cover of episode 33 既是故事的继续也是新的开始,带您聊聊编年史(番外篇)(6)

33 既是故事的继续也是新的开始,带您聊聊编年史(番外篇)(6)

logo of podcast 《魔兽正史评书》之部落的崛起及番外篇


Frequently requested episodes will be transcribed first

Shownotes Transcript

战火为何而燃?(To ask why we fight)  秋叶为何而落?(Is to ask why the leaves fall)  天性不可夺,(It is in the nature)  吾辈心中亦有惑。(Perhaps there is a better question)  怒拳为谁握,(Why do we fight)  护国安邦惩奸恶,(To protect home and family)  道法自然除心魔!(To preserve balance and bring harmony)  战无休而祸不息,(For my kind )  吾辈何以为战!(The true question is what is worth fighting for ) 查看节目原文: