Terry Patten is a lifelong anti-war and civil rights activist, turned spiritual teacher and philosopher. He's the co-author of Integral Life Practice and the author of A New Republic of the Heart. He's been a devotee, he's been a teacher. He's been an leader of peace movements and human potential movements. He's an OG, a legend, a wise mentor for a lot of us.
This conversation is one of, if not the, most impactful conversations I've had on this show. Terry left me feeling seen and heard, loved and supported, empowered and encouraged. I hope you get similar effects from this episode. I am so so so grateful to have Terry on the show.
Here's Terry's website, I encourage you to check it out. https://www.terrypatten.com
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From Terry's Website... "As a philosopher-activist, he has long been a leading voice for facing, examining, and healing our global crisis through the marriage of higher consciousness and activism. As creator and host of the webcast “Beyond Awakening,” he has explored the biggest questions of our time in over a hundred public conversations with some of the world’s most prominent and dynamic thought leaders.
As a teacher and coach, he has introduced thousands of people to Integral Practice in person and over the web where he created and taught the online courses, Integral Spiritual Practice, Living the Integral Heart, An Integral Soul Journey, and Awakening Your Revolutionary Heart. And he has helped hundreds of people activate a transformative practice, realize awakened consciousness, and discover and fulfill their life purpose."