cover of episode English in a Minute: Verbs to use with 'job'

English in a Minute: Verbs to use with 'job'

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Learning English Vocabulary

BBC Learning English
BBC Learning English: 本期节目讲解了英语中与'job'(工作)相关的常用动词,例如'go for a job'(申请工作)、'land a job'(获得工作)、'hold down a job'(维持工作)、'pack in a job'(辞职)、'axe a job'(解雇)和'cut a job'(裁员)。节目通过例句详细解释了这些动词的用法,并鼓励听众积极争取理想工作,并做好维持工作的准备。 Miranda: Miranda讲述了她加入一个瑜伽学校的经历,起初感觉安全和欢迎,但随后发现学校存在着令人不安的黑暗面,包括对学员的操控、贩卖和剥削。她描述了自己被困的境地,失去了护照、手机和银行卡等重要物品,并逐渐意识到学校的邪恶本质。尽管曾试图为学校的行为寻找合理的解释,但她最终决定站出来揭露真相,以防止更多人受到伤害,并寻求正义。

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You can 'go for', 'land' and 'hold down' a job, you can even 'pack it in' if you don't like it. These are some verbs that are commonly used with the noun 'job'. You can learn these and more with Phil in this podcast.

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