cover of episode 01/12 TOP NEWS丨上海新版医保目录/十四五公共服务规划/新能源车补贴退坡

01/12 TOP NEWS丨上海新版医保目录/十四五公共服务规划/新能源车补贴退坡

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NEWS ON 01/11 **1. 14TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES OUTLINES RANGE OF GOALS **“十四五公共服务规划出台,养老、住房、教育样样不落 *2.SHANGHAI IMPLEMENTS NEW VERSION OF NATIONAL MEDICAL INSURANCE CATALOG 降价、减负,上海新版医保目录来了!* 3. GOVERNMENT CUTS NEV SUBSIDIES-A DETOUR OR A BUMP IN THE ROAD? 新能源车补贴退坡,你还买吗? -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1. 14TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES OUTLINES RANGE OF GOALS 十四五公共服务规划出台,养老、住房、教育等样样不落 China issued its 14th Five-Year Plan for public services yesterday. It highlights nine areas of public service to ensure a better quality of life. Zhang Hong tells us more about goals covering care for seniors, education and affordable housing.  昨日,中国发布《“十四五”公共服务规划》(下称《规划》),重点强调了九个公共服务领域,致力于保障人民更好的生活水平。 The plan states that more affordable【负担得起的】senior-care services will be offered and accessible within a 15-minute walk. The percentage of nursing beds for seniors who are unable to care for themselves will be increased to 55%.  《规划》指出,将大力推动形成"15分钟"养老服务圈(老年人步行15分钟内便可到达服务区域),同时提高老年人护理型床位占比至55%。 Li Banghua Ministry of Civil Affairs 李邦华,民政部养老服务司负责人 “We will improve long-term care for seniors who are unable to take care of themselves. A new service plan will be devised for home-based and community-based senior care institutions. Supervision will be strengthened on senior care services. And we’ll provide more diversified services to enrich seniors’ life.” 我们将重点加强对失能老人长期照护的服务保障,创新居家社区机构的养老服务模式。同时加强养老服务监管,做到让老年人安心。我们还要促进生活养老服务的发展,满足老年人的多样化需求。 The plan also covers education. By 2025, over 90% of pre-school students should be enrolled. 96% of students should complete 9 years of compulsory education. More than 92% of students should enter high-school. The Ministry of Education prohibited the poaching【挖走(人员)】of excellent principals and teachers from areas with poor education resources. 《规划》在幼有所育、学有所教方面,提出明确发展普惠托育服务。到2025年,学前教育入园率要大于90%,九年义务教育巩固率要达到96%,而高中阶段教育入学率要大于92%。同时教育部明确表示,严禁抢挖薄弱地区优秀校长和教师。 Chao Guiming Ministry of Education 晁桂明,教育部发展规划司负责人 “We’ll carry out a plan to cultivate excellent teachers for mid-western areas and improve teacher training. We’ll examine salaries and talents will be rewarded with a higher salary. ” 我们将实施中西部欠发达地区优秀教师定向培养计划("优师计划"),加大教师培养力度。同时将合理核定绩效工资总量,绩效工资内部分配向优秀人才倾斜。 In terms of housing, around 220,000 old residential communities built before the end of 2000 in urban areas will be renovated. More affordable rental houses will be built in cities with many new residents.  在住有所居方面,2000年底前新建的约22万旧住宅区将进行翻新。而人口净流入大的城市要大力发展保障性租赁住房。 Pan Wei Ministry of Housing & Urban-Rural Development 潘伟,住房和城乡建设部住房保障司负责人 “By 2025, China plans to build 6.5 million subsidized new rental homes in 40 key cities. The apartments are expected to help an estimated 13 million new residents and young people to get affordable housing.” “十四五”期间,40个重点城市初步计划新增住房650万套(间),预计可帮助1300万新市民和青年人等人群缓解住房困难。 