#本週新片 2020年六月 第一週 📣 收看【梗你報新片】YouTube影音版本: https://youtu.be/vncCxsHWrnQ 本週15部新片包括: ▶《蚵豐村》 Ohong Village ▶《敢殺就來》 The Dare ▶《影裏》 Beneath the Shadow ▶《詭妹》 Intruder ▶《詩情攝慾》 Curiosa ▶《絕殺慕尼黑》 Going Vertical ▶《淒厲人僧》 Pee Nak 2 ▶《絕地救援》 The Martian ▶《軍艦島》 The Battleship Island ▶《愛上變身情人》 The Beauty Inside ▶《樓下的房客》 The Tenants Downstairs ▶《少年PI的奇幻漂流》 Life of Pi ▶《烈火情人》 Damage ▶《夜半歌聲》 The Phantom Lover ▶《超異能入侵 》Luz . 大家這禮拜打算看哪部電影呢? 歡迎留言分享與我討論唷! ************** 歡迎加入【有梗電影俱樂部】,不錯過任何電影實體聚會與活動喔! 臉書社團(需回答問題審核):https://www.facebook.com/groups/viewpointmovieclub/ Telegram群組:https://t.me/viewpointmovieclub2 PODCAST - Firstory APP 📣 XXY:https://open.firstory.me/user/xxymovie 📣 What A MAXX!:https://open.firstory.me/user/whatamaxx 別忘了按讚追蹤XXY視覺動物 📣 XXY視覺動物 YouTube頻道 http://pcse.pw/9ZNYT 📣 XXY @Yahoo頁面 https://tw.tv.yahoo.com/xxy/ 📣 IG:xxy_djfishmb 📣 XXY @方格子 https://vocus.cc/user/@XXY2018 Powered by Firstory Hosting)