NEWS ON 01/18 1. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD FOR BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 冬奥将不对外售票,各项工作有序收尾 2. STORES, MARKETS STOCK UP FOR SPRING FESTIVAL 超市菜场储备货品为就地过年提供保障 3. 2 PEOPLE KILLED IN TONGA'S VOLCANIC ERUPTION 2****人在汤加火山喷发中死亡 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD FOR BEIJING WINTER OLYMPICS 冬奥将不对外售票,各项工作有序收尾 The Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games said yesterday(January 17) that tickets will not be sold to domestic spectators due to the pandemic, after previously announcing that overseas spectators would not be able to purchase tickets. The committee said that some groups will be invited to watch the sporting events. Sun Siqi has the story. 北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会组委会昨日(1月17日)表示,由于新冠肺炎疫情,国内观众将无法购买门票,此前曾宣布海外观众将无法购买门票。委员会表示,一些团体将被邀请观看体育赛事。 Organizers said tickets will not be sold to the public to ensure the health of both participants and spectators. They added that they also expect invited guests to strictly abide by【遵守】pandemic prevention measures. Ice making is wrapping up【收尾】at the National Speed Skating Oval. The medal podium【领奖台】is taking shape as 90 percent of the wiring for TV broadcasts has been completed. Also yesterday, snow shaping was completed at Genting Snow Park in Zhangjiakou. The slope-style snowboarding course was given a local touch. 组织者表示,为确保参与者和观众的健康,门票将不向公众出售。他们补充说,他们也希望被邀请的客人严格遵守流行病预防措施,在国家速滑馆制冰工作即将结束。随着90%的电视广播布线工作完成,奖牌领奖台正在形成。同样在昨天,张家口云顶滑雪公园的雪景观也完成了。坡道式的滑雪场非常有当地特色。 Dirk Scheumann, Snow Shaper from Germany 迪尔克,雪长城"德国塑形师 “When I decided to come to China, I thought I should add some Chinese elements to my work. Eventually we decided to shape the side of the course like the Great Wall, and I’m proud this worked out.” 当我决定来中国时,我希望在塑形中加入一些中国元素。所以我们融合了长城的造型,能够在中国的赛道上雕塑长城,为此我感到很荣幸。 At the National Sliding Center in Yanqing, engineers are wrapping up tests on the scoring system. Most of the wiring and timer locations will follow plans from last year’s test events. The clocks, screen displays and data center have been completed. 在延庆的国家滑板中心,工程师们正在完成评分系统的测试。大多数线路和计时器位置将遵循去年测试项目的计划。时钟、屏幕显示和数据中心已经完成。 2. STORES, MARKETS STOCK UP FOR SPRING FESTIVAL 超市菜场储备货品为就地过年提供保障 Many people from other areas of the country who are working in Shanghai are ready to stay for the Spring Festival because of the pandemic. Yuan Chenyue takes a look at how Shanghai businesses are stocking up【囤积】on food before Chinese New Year. 许多在上海工作的来自全国其他地区的人都因疫情而准备留下来过年。袁晨悦将带我们看看上海的商家是如何在春节前储备食物的。 At a supermarket in Huangpu District, customers are preparing for the Spring Festival. 超市里一派节日气氛,大家都在为过年"买买买"。 顾客 “I’m from Anhui Province. I will not go home during this holiday, so I have started my Spring Festival shopping.” 我是安徽的,我今年春节不回家,所以我在上海办年货。 Wang Qin, Lianhua Supermarket Holdings 汪勤,联华股份卖场营运副总监 “Our stock of daily vegetables is about 100 tons, and our pork supply is more than 50 percent higher than last year. Our stock of frozen meat and poultry has also increased 20 to 30 percent.” 春节期间,我们每天的蔬菜备货量大概在100吨左右,猪肉的春节备货量上比去年增加了50%以上,牛羊肉、冷冻的肉禽、蛋品备货量也是在日常基础上增加了20%到30%不等。 A grocery store on North Zhongshan Road【中山路北路】had many orders at noon. Its orders this month are more than 10 percent higher compared to December. Shelves are well-stocked with vegetables, fruits, rice and cooking oil. Deliveries will continue during the holiday.The store has 24 deliverymen, and more than half have chosen to stay in Shanghai for the Spring Festival. 中山路北路的一家买菜站点中午有很多订单。本月的订单比去年12月增加了10%以上。货架上摆满了蔬菜、水果、大米和食用油。假期期间将继续发货。这家店有24名送货员,超过一半的人选择留在上海过春节。 Chen Jinglin, Deliveryman 陈敬林,美团骑手 “I’m from Hubei Province and I’m not going home this year. I can earn more money if I stay in Shanghai.” 我老家是湖北的,今年不回家了,留在上海还能多挣点钱。 Demand is also strong for seafood. Shanghai Oriental International Fisheries Market said daily sales of seafood has exceeded 1,000 tons. Seafood in cold storage is checked to see whether it has cleared pandemic protocols and disinfection【消毒】. After the inspection, the area is disinfected again. 海产品的需求也很大。上海东方国际水产市场表示,海产品日销量已超过1000吨。冷藏的海鲜会被检查,看它是否符合流行病协议和消毒。检查后,该区域将再次消毒。 