**NEWS ON 01/**13 **1. *GLOBAL PERSONAL COMPUTER SALES AT HIGHEST LEVEL SINCE 2012 ** 中国联想霸榜!全球个人电脑销量创新高 *2.FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHINA EXCEEDS 1.1 TRLN YUAN IN 2021 招商引资年度新高!2021年中国外资规模**超万亿 **3. **SHANGHAI HOSTS SPORTS MARKETING SUMMIT 体育营销未来方向何在?来上海体育产业嘉年华看看 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1. ****GLOBAL PERSONAL COMPUTER SALES AT HIGHEST LEVEL SINCE 2012 ** 中国联想霸榜!全球个人电脑销量创新高 Global **shipments【出货】of personal computers last year hit their highest level since 2012, with Chinese tech giantLenovo【联想】*holding onto the top spot, according to a report from market research company IDC【国际数据公司】. PC shipments during during 2021 reached nearly 350 million units, up about 15 percent from 2020. The report said Lenovo shipped nearly 82 million of these, a 14 percent year-on-year increase for the Chinese firm, which now accounts for 23.5 percent of the global PC market. The research firm noted that overall the PC market has reset at a much higher level than before the pandemic. 根据市场调研公司IDC一篇报告显示,去年全球个人电脑出货量创下自2012年以来的最高水平,而中国科技巨头联想位居榜首。2021全年个人电脑出货量接近3.5亿台,相较于2020年增长了约15%。该报告称,其中联想的出货量接近8200万台,同比增长14%。目前,该公司占全球个人电脑市场份额的23.5%。IDC指出,个人电脑的市场恢复势头良好,远远高于新冠肺炎爆发前该行业的水平。 *2.FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHINA EXCEEDS 1.1 TRLN YUAN IN 2021 招商引资年度新高!2021年中国外资规模**超万亿 Foreign capital investment in China grew steadily last year. The Ministry of Commerce**【中华人民共和国商务部】**told a news briefing today that foreign capital commitments in the country during 2021 came to more than 1.1 trillion yuan(about 170 billion dollar), up by 14.9 percent year-on-year, an annual record. 2021年,中国外商投资稳步增长。今日,商务部在新闻发布会上表示,2021年在中国的外商投资规模超1.1万亿元,同比增长14.9%,创下年度新高。 Cross border investment in the service sector increased by 16.7 percent year-on-year, while high-tech manufacturing recorded a 10.7 percent rise. On another subject, the ministry spokesperson said today that China hopes the United States will create conditions for both nations to expand trade cooperation, and that trade teams from both countries are maintaining normal communications. 服务业跨境投资同比增长16.7%,高新技术制造业增长10.7%。另外,商务部发言人表示,中方希望美方能够为两国扩大贸易合作创造条件,同时两国贸易团队能够保持正常交流。 **3. SHANGHAI HOSTS SPORTS MARKETING SUMMIT 体育营销未来方向何在?来上海体育产业嘉年华看看 Sports experts, investors, and athletes are looking at ways to improve sports marketing to bolster【促进,改善】the industry at a summit in Shanghai. The annual event is being held for the 6th consecutive year in the city. 在上海举办的体育产业嘉年华上,体育专家、投资人和运动员共同探讨了改善体育营销以促进该产业发展。该年度嘉年华已连续第六年在上海市举办。 Participants include Hui Ruoqi, former captain of China’s national women’s volleyball team; Xu Lijia, a sailboat racer who won a gold medal at the London Olympics, and Zhou Guanyu,the country’s first F1 racer. Insiders admit that sports marketing was difficult last year due to the pandemic. But they also see opportunities in areas like outdoor and winter sports attracting more attention due to the Beijing Games. Attendees【****与会者】**also noted that services are improving at public sports venues and that social media is playing a bigger role in sports broadcasting. 参加本次嘉年华的人员中包括中国女排前队长惠若琪、伦敦奥运会帆船金牌得主徐莉佳以及中国首位F1赛车手周冠宇。许多业内人士表示,由于新冠肺炎疫情的肆虐,去年体育营销举步维艰。但他们同样看到了许多的发展机遇。本次北京冬奥会的举办将为户外运动、冬季运动等领域带来更多的关注。与会者还指出,公共体育场馆的服务水平正在不断提高,同时社交媒体也正在体育报道中发挥着更大的作用。 #热词加油站 shipment [ˈʃɪpmənt]【出货】 bolster [ˈboʊlstər]【支持,改善】 attendee [əˌtenˈdi]【与会者】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~