Zak is a writer, philosopher and futurist. He's the author of Education in a Time Between Worlds, a fantastic book on the reality that all of our existential risks are educational crises.
In this episode we talk about how humanity is lacking a unifying story of value to guide us. Premodernity had religion and god, and modernity killed that story and replaced it with science and tech. Now we're struggling to not kill ourselves with all this power. Zak, with Marc Gafni and Ken Wilber, have founded the Center for World Philosophy and Religion, a thinktank aimed at asking the metaphysical questions that would empower future generations (and this one) to responsibly hold all this exponential power we've been handed without killing ourselves. It's a beautiful conversation and Zak is an inspiring thinker and speaker.
This is the second episode of the Nuerohacker Collective x Ari in the Air Podcast collaboration series! Check out their neutropic supplements and get 15% off with code ARI at checkout. Code: ARI (good for 15% off any purchase)
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