cover of episode Episodio 58. Coniughiamo al presente indicativo 17 verbi pronominali molto usati nella conversazione

Episodio 58. Coniughiamo al presente indicativo 17 verbi pronominali molto usati nella conversazione

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How to conjugate 17 Italian pronominal verbs that are widely used in everyday conversation (present tense conjugation):

ANDARSENE (to go away, leave) AVERCELA (to be angry at someone) CAVARSELA (to get by) ENTRARCI (to have to do with) ESSERCI (to be there, to be ready/done) FARCELA (to succeed) METTERCELA TUTTA (to give/do one's best) METTERCI [to take (time)] PASSARSELA (to go through good/bad times) non POTERNE più (to not be able to take it any longer) PRENDERSELA (to get angry/offended at someone) SENTIRSELA (to feel up to it) SMETTERLA (to stop it) SPASSARSELA (to have fun) STARCI (to go along) VEDERSELA (to deal with) VOLERCI (to be necessary)