Rich, co-founder of The Hum (a non-heirarchical business consultancy), is back to talk about the differences, both positive and negative, with virtual and physical relationships. We talk about how geographical location affects his work at Enspiral and how a 'home base' can alter our feelings. We talk about a ton of stuff in this episode, so tune in and enjoy.
Here’s some of Rich's articles that we talk about. You can find him on Medium.
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Thanks so much for your time and insight Rich! Really fun interview and some really great things to think about.
From Loomio's website about Rich "I have a background in open source hardware (as Rich Decibels) and creative community organising (with Concerned Citizens Collective). I got swept up in the Occupy movement when it arrived in Wellington in 2011. I’ve always been pretty concerned about the so-called ‘wicked problems’ facing society: runaway climate change, resource depletion, ecosystem collapse, and the pervading sense of alienation throughout society… This Occupy experience totally transformed my view on all that – it was the first time I’ve ever really had any hope for the future. My participation in that movement lead me to believe that there’s no problem that can’t be solved by an engaged community of empathetic equals. Occupy totally changed my life, and my hope is that Loomio can make that transformative experience much more sustainable, and accessible to millions of other people."