cover of episode 01/13 TOP NEWS丨中国唯一女性冰壶制冰师/院前急救实训中心/上野动物园双胞胎熊猫宝宝

01/13 TOP NEWS丨中国唯一女性冰壶制冰师/院前急救实训中心/上野动物园双胞胎熊猫宝宝

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NEWS ON 01/12 1. ICE TECHNICIAN TO SET OFF FROM SHTO BEIJING FOR WINTER OLYMPICS 中国唯一女性冰壶制冰师张芷源圆梦冬奥 2.** PRE-HOSPITAL EMERGENCY TRAINING CENTER OPENS** 上海市院前急救实训中心揭牌 3. TWIN PANDAS BORN IN TOKYO ZOO MAKE PUBLIC DEBUT 一票难求!日本上野动物园双胞胎熊猫宝宝首秀** -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. ICE TECHNICIAN TO SET OFF FROM SHTO BEIJING FOR WINTER OLYMPICS 中国唯一女性冰壶制冰师张芷源圆梦冬奥 A 27-year-old curling**【冰壶】ice technician is among more than 30 referees, technical officials and medical personnel in Shanghai who will be heading to Beijing for the upcoming Winter Olympics and Paralympics this Friday. She is the only female curling ice technician from China that will be at the upcoming Beijing Games. Zhang Hong brings us her story. 27岁的张芷源是一名冰壶教练和制冰师。这周五,她将与超过30名裁判、技术官员、科医保障人员一同前往北京,参加即将来临的冬奥会和冬残奥会。而她也是本次赛事中的中国唯一一位女性冰壶制冰师。 At Junior Sports School’s curling rink【(室内)溜冰场】 in Xuhui District, Zhang Zhiyuan was cleaning the ice after it was used this morning. First, she used an ice edger to scrape【刮,铲】the surface. Then, she used a mop to remove dust and excess ice. She completed the work by spraying water evenly onto the ice surface to form pebbles. The ice pebbles are essential for the movement of the 20-kilogram curling stones.  上午,在上海徐汇区少体校冰壶馆内,一场训练结束后,张芷源开始了她的日常冰面维护工作。她先用修冰车来回铲平冰面,接着用特大号的抹布,扫去多余的雪花;最后就是制作冰点。为了能让20公斤重的冰壶走起来,赛道上需要有一层极小的凸起冰点。张芷源沿着赛道来回均匀大力地喷水,小水花落在冰面上立刻结成小冰点。 Zhang Zhiyuan,  Ice Technician, Shanghai Curling Association 张芷源, 上海市冰壶运动协会教练员、制冰师 “I watch the athletes practice everyday. I observe how the curling stones move, which gives me a lot of information about the condition of the ice. It tells me how to adjust my work. It shows whether you are a skilled technician.” 我每天要看运动员的训练,看这个壶在冰面上走的轨迹和滑色度。通过这些情况能反映出冰面现在是一个怎么样的状态,包括你接下来的工作要怎么去调整。因此对制冰师来说,这是一个很大的考验,也是制冰师水平和能力的体现。 Zhang was born in Harbin and started learning curling in junior high school. She took up【从事】the job as an ice technician in 2016 and became a Shanghai resident in 2018. Zhang now works as a curling coach and ice technician. She will leave Shanghai for Beijing this Friday for the Winter Olympics.  出生于哈尔滨的张芷源,自中学起就学习冰壶。2016年,她开始从事冰壶制冰师;2018年,落户上海,目前身兼冰壶教练与制冰师。本周五,她就将前往北京,参与冬季奥运会的比赛。 Zhang Zhiyuan, Ice Technician, Shanghai Curling Association 张芷源, 上海市冰壶运动协会教练员、制冰师 “It has been my dream to be a member of the Chinese ice-making team for the Winter Olympics. I hope to hear the national anthem played in the venue.” 能作为中方制冰团队中的一员参与北京冬奥会,是我的一个梦想。我希望在这个场地上听到咱们国歌响起来。 Zhang and 20 other ice technicians will be working at the National Aquatics Center【国家游泳中心】for the Beijing Olympics. 张芷源将与其余20名制冰师共同服务"冰立方"的冰壶比赛。 2. PRE-HOSPITAL EMERGENCY TRAINING CENTER OPENS 上海市**“院前急救实训中心揭牌 The Shanghai Pre-Hospital Emergency Training Center opened today in the 120 Command Center. An online pre-hospital emergency system between medical institutions and ambulances was also launched today after a one-year trial period. It’s expected to ensure ambulances are dispatched as efficiently as possible. Zhang Hong has the story. 坐落于上海市120指挥中心大楼内的"院前急救实训中心",今日正式揭牌亮相。"上海市院前急救云调度平台"经过一年试运行,今天也正式启用,开启了更高效、更精准的救护车辆资源调度模式。 