The National Development and Reform Commission【国家发改委】*said the plan is a guideline for governments at various levels and informs the public of the services they will have access to by 2025. 国家发改委表示,《规划》作为指导各级政府的方针,能够让广大人民群众对到未来所享有的公共服务做到"心中有数"。 *2.SHANGHAI IMPLEMENTS NEW VERSION OF NATIONAL MEDICAL INSURANCE CATALOG 降价、减负,上海新版医保目录来了!* Shanghai has implemented the new version of the national medical insurance catalog since the start of the year. Several drugs for rare diseases and medications for tumors*【肿瘤】are among the additions to the reimbursement【报销】list. Song Wenjing brings us more. 自2022年起,上海正式执行新版国家医保药品目录。新增的可报销的药品清单中包含了一些治疗罕见疾病和治疗肿瘤的药物。 74 new medications have been added to the medical insurance catalog, bringing the total to 2,860. Prices of 67 medicine types have been slashed【大幅削减】an average of 62 percent. For example, the cost of breast cancer drug Pertuzumab【帕妥珠单抗注射液】has been reduced nearly 10,000 yuan(about USD$ 1500)a year. 新版药品目录含新增药品74种,目录药品总数达到2860种。其中有67种药物大幅降价,平均降幅约62%。以治疗乳腺癌的"帕妥珠单抗注射液"为例,患者每年为此负担的医药费可减少近万元。 Xu Qing, Director of Oncology Department, Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital 许青,上海市第十人民医院肿瘤科主任医师 “One injection used to cost 20,000 yuan. The price has been slashed to less than 5,000 yuan after the adjustment, with 60 percent being covered by national medical insurance. The financial burden has been greatly reduced.” 在调价之前,帕妥珠单抗注射液一支要近20000元;调价后,药价大大下降,一支只不到5000元。而且60%是由国家医保支付,患者只需要负担40%。可以说,这极大地减轻了患者个人的经济负担。 The medical insurance department has also slashed the out-of-pocket【垫付的】ratio of another 1,300 types of medications, which is expected to reduce 1.9 billion yuan(around 30 million dollar)in medical costs for patients this year. Patients, for example, can pay 7 yuan(about 1 dollar)less per box of dapagliflozin tablets【达格列净片】for type II diabetes after the updated reimbursement list came into effect. 此次目录调整过程中,医保部门还降低了目录内1300多种乙类药品的自负比例,预计今年可为患者减负19亿元。以治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的"达格列净片"为例,一盒药的价格超过60元。而个人先行自负比例降低之后,患者每盒药就能少付7元左右。 Mr. Huang Patient 黄先生,患者 “This is a surprise to me. Diabetes is a chronic【长期的】disease. I could earn less as I get older, but my medical costs may continue to increase. The new policy has reduced my expenses.”糖尿病是需要进行长期治疗的疾病。随着年龄不断增大,我挣的钱可能就少了,但我的医疗支出却可能越来越多。而医保部门推出这个新政策,大大降低了我的经济负担。对我来说,这是个大惊喜。 The national reimbursement drug list has been updated eight times since 2000. 自2000年来,国家报销药品清单已经更新了8次。 3. GOVERNMENT CUTS NEV SUBSIDIES - A DETOUR OR A BUMP IN THE ROAD? 新能源车补贴退坡,你还会买车吗? China is now the world’s largest auto market, and to support the development of New Energy Vehicles here, the government has been subsidizing the industry since 2009 - spending more than 140 billion yuan(about 22 billion dollar)in doing it. But the government has just cut its subsidies for private purchases of NEVs by 30 percent, and will phase them all out by the end of the year. How is that affecting the car buyers and the car makers? 中国目前是世界上最大的汽车市场。自2009年以来,政府为了扶持新能源汽车的发展,一直在实行补贴政策,补贴支出超过1400亿元。但不久前,政府针对私人购买新能源汽车的补贴减少了30%,并预计于今年年底前逐步取消该项补贴。