cover of episode How to Buy Multiple Rental Properties a Year + Auctions 101 (Rookie Reply)

How to Buy Multiple Rental Properties a Year + Auctions 101 (Rookie Reply)

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Real Estate Rookie

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Ashley: 在使用VA贷款购买首套房产后,如何在一年内购买更多房产?这需要考虑多种贷款产品,评估债务收入比,并根据自身情况选择合适的贷款方案。同时,还需要寻找资金来源,例如合伙投资、债务融资,或者通过增加收入、减少支出等方式来筹集资金。 Tony: 购买多套房产的限制因素可能在于贷款审批、资金或其他方面。需要与不同的贷款机构沟通,寻找合适的贷款产品。如果资金是限制因素,可以考虑合伙投资、债务融资,或者通过增加收入、减少支出等方式来解决资金问题。 Tony: 在继承低于市场价租金的房产后,如何逐步提高租金,同时避免租客流失?可以参考第463集关于租金策略的内容,逐步提高租金,并提供市场比较数据。也可以给租客提供选择:接受租金上涨或搬离。 Ashley: 逐步提高租金,并提供市场比较数据,让租客了解市场行情。如果租客选择搬离,则可以进行房屋翻新。在与租客沟通时,要保持礼貌和尊重,同时也要维护自身的权益。 Ashley: 购买拍卖房产需要注意哪些风险?首先,要了解拍卖流程及付款方式,包括起拍价、保证金、付款期限等。其次,要对房产进行尽职调查,包括查看房产状况、产权状况等,并做好充分的预算,以应对潜在的额外成本。 Tony: 在拍卖前无法查看房产内部,可能会导致额外成本。建议在拍卖前进行房产检查和评估,以降低风险。拍卖房产可能存在产权问题,需要进行产权调查,并购买产权保险。

Deep Dive

This chapter discusses strategies for buying multiple houses a year using VA loans, including understanding loan constraints, exploring different loan products, and leveraging personal capital or partnerships.
  • VA loans require living in the property for one year before converting to a rental.
  • Networking with various lenders can provide access to different loan products.
  • Personal capital can be increased through overtime work or reduced living expenses.

Shownotes Transcript

Want to build your rental portfolio)** FAST**? Today, we’re teaching you how to buy multiple rental properties per year, the best tips to raise rents while keeping tenant turnover low, and what to know before you start buying houses at auction). Each of these topics will help you not only build a real estate portfolio but also keep it profitable so you can reach financial freedom and realize your goals faster!

Since it’s a** Rookie Reply**, you know that these are all real questions coming directly from real estate rookies, just like you. First, an investor wants to know how to buy multiple houses per year, especially when you’re locked into an owner-occupied mortgage. While you may not be allowed to move for at least a year, we’ve got some strategies to help you buy rentals on the side. Next, what happens when you’ve inherited tenants)** paying under-market rent**? How do you raise rents without increasing vacancy? Finally, buying homes at auction may be a killer strategy to find deeply discounted real estate deals, but there are some red flags you MUST know about before you bid...

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In This Episode We Cover:

How to buy multiple houses a year using primary and investment property loans 

Our best tips to make (or keep) more money so you can **invest even faster **

Inheriting tenants and how to raise rents) without causing tenant turnover

Buying properties at auction and the non-refundable deposit that you must be aware of

Why you always (always!) should **budget more for **home renovations) on auction-bought houses 

And **So **Much More!

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Rookie 463 - The “Lazy” Landlord’s Guide to Finding (And Keeping) Tenants & Raising Rents)

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Protect Your Properties with an LLC through Corporate Direct)

Grab the Book “Real Estate Partnerships”)

Find Investor-Friendly Lenders)

Rookie 127 - Buying Property While Stationed Overseas (and a $40k Rookie Mistake!) w/Angel Garcia)

(00:00) Intro

(00:57) Buy Multiple Rental Properties a Year?

(06:39) How to Raise Rents

(14:13) Buying a House at Auction

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