Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that borders with NE states (except Sikkim) will open from tomorrow. Sarma has also said that residents of Assam can come back to the state. This does include Sikkim as people will have to come through Bengal, he said. But except Sikkim, residents of Assam stuck in other NE states can come back. No pass is required. Once they receive respective zillas they will be taken care of according to protocol and health examination will be carried out. People must be sure that they reach before 6 pm. ASTC buses will be sent later but it will take some time.
Assam government has provided helpline numbers and email to stranded residents of the state in other places. Missed call can be given to 7428159966 within 48 hours. People will have to send details of their address and information. The information will be approved by Assam police nodal officer. Information will be sent to them based on availability of trains and buses and when they can come to state. Email: [email protected] has been provided for people seeking travel back to Assam through private vehicles. A group from Bihar has come back and they have been quarantined. Group from Gujarat is expected to come back soon. Additionally, 15th of every month economical help will be given to those who need assistance or those who have not been able to avail services. Rs 2000 will be provided to them. Sarma informed that people who do not want to stay at government quarantine facilities can choose to stay at hotels where doctors will come and check them. Private quarantine facility of this sort might be started soon. Those people will have to bear the cost on their own.
Bongaigaon Block Public Health Centre was sealed after two employees from there tested COVID-19 positive. The decision was taken by Bongaigaon district administration. However there were allegations that the two people were not kept in home quarantine after their samples were collected for examination.
Bodoland People’s Front (BPF) - an alliance partner of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has expressed disappointment after the decision to dissolve the Bodoland Territo-rial Council (BTC) and place it under the di-rect administration of the Governor was taken.
State government has allowed liquor shops to open in Assam. The decision taken on May 2 allow sale of wholesale vends of foreign liquor and country spirit in the state. Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL) “Off” and country spirit “off” shops located in districts, which has come under the Green Zone, will be allowed to operate. "Off" are wine shops that sell only liquor, "on" shops that sell liquor and the consumption is allowed on the premises. This includes bars and restaurants. Shops will be open from 11 AM to 5 PM on permitted days. Old rates will apply for now.
While authorities have been urging people to maintain social distancing amid lockdown, some animals have been doing better than humans in teaching how such rules can be followed. A bunch of monkeys at Assam-Arunachal border have been doing just that. Sports minister Kiren Rijiju tweeted, “A perfect #SocialDistancing seen near Bhalukpong in Arunachal Pradesh along Assam-Arunachal boundary. If we observe carefully, animals can teach us many vital lessons that we may have missed in the haste of our normal daily lives. (Picture taken by Arup Kalita, Tezpur).”