那么,这对购车者和汽车制造商又有什么影响呢? Under the new policy, a battery-electric car priced under 300 thousand yuan will see its purchase subsidy cut to between 9,100 and 12,600 yuan(roughly between 1,400 and 1,800 dollars)this year. Some domestic makers are now running special offers to attract customers and shore up【提高】sales before the prices change. 根据最新的补贴政策,购买一台售价30万元以下的电动汽车,购置补贴将削减至9100元到1.26万元之间。对此,一些国内的汽车制造商纷纷抛出促销方案,期望在价格浮动前吸引消费者购买,提振销量。 Brandon Bao Sales Supervisor, Xpeng Motors “The subsidy rollback does not come as a surprise. We offered the discounts to give consumers a grace period, and prices of most of our popular models will remain quite stable from now on. Actually, the announcement of the subsidy rollback has encouraged more consumers to bring forward【提前(计划*...**)】their car-buying plans.” 退坡这件事并不令人意外,因此我们推出了保价政策,来帮助消费者平稳过渡。而我们的主要热销车型后续也不会出现比较大的价格波动。实际上,汽车补贴退坡有一定的促进作用,消费者能够因此提前作出购车计划。 “I think it’s cost-effective to buy an NEV as early as possible. We still have subsidies now, but later on they’ll be gone.” 我觉得现在趁补贴还在,越早买车越好,这样买车成本更低,而之后补贴就没了。 “The subsidy rollback does not affect my car-buying plans. NEV prices are much lower than before. So it’s okay even with lower subsidies.” 我认为补贴退坡对我购车没什么太大影响,因为新能源车的价格比一开始的时候便宜不少,所以就算补贴减少也没什么关系。 Albert Li Store Manager, Nio “We began getting more customers before the new year due to the policy adjustment, and our sales have been growing significantly. We don’t think further adjustments will impact NEV sales. The NEV share of new vehicle sales was quite high in 2021, and that means NEV sales are now market-driven rather than policy-driven.” 由于政策的调整,年前确实出现了一波抢购的热浪,而销量也出现了明显增长。我们认为,由于2021年新能源车的渗透率已经很高了,因此后续进一步的政策调整并不会影响到新能源车的销售。能够看出,新能源车行业从政策驱动过渡到了市场驱动的阶段。 Consulting firm Accenture forecasts the subsidy rollback does not mean that NEVs will become less competitive, but will instead promote a more mature industry. Competition between manufacturers will become more about product strength and supply chain improvements. 埃森哲咨询公司预测,补贴的减少并不意味着新能源汽车的竞争力会下降,反而是让这个行业变得更加成熟的契机。汽车制造商之间的竞争将更多地集中在产品优势的开发和供应链的优化层面。 Steven CaiManaging Director, Products Client Group, Accenture Greater China “The local OEMsOriginal Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商】**need to further think about how they can use digitalization to basically improve the entire value chain, to make sure that not only they have the capability to produce the right product, to sell to their right customers at the right price but also they are able to manage the entire supply chain at the right cost so they can become a sustainable company in the next few decades to come.” 当地的原始设备制造商需要进一步考虑如何利用数字化来改善整条价值链,以此确保他们不仅有能力生产正确的产品,卖给自己 以合适的价格管理合适的客户,同时他们也能够以合适的成本管理整个供应链,这样他们就可以在未来几十年成为一家可持续发展的公司。 #热词加油站 reimbursement [ˌri:ɪm'bɜ:smənt]【报销】 tumor [ˈtumər]【肿瘤】 slash [slæʃ]【大幅削减】 chronic [ˈkrɑnɪk]【长期的】 affordable [əˈfɒrdəb(ə)l]【负担得起的】  poach [poʊtʃ]【挖走(人员)】 out-of-pocket【垫付的】 shore up【提高】 bring forward【提前(计划...)】 a bump in the road【阻碍,障碍】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~