Some community police officers from Tianlin Street in Xuhui District today became the the center’s first trainees. Doctors helped correct their technique when performing CPR【***cardiopulmonary resuscitation *心肺复苏术】. A machine evaluated the trainees. An AED*【*automated external defibrillator 自动体外除颤仪】is an easy-to-use medical device that is used to help or revive people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest【中止】, with the best time for resuscitation being the "golden four minutes". The trainers provided one-to-one instruction on the use of AEDs. 今天,来自田林街道的社区民警们成为了上海市120院前急救实训中心启用后的首批学员。在这里, 当他们模拟操练心肺复苏法时,有专业医生帮助纠正姿态,实际按压效果则由机器来监测判定。这种机器就是AED(自动体外除颤仪)。作为一种便携式急救设备,它可用于抢救心脏骤停患者,最佳抢救时间为"黄金四分钟"。在一对一教学现场,培训师根据动作,分析要点、提醒误区。 Sun Dongbing Shanghai Pre-Hospital Emergency Training Center 孙东冰, 120*院前急救实训中心培训师 “The person giving first-aid should not touch the patient while an AED is analyzing his or her heart rate. If the patient is touched, it may cause the AED to make an error. So we stressed that we have to follow the instructions after turning it on.” 在(AED)分析心率时,施救者尽量不要接触患者。如果此时接触了患者,可能会使AED产生一定的误判。所以我们刚才强调AED开机后,一定要根据机器的提示来操作。 The training center also has an ambulance, which allows for the simulation*【模拟】of life-saving scenarios from the time a patient is placed in it until they arrive at the hospital. An online pre-hospital emergency system between medical institutions and ambulances was also showcased. In the future, it will also be a training base for emergency doctors in residency. Ambulances made more than 440,000 trips last year, an increase of 16% compared to 2020. The average emergency response time remained just under 12 minutes. 实训中心还配备了一辆救护车,可实现从患者上车到抵达医院急诊前的所有救治场景模拟。现场还展示了上海医疗机构内与120救护车对接的院前急救数字化平台。今后,这里也将成为急诊科住院医师规培的实操场所。数据显示,去年全年,上海市医疗急救中心共出车超过44万车次,同比增加16%,平均急救反应时间不到12分钟。 3. TWIN PANDAS BORN IN TOKYO ZOO MAKE PUBLIC DEBUT 可爱爆表!日本上野动物园双胞胎熊猫宝宝首秀 The twin giant pandas born at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoological Gardens【日本东京上野动物园】last year made their public debut【首次公开亮相】today, but will only be available for three days to a limited number of visitors due to a resurgence of coronavirus infections. Lei Shuran has the story. 日本东京上野动物园去年出生的双胞胎大熊猫,今日首次公开亮相。然而,由于疫情形势严峻,园方只对外开放3天,并限制参观人数。 The male cub Xiao Xiao and his sister Lei Lei, who were born in June, 2021, now weigh around 13 to 14 kilograms each. They were shown to visitors together with mother Shin Shin at the Tokyo metropolitan zoo. Members of the public who had won a chance to see the pandas in a lottery began entering the panda facility at 10 a.m. The lottery to see the pandas was held in December last year, the odds【几率】of winning were 1 in 348. 幼崽“晓晓”和“蕾蕾”出生于2021年6月,现在各自重约13到14公斤。它们将同熊猫母亲“真真”一同在上野动物园进行公开亮相,而游客需要通过抽签获得观看熊猫宝宝的机会。今日上午十点钟,幸运中签的游客陆续步入上野动物园熊猫馆进行参观。抽签活动于去年十二月开放,约348个人里才能抽中一人,可谓一票难求。 Japanese Children 日本小朋友 “The pandas are sleeping and I got to see their cute faces.” 熊猫宝宝在睡觉,我看到它们的脸了,特别可爱。 The cubs were born to Shin Shin and her mate. The pair, on loan from China and both aged 16, also had a cub in 2012, but it died of pneumonia【肺炎】**only 6 days after being born. 这两只幼崽是大熊猫“真真”和她的配偶所生。这对从中国租借来的熊猫夫妇当时16岁,曾在2012年产下一只幼崽,但出生仅6天后,它便死于肺炎。 Japanese Resident 日本民众 “When I see them, all the worries of my life are gone. I am so happy that pandas are the link between China and Japan.” 当我看到它们,生活中所有的烦恼都没了。很开心熊猫是中国和日本之间的纽带。 #热词加油站 curling [ˈkɜrlɪŋ]【冰壶】 rink [rɪŋk]【(室内)溜冰场】 scrape [skreɪp]【刮,铲】 arrest [əˈrest]【中止】 simulation [ˌsɪmjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]【模拟】 odds [ɑdz]【几率】 make debut【首次亮相】 take up sth【从事】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~