Dr. Ben OuYang interviews Capuchin missionary Fr. Tage Danielson, a Pennsylvania native serving in Papua New Guinea. Newly assigned to serving the Capuchins in formation and the people who worship in surrounding chapels, Fr. Tage talks about the challenges and blessings he has encountered. He also reflects on the Pentecost readings, the gift of the Spirit and God's great love for each of us.
Show notes and pictures: https://uscatholicmission.org/news/fr-tage-danielson)
Support Fr. Tage and the Capuchin mission: To support Fr. Tage and the Capuchin mission in Papua New Guinea, visit Ways to Give - Seraphic Mass Association - MyMassRequest.org). The Seraphic Mass Association is the mission office for the Capuchin Province of St. Augustine which commisioned Fr. Tage for mission. in January, 2023).
Go Forth is a service of the U.S. Catholic Mission Association, a community of faith leaders engaged in networking, formation, and advocacy for God's mission. Visit https://uscatholicmission.org/go-forth) to sign up for weekly commentaries on the Sunday scriptures and join us online Monday evenings at the Mission Cafe.
Go Out, Go Out by Curtis Stephan: Text Based on Psalm 117:12. Refrain text © 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. Music and verses text ©2009, Curtis Stephan. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Used with permission. (P)© 2009, OCP. All rights reserved. Used with permission.