cover of episode 01/04 TOP NEWS丨 外籍人士个税优惠/中国削减关税/新能源专属车险

01/04 TOP NEWS丨 外籍人士个税优惠/中国削减关税/新能源专属车险

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NEWS ON 01/04 1. CHINA TO EXTEND PREFERENTIAL TAX BREAKS FOR FOREIGNERS FOR 2 YEARS 外籍人士个税优惠措施延长至2023 2. CHINA OPENS A YEAR OF TARIFF CUTS, AND IS LOOKING FOR MORE 减税年!中国将继续削减关税 3. CHINA'S NEVS NOW GET EXCLUSIVE INSURANCE, BUT PREMIUMS MAY RISE 新能源专属车险发布,保费或上升 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. CHINA TO EXTEND PREFERENTIAL TAX BREAKS FOR FOREIGNERS FOR 2 YEARS 外籍人士个税优惠措施延长至2023 China will extend preferential income tax policies for foreigners working in the country to the end of 2023, the Ministry of Finance【财政部】 and the State Taxation Administration【国家税务总局】 announced that on Friday. The tax breaks were originally set to expire this month. 上周五(12月31日),财政部与国家税务总局宣布,外籍个人津补贴等有关个人所得税优惠政策延续期限延长至2023年,而相关的减税政策原本应于本月到期。 Under the policy extension China will continue to exempt foreign residence from tax on the fringe benefits that many receive -- additional payments offered by some employers to help people working abroad. Those include subsidies on rent, language training and children's education. China also implemented new tax measures last week to reduce the burden of personal income taxes on Chinese citizens in low- and middle-income groups. 在政策延长的期限内,外籍人士可以继续享受住房补贴、语言训练费、子女教育费等津补贴免税优惠政策。同时,中国于上周开始施行的税收新政也将减轻国内中低收入群体的税务负担。 2. CHINA OPENS A YEAR OF TARIFF CUTS, AND IS LOOKING FOR MORE 减税年!中国将继续削减关税 It's only just started, but 2022 could be the year of tariff【关税】 reductions especially here in China. It's opened with a series of new preferential policies from government. One of the most notable was a series of cuts that took effects on Saturday, cutting duties on 954 categories of goods, including medicines, food products, winter sports equipment and automobile components. Zhang Shixuan has more. 尽管2022年才刚刚开始,但国内一系列优惠政策的实施,使得今年的经济基调呈现出关税降低的迹象。其中,最引人注目的一项政策就是于上周六(1月1日)生效的一系列关税削减措施,优惠商品多达包括药品、食品、冬季运动设备、以及汽车零部件在内的954类商品。 Cleaning up the floor with no human contact, robots like this one have seen a big surge in demand since the COVID-19 outbreak, when everywhere needs on-time disinfection【消毒】 but with less face-to-face contact involved.  自新冠疫情爆发以来,处于疫情防控的目的,需要在尽量减少人员接触的情况下对环境进行及时清洁和消毒,这使得无人扫地机的需求大增。 This machine consists of a wide range of components, both domestically made and imported. And so China's move to adopt interim tariff rates which are lower than Most Favored Nation【最惠国】 tariffs, was good news for the robot's manufacturer.  这种扫地机由各种各类的零部件组成,其中部分零件由中国制造,部分零件则需要从国外进口。因此,中国采取低于最惠国税率的进口暂定税率的举措,对机器人制造商来说是个好消息。 Allen Zhang Director, Overseas business Gaussian Robotics Especially since March and April of 2021, the whole supply chain has witnessed price increases in raw materials, energy and chips. Most of the costs have risen by from 5 to 15%, or sometimes even more. And the delivery time has lengthened by 2 or 3 times. We have to digest all these cost increases ourselves, so the new policy means big support for our production. 尤其是2021年3、4月份,整个供应链涉及原材料涨价、能源、芯片涨价,大部分的成本都有5-15%的价格上升,甚至更加严峻。交期也不稳定,要比之前拉长2-3倍。这部分成本我们 都需要自己消化。所以新政策对我们的生产有很大的保障。 From July 1st, China will make yet another cut -- its 7th -- to the rates allowed by MFN agreements covering 62 kinds of information technology products. 从今年7月1日起,中国将再次削减最惠国待遇协议中所允许的62种信息技术产品的税率,而这也是中国在相关领域所进行的第七次削减措施。 Zhang Shixuan Reporter These tariff cuts are in line with China's efforts to further lower import tariffs and increase imports of high-quality goods and services. Also starting January 1st, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership【区域全面经济伙伴关系协定】, which created the world's largest free trade bloc【集团】 has taken effect. The RCEP agreement is the first time that China and Japan have agreed to reduce tariffs in bilateral【双边的】 trade. 这些关税削减的措施与中国进一步降低进口关税、增加高质量商品与服务进口的努力相匹配。而自今年1月1日起,区域全面经济伙伴关系协定也业已生效,使得世界上最大的自由贸易集团得到建立。该项协定也是中国与日本首次同意在双边贸易中降低关税。 Zhang Zheng Section Chief, Division of Duty Collection, Shanghai Customs District, P.R.China China has signed multi-lateral or bilateral free trade agreements with many countries and regions before. But under the RCEP, China and Japan have together signed the same free trade agreement for the first time. In the first year, 25% of China's imports from Japan will pay no tariffs at all, and that includes chemicals, minerals, textiles and garments as well as mechanical components. Eventually, the number will be 86%. 中国在之前已经同许多国家和地区签订了多边或者双边自贸协定,但是在RCEP项下,我们国家和日本首次签署了自贸协定,协定生效以后,我国从日本进口的货物第一年就有25%货物实现零关税,首批零关税商品中,主要包括化工品、矿产品、纺织服装、机械零部件等。