NEWS ON 01/06 1. CHINA'S F.A.S.T. MEASURES INTERSTELLAR MAGNETIC FIELD 中国天眼FAST立功!测量星际磁场获得重大进展 2.** DIGITALIZED CONSULTING ROOMAT SHANGHAI GENERAL HOSPITAL** 未来诊室长什么样?来上海第一人民医院看看 3. KAZAKH PRESIDENT ORDERS PROBE INTO RIOTS AS PROTESTS CONTINUE 骚乱不断,哈萨克斯何去何从? -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA'S F.A.S.T. MEASURES INTERSTELLAR MAGNETIC FIELD 中国天眼FAST立功!测量星际磁场获重大进展 Using China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope【球面射电望远镜】, scientists have obtained an accurate measurement of magnetic field strength inside a molecular cloud. These clouds are regions of interstellar space often referred to as Stellar Nurseries【恒星孕育区】. 科学家们利用在中国的一座500米口径的球面射电望远镜,准确测量了分子云内部的磁场强度。分子云存在于星际空间中,所形成的区域通常被称作“恒星孕育区”。 The study, which is featured on the cover of Nature magazine, is considered one of the biggest scientific discoveries made by the FAST radio telescope to date【至今为止】. Scientists identified over 500 new pulsars between October 2017 and December 2021. They have also detected a total of 1,652 independent bursts from a single repeating fast radio burst source using the FAST radio telescope, the largest set of FRB【快速射电暴】events ever detected in history. Located in a deep karst depression【岩溶洼地】in the southwestern province of Guizhou, FAST is believed to be the world’s most sensitive【灵敏的】radio telescope and is often referred to as the China Sky Eye. 该成果是FAST射电望远镜迄今为止最重大的科学发现之一,并成功登上《自然》杂志的封面。2017年10月至2021年12月期间,科学家们不但发现了500多颗新脉冲星,还通过FAST从快速射电暴源中检测到共1,652次爆发事件(迄今最大的快速射电暴爆发事件样本)。 位于贵州西南部的深岩溶洼地的FAST被认为是世界上最灵敏的射电望远镜,通常也被称为“中国天眼”。 2. DIGITALIZED CONSULTING ROOM AT SHANGHAI GENERAL HOSPITAL 未来诊室长什么样?来上海第一人民医院看看 A digitalized consulting room opened at Shanghai General Hospital【上海市第一人民医院】today. It is part of an effort to shorten patient’s service time. Although seeing a doctor in the space requires an online reservation【预约】, the average service time is expected to be cut by 30 minutes. Zhang Hong tells us more about the room. 今天,数字诊疗室在上海市第一人民医院正式投入使用。这是医院为缩短患者看病时间作出的一项举措。尽管看病仍需要进行网上预约,但平均服务时间预计将缩短30分钟。 Mr. Huang was the first patient to enter the 9-square-meter digitalized consulting room today. By scanning his health QR code at the door, his medical records are instantly uploaded to the doctor’s work station. After a brief consultation, Huang gave the doctor a USB flash drive containing his previous CT scans. In the past, the use of a flash drives at a doctor’s work station was not allowed at most hospitals. 黄先生是今天第一个走进这9平米大的数字化诊室的患者。他在门口扫完健康二维码后,病历就立即上传到了医生的工作站。在进行简短的咨询后,黄先生递给医生一个U盘,里面装有他先前的CT扫描结果。而在过去,大多数医院都不允许在医生工作站使用U盘。 Zhu Yangi, Associate Chief Physician,Cardiology Dept., Shanghai General Hospital 朱彦琦,上海市一医院心内科副主任医师、医务处副处长 “I can see the image here, which wasn’t immediately available in the past. Technology has brought a lot of convenience to doctors.” 我直接可以在读片灯上看到(影像),这之前是很难做到的。高科技的东西整合在这里之后,给医生看诊带来非常多的便利。 The consulting room allows for control of lighting and curtains through voice command. The patient can double check the examination items and prescriptions on the screen in front of him before paying for for them on the same screen. An AI assistant will tell the patient where to pick up the medication or where and when to do certain procedures. 诊疗室能够通过语音命令来控制灯光以及窗帘。患者可以通过他身前的屏幕,复查自己的检查项目和处方,接着就在此屏幕上进行付款。而人工智能助手会告诉患者在哪里取药或在哪里办理某些程序。 Fu Chunvu, Head,IT Dept., Shanghai General Hospital 傅春瑜上海市第一人民医院信息处处长** “The system in the consulting room takes various factors into account, for example, some check-ups can only be done with an empty stomach and some need to wait until the next day. We can get a plan for each patient to have his check-ups done within the shortest period of time.” 