Li Guohua, SH Oriental Int’l Fisheries Market 李国华,东方国际水产中心、冷藏业务部经理 “If goods are from other provinces, they have to be transported to our warehouse for disinfection and coronavirus tests. The goods that have been tested before arriving in Shanghai have to be retested.” 只要货物是外省市的,到上海还要再进一次中转库,再做消杀核酸,四证齐全才能进我们库。做过(核酸的货品)也要到上海再做一次。 Prawns【对虾】and other Lunar New Year’s Eve favorites are selling well. 大虾和其他年夜菜卖得很好。 市民 “We are neighbors. We came here together to purchase stuff for the Spring Festival. In order to be safe, we will stay home for New Year’s Eve dinner this year.” 一个小区的邻居们一起来采购点年货。为了安全,今年大家在家里面吃年夜饭。 Many companies booked seafood packages in advance for employees. One seafood wholesaler said a company had ordered over 800 packages. A Shanghai Oriental International Fisheries Market employee said 15,000 tons of stock with up to 500 types of seafood available. 很多公司提前为员工预订了海鲜礼包。一位海鲜批发商说,一家公司订购了800多包海鲜。上海东方国际水产市场的一名员工表示,1.5万吨的库存多达500种海鲜。 3. 2 PEOPLE KILLED IN TONGA'S VOLCANIC ERUPTION 2****人在汤加火山喷发中死亡 Two people have died in Tonga due to volcanic eruptions. New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade【新西兰外交贸易部】confirmed the deaths today(January 18). Stephen Rancourt has more. 新西兰外交贸易部于今日(1月18日)确认有两人在汤加火山爆发中死亡。 The United Nations and its agencies are readying relief【救济】efforts for the remote South Pacific island nation of Tonga following the eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano【洪阿哈阿帕伊岛火山】****. 在洪阿哈阿帕伊岛火山爆发后,联合国及其附属机构正为远在南太平洋的岛国汤加准备救援工作。 Stephane Dujarric Chief Spokesman for U.N. Secretary General 迪雅里克,联合国秘书长发言人 “The World Food Programme is exploring how to bring the relief supplies staff, more staff and restore communications lines in Tonga. Meanwhile the UNICEF**【联合国儿童基金会】said that once the need was confirmed by the government of Tonga, the agency is ready to transport pre-positioned emergency supplies from Fiji and Brisbane.” 世界粮食计划署正研究如何运送赈灾物资,派遣更多援助人员,以及恢复汤加通信线路。同时联合国儿童基金会表示一旦得到汤加政府的确认,随时可以把部署在斐济和布里斯班的应急物资送往汤加。 This afternoon, two New Zealand naval ships carrying fresh water, emergency supplies and diving teams were on route to Tonga to provide support. Australia is also preparing a vessel to sail to Tonga with relief supplies. Tonga’s Parliament speaker said today that there are hopes that some level of communication can be reestablished with the island nation in the next couple of days. 今日下午(1月18日),新西兰派出两艘军舰,向汤加运送急需的饮用水和救灾物资。澳大利亚也出动了一艘军舰前往布里斯班港口,准备参与救灾。汤加议会发言人表示,眼下,新西兰和澳大利亚政府也在帮助汤加尽快恢复通讯网络。汤加议会议长表示,在未来几天内,外界有望与汤加恢复一定程度的沟通。 Lord Fatafehi Fakafanua Tonga's Speaker of Parliament 法卡法努阿,汤加议会议长 “I’ve been informed by Digicel that they are close to reestablishing some level of 2G service in Tonga. I’ve also received news from WanToc that within the next 24 to 48 hours they may be able to restore some level of service.” Digicel公司告诉我,他们很快将恢复汤加的2G服务。我得到WanToc公司的消息,有望在未来24至48小时内能够恢复部分通讯服务。 China said today that they would send emergency supplies to Tonga to help people impacted by the massive underwater volcanic eruption. No Chinese casualties have been reported so far. 中方于今日表示,将向汤加运送紧急物资,帮助那些遭受水下火山爆发影响的人们。目前暂无在汤中国公民死亡的报告。 Zhao Lijian Spokesperson, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs 赵立坚,外交部发言人 “In order to help the Tongan government and people cope with difficulties, China will assist with a batch of emergency supplies including drinking water, food, personal protective equipment and disaster relief equipment at the request of Tonga, which will arrive as soon as possible after the airport resumes operations and flight conditions allow.” 为帮助汤加政府和人民渡过难关,中方将应汤加请求援助一批饮用水、食品、个人防护用品、救灾设备等应急物资。待机场恢复运转,飞行条件允许后将尽快运抵。 An underwater volcano off Tonga erupted on Saturday, triggering warnings of 1.2-meter tsunami waves. Evacuation orders were issued on the shores of Tonga as well as several other South Pacific islands.Tonga’s small outer islands suffered extensive damage, an entire village destroyed, raising fears【引发担忧】**of more deaths and injuries. 周六(1月15日),汤加附近的一座水下火山爆发,引发了巨浪海啸预警。汤加海岸以及其余几个南太平洋岛屿均下达了疏散指令。而汤加外围的多个小岛遭到大面积的破坏,整个村庄遭到摧毁。人们对后续可能导致的伤亡情况忧虑不断。 #热词加油站 disinfection [ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛkʃən]【消毒】 prawn[prɔn]【对虾】 relief[rɪˈlif]【救济】 abide by【遵守】 wrap up【收尾】 medal podium【领奖台】 stock up【囤积】 raise fears【引发担忧】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~