最终将有86%商品实现零关税。 According to Chinese customs, trade between China and the other 14 members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership totaled almost 11 trillion yuan in the first 11 months of 2021, and that's 31 percent of China's total foreign trade value. 根据中国海关的数据,在2021年的前11个月中,中国与RCEP其它14个成员国贸易总额接近11万亿元人民币(约合1.7万亿美元),占中国外贸总额的31%。 The new agreement first takes effect among 10 of the signatories【签署国】, including 6 ASEAN countries, China, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. South Korea will be added to the list beginning in February. The trade tariffs will still be around ... But they'll be a lot lower from now on. RCEP首先将对10个成员国生效,其中包括有6个东盟国家、中国、日本、新西兰和澳大利亚。韩国则将从2月起正式加入协定。尽管贸易关税仍将存在…… 但从现在开始,它们将比之前降低很多。 3. CHINA'S NEVS NOW GET EXCLUSIVE INSURANCE, BUT PREMIUMS MAY RISE 新能源专属车险发布,保费可能上升 Exclusive insurance for new energy vehicles is now officially available in China, offered by 12 different companies. Tailored for NEVs, the new insurance covers risks specific to the new technology. 中国保险行业协会发布了《新能源汽车商业保险专属条款(试行)》,全面涵盖新能源汽车的使用场景,12家财险公司首批获准承保。 But some owners are complaining that they are seeing their premiums【保险费】rise when compared to policies for the old gas cars. Lei Shuran tells us more. 但一些车主表示,与燃油车相比,新能源汽车的保费有所上涨。 Unlike insurance for petroleum-fueled autos, the exclusive EV insurance covers batteries, motors, and electronic control systems. 与传统燃油车险不同,新能源专属车险将电池及储能系统、电机及驱动系统、其他控制系统都纳入到了车险保障范围内。 What worries a lot of people is fire, but that is also included in the insurable accidents, as well as scenarios【(可能发生的)情况】 including other special problems like charging【充电】. 让很多人担忧的“起火燃烧”,也已纳入承保范围。此外,车辆在使用、停放、充电等不同场景中出现问题,保险公司均将理赔。 A Tesla Model Y owner set off complaints about extra costs of the new premiums by writing on a social media platform that all of this means his insurance premium has risen 80 percent, to nearly 15,000 yuan a year. The complaints went viral and have led worried NEV owners to head for their insurers. 一位特斯拉Model Y的车主在社交平台上表示,新的保险政策出台后,他的年保费上涨了80%,接近1.5万元(约合2,354美元)。“保费上涨”成为新能源汽车车主讨论最多的话题,很多车主感到焦虑,并向保险公司询问。 According to experts, the insurance premiums for NEVs are in fact closely related to the car's price. 一些专家指出,新能源汽车的保费与汽车本身的价格紧密相关。 The insurance industry has carried out an actuarial calculation of risks for all types of NEVs, and figures that 250,000 yuan in cost is the point at which insurance charges can be expected to begin rising. 根据中国精算师协会发布的新能源车基准纯风险保费表,保费是否上涨,25万元(约合3.9万美元)的汽车售价是一条参考线。 Xi Yulin China Pacific Insurance 席于林,中国太保产险副总经理 “Generally speaking, the premiums have been reduced, particularly the pure risk rates are generally lower. But it depends on the price of the car, and the reduction for models below 250,000 yuan will be larger.”总体看来(新能源车险)是有所降的,特别是纯风险费率普遍是往下调的,但是按照车价有所不同,25万以下的车型,下降的幅度要大一些。 But there's no doubt premiums for some NEV models costing more than 250,000 yuan have risen. Depending on the model, the increase has been between 5 percent and 15 percent, as amount the insurance company stands to pay in case of an accident is that much higher. 但是,对于一些25万元以上的新能源汽车,保费无疑是在上涨的。根据车型不同,涨幅在5%至15%不等,因为一旦发生事故,保险公司赔付的费用将高得多。 Deng Zhibin China Continent Insurance 邓志斌,中国大地保险上海分公司车险部总经理 “The premium-to-loss ratio of traditional fuel vehicles is about 75 percent, and that of new energy vehicles can be as high as 85 percent.”传统的赔付大概在75%,那么新能源车可能在85%。 Some media reports have said the original online complaint was launched by an owner who may have had a record of multiple accidents. 一些媒体报道称,最初在网络上曝光保费上涨的车主,可能存在有多起交通事故记录的情况。 Financial information website EastMoney is reporting that Tesla autos do tend to have maintenance【维修】 costs higher than many other NEVs, which could cause an increase in their premiums. 经济信息网站东方财富网表示,特斯拉汽车的维修成本高于很多其他品牌的新能源汽车,这也可能造成了其保费的上涨。 Tesla responded to the report by saying its insurance premiums are no more than ten percent above the national average for NEVs, though the rate for high-performance models may be up as much as 20 percent. 特斯拉回应称,特斯拉车辆保费上涨幅度以全国平均看约在10%左右,而高性能版车型保费上涨幅度可能达到20%。 The Ministry of Public Security【公安部】 says the number of NEVs in China reached 6.78 million as of the third quarter of 2021. 公安部表示,截至2021年9月,全国新能源汽车保有量达678万辆。 #热词加油站 tariff [ˈtærɪf]【关税】 disinfection [ˌdɪsɪnˈfɛkʃən]【消毒】 bloc [blɒk]【集团】 bilateral [ˌbaɪˈlætərəl]【双边的】 signatory [ˈsɪɡnətri]【签署国】 premium[ˈpriːmiəm]【保险费】 scenario[səˈnɑːrioʊ]【(可能发生的)情况】 charge[tʃɑrdʒ]【充电】 maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns]【维修】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~