In this episode, Bryce and Conor talk about the new programming language Carbon.
Link to Episode 88 on Website)
- ADSP: The Podcast)
- Conor Hoekstra)
- Bryce Adelstein Lelbach)
Show Notes
Date Recorded: 2022-07-25Date Released: 2022-07-29
- Carbon Language: An experimental successor to C++ - Chandler Carruth - CppNorth 2022)
- Carbon Github)
- D Programming Language)
- Carbon on Hacker News)
- Carbon Reddit Thread)
- The Day The Standard Library Died by cor3ntin)
- C++17 [[nosidcard]])
- C++11 constexpr)
- C++11 noexcept)
- C++ const)
- 2022 Keynote - Sean Parent - CppNorth 22
- Sean Parent: “Now What? A vignette in three parts” - C++Now 2012)
- CppCon 2018: Hana Dusíková “Compile Time Regular Expressions”)
- STL and Its Design Principles)
- C++23 std::mdspan)
- CppNorth Conference)