强针接种 Expats who live in Shanghai aged 18and above can now get a coronavirus booster shot. Some didn't waste any timeand got a jab today (January 26). Zhang Hong tells us more. 上海今天(1月26日)起对在沪18岁及以上外籍人士,正式开放新冠疫苗加强针的接种服务。一些外国人很快完成了加强针接种。 At 1pm, Mr. Lee from South Korea cameto an inoculation【接种】 site at Shanghai East Hospital for a third shot. Lee got his first twodoses in another city, but moved to Shanghai this month for work. He made a reservationas soon as possible and after getting his information checked, Lee got a jabwithin 10 minutes. 下午一点,来自韩国的李先生早早赶到上海市东方医院的新冠疫苗接种点,核对身份信息、接种条码,以及第一、第二针的接种信息,十分钟不到,李先生就完成了加强针的接种。李先生的前两针是在外省市注射的,本月由于工作调动来到上海,于是赶紧把加强针安排上。 Mr. Lee 李先生,外籍人士 "I feel it's the same as normal."我觉得注射完没什么不舒服的感受。 A couple from the United Kingdom alsogot a booster shot today. They made the reservation on the Jiankangyun app andsaid it was convenient. 来自英国的一对夫妇,也很快完成了加强针的注射。通过健康云就可以轻松预约,上海的新冠疫苗注射流程,让他们感到非常方便。 外籍人士 "I am very pleased. As aforeigner, I can now get the third shot here in Shanghai. So, I've been waitingand it's great to be able to do it. Service was great, very quick, very easy,very efficient." 我很高兴,作为一个外国人,能在上海打疫苗,很快、很方便、很高效。 To overcome language barriers and cutwaiting times, bilingual doctors and nurses were assigned to the site. 为克服语言障碍,缩短等待时间,院方还派出了精通英语、甚至小语种的医护人员,来保障外籍人士注射。 Xu Han Shanghai East Hospital 徐涵,上海市东方医院医务部副主任 "We have doctors and nurses herewho can speak Japanese and Russian, so that it'll be easier to answer expats'questions." 有日语的、俄语的,派一些外文比较好的医生护士来这里,方便沟通,为大家答疑解惑。 50 expats made a reservation atShanghai East Hospital today. More than 30 hospitals and community healthcenters in Shanghai have inoculation sites for expats. 今日,50名外籍人士在东方医院预约接种。目前,包括东方医院在内的全市30多家医院和社区卫生服务中心,都设有指定的外籍人士接种点。 3. NEW YEAR, NEW HOME-URBAN RESIDENTSUPGRADE APARTMENTS FOR THE FESTIVAL 告别旧居换新居,上海旧改居民迎虎年 Urban renewal is a key component ofChina's current 14th Five-Year Plan, which calls for the renovation【翻修】 nationwide of 219,000 oldresidential communities built before the year 2000. 旧区改造,是“十四五”的重要任务。“十四五”期间,我国将基本完成2000年底前建成的21.9万个城镇老旧小区的改造工作。 Today (January 26) we continue ournew series Happier New Year, with our reporter Zhang Shixuan visiting a familyin Shanghai's Yangpu District to find out what they think of their new home inthe same area on the eve of the Spring Festival. 今天(1月26日)的新春系列节目,我们将走进位于上海市杨浦区的一个家庭,来看看旧改之后,他们觉得新家怎么样。 Just two months ago, Zhang Hongyingmoved to this new apartment with her family, leaving the old lane-stylebuilding in which she had lived for 50 years. 两个月前,张女士一家离开了居住50年的里弄老宅,搬到了新房子。 张女士的儿媳 "This is my previous home, a bigfamily. My Grandmom, my mother-in-law ... The furniture was really old. My homewas actually right there. Let me show you." 这个就是以前我家,是一个大家庭。这是我的祖母,我的婆婆……以前的家具都很旧。我家就在这里,让我带你去看看。 Zhang's daughter-in-law took mearound their old residential area, all of which is now scheduled forrenovation. 张女士的儿媳带我参观了旧小区。现在,旧小区翻修已经被提上日程。 张女士的儿媳 "We never used to have a flushtoilet. So, we had used a chamber pot, and put the waste in here. It was prettyinconvenient, because it was locked at night, usually from 10 to 6 AM. But inthe new house, we don't have to worry about that." 以前家里面没有抽水马桶的,都要拎痰盂罐到这里倒。晚上10点关门,早上6点开门。新的工房没有后顾之忧了。 They had gotten used to things attheir old home, of course, having lived there for decades, and they know therewill be some changes for this year's Spring Festival. 在旧房子里居住了数十年,她们已经习惯了里面的设施。她们知道,今年的春节将有一些改变。 But still, the new home does seem tohave a warm atmosphere of its own. 而新家似乎有自己的温暖气氛。 Zhang Shixuan Reporter ** "Last year, dozens of thousandsof families benefited from the renovation of lane-style buildings in old communitiesof more than 900,000 square meters. And this year, thanks to all of that, theywill have a happier Spring Festival." 上海针对里弄建筑的旧区改造覆盖了90多万平方米,成千上万的家庭从中获益。而今年,这些家庭将度过一个愉快的春节。 Zhou Qingrong Shanghai Resident "It's cleaner here. In the pastwe had to use a public toilet, which was a lot of trouble." 干净一点,不像以前还要跑公共厕所,特别麻烦。 Zhang Hongying Shanghai Resident "The sunlight here is so great.You don't feel cold anymore. We haven't used the air-conditioner【空调】** so far this year. The sunlight comesthrough all the way to the kitchen." 这里光线真的很好,也不冷,今年到现在没开过空调,太阳直接晒到灶头间了。 So, while the big family may havefond memories of their old neighbors, they'll now be able to gather around thetable for their Spring Festival dinner much more comfortably than in the past.And they're far from alone. This year, another 10 million square meters of oldresidential areas will be renovated. 因此,虽然这个大家庭还有对旧房子的美好回忆,如今,他们可以更加舒适地围在桌前,享用年夜饭。今年,上海还将改造1000万平方米的老旧社区。 Zhang Shixuan Reporter "That should give residents amuch more comfortable Spring Festival at this time next year." 在明年这个时候,新一轮旧改将让居民度过一个更加舒适的春节。 #热词加油站 booklet [ˈbʊklət]【小册子】 blizzard [ˈblɪzərd]【大量】 inoculation [ɪˌnɒkjʊ'leɪʃn]【接种】 renovation [ˌrenəˈveɪʃ(ə)n]【翻修】 air-conditioner [ˈeə kəndɪʃənə(r)]【空调】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~