该数字系统会将各种因素考虑在内,比如有些检查只能空腹进行;有些需要等到第二天等等。我们可以通过综合计算,制定一个计划,尽量保证每个病人在最短的时间内完成检查。 The hospital says the consulting room is now open on a trial basis【试运行】and it will invite patients of various ages to try it out. 412 medical institutions in the city have made similar efforts to make their work more efficient by using digital systems. 医院表示,该诊疗室现已试营业,将邀请不同年龄段的患者前来试用。而全市412家医疗机构也将实施类似举措,采用数字化系统来提高工作效率。 3. KAZAKH PRESIDENT ORDERS PROBE INTO RIOTS AS PROTESTS CONTINUE 骚乱不断,哈萨克斯何去何从? KaZakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev today ordered a special team created to investigate the mounting unrest【动荡,骚乱】rocking the Central Asian country and hold all perpetrators accountable for their violent acts. Sun Siqi has more. 哈萨克斯坦总统托卡耶夫今日下令成立特别小组,对目前全国上下日益严峻的骚乱进行调查,并将追究所有肇事者的暴力行为。 Protests are escalating【逐步扩大】as people are dissatisfied with surging fuel prices. Thousands of protesters have gone to the streets and clashed with【与...起冲突】 police and armed forces. The Kazakh Interior Ministry said eight police officers and national guard members were killed in the unrest and more than 300 were injured. President Tokayev declared a two-week state of emergency. 最初抗议活动的导火索为人们对于飙升燃油价格的不满,此后抗议便不断升级。成千上万的抗议者涌上街头,与警察和武装部队发生大规模冲突。哈萨克斯坦内务部表示,此次骚乱已致8名执法人员丧生,300多名警察和国民近卫军官兵受伤。托卡耶夫总统宣布哈萨克斯坦进入为期两周的紧急状态。 Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Kazakh President 托卡耶夫, 哈萨克斯坦总统 “The terrorist mobs are essentially international. They underwent serious training abroad and their attack on Kazakhstan can be and should be viewed as an act of aggression【侵略】**. ” 这些恐怖主义暴徒本质上是国际性的。他们在国外接受了严格的训练,他们对哈萨克斯坦的攻击可以被视为一种侵略行为。 Tokayev gave a number of urgent instructions to the government and the armed forces. Stable operation of banks and other financial institutions should be restored after the tension eases, the president said. He also gave instructions to protect diplomatic missions, foreign investment and companies in Kazakhstan. The White House also commented on the escalating protests in Kazakhstan. 托卡耶夫多次向政府和军队发出紧急指示。他表示,在局势缓和后,银行和其他金融机构能够恢复稳定运作。同时,他作出指示,要求保护在哈的外交使团、外资和公司。白宫发言人就哈萨克斯坦不断升级的抗议作出评价。 Jen Psaki White House Press Secretary 普萨基,白宫发言人 “We have seen that and we have we’re monitoring reports of protests in Kazakhstan. We support calls for calm for protesters to express themselves peacefully and for authorities to exercise restraint.” 我们正在密切监控哈萨克斯坦局势。我们呼吁人们保持冷静,以和平方式表达意见。 China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said today that China hopes the situation in Kazakhstan will return to normal soon. 中国外交部发言人汪文斌于今日表示,中方希望哈萨克斯坦的局势能够尽快恢复正常。 Wang Wenbin China's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson 汪文斌,中国外交部发言人 “China believes the government of Kazakhstan will properly handle the protests, which is an internal affair of Kazakhstan. China hopes the situation will stabilize as soon as possible and social order returns to normal.” 中方认为哈当前发生的事情是哈内政,相信哈当局能够妥善解决问题。希望哈局势能够尽快稳定下来,社会秩序回归正常。 The mounting unrest prompted the Kazakh government to seek help from the Collective Security Treaty Organization, which decided to deploy peacekeeping forces to Kazakhstan. 由于动荡不断加剧,哈萨克斯坦政府不得不向集体安全条约组织寻求帮助。该组织决定向哈萨克斯坦部署维和部队。 #热词加油站 sensitive [ˈsensətɪv]【灵敏的】 reservation [ˌrezərˈveɪʃ(ə)n]【预约】 unrest [ʌnˈrest]【动荡,骚乱】 escalate [ˈeskəˌleɪt]【逐步扩大】 aggression [əˈɡreʃ(ə)n]【侵略】 to date【至今为止】 on a trial basis【试运行】 clash with【与...起冲突】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~