cover of episode Reinventing Yourself: Turning Life’s Transitions into Moments of Renewal | Silfath Pinto

Reinventing Yourself: Turning Life’s Transitions into Moments of Renewal | Silfath Pinto

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Silfath Pinto
Silfath Pinto: 通过具身认知,我们可以获得完整性、真理和声音,去除条件反射、恐惧、创伤等,从而掌控自身力量。具身认知是连接身心,整合各种疗愈方法,例如躯体疗法、能量疗愈、正念和神经科学,帮助人们去除阻碍他们光辉的障碍,从而充分发挥他们的潜能,过上更充实、更丰富的生活。 我的个人转型始于一堂感官舞蹈课,它引发了我的觉醒,让我重新与自身连接。起初我感到矛盾,既渴望接受,又受到传统观念的束缚。通过与自身的谈判,我最终决定尝试,并最终无法停止。这个过程让我彻底改变了职业生涯,经历了离婚,并最终在世界各地带领数百次转型之旅。 在人生转变中,我们需要经历悲伤、探索可能性和整合这三个阶段。悲伤是必要的,我们需要时间去哀悼过去。在探索可能性阶段,我们需要连接我们的好奇心和创造力,在不确定性中玩乐。最后,我们需要将这些体验整合到我们的生活中。 阴阳两种能量的和谐是个人和集体和谐的关键,而现代社会中女性能量的压抑导致了各种问题。女性能量的恢复和男性能量的和谐统一是工作的核心,这关乎个人的身心健康和人际关系。 我的工作方法融合了躯体疗法、坦陀罗、萨满教和思维模式,帮助人们从过去、现在和未来三个维度进行疗愈,最终实现自我表达。 Jonathan Fields: 访谈围绕Silfath Pinto的个人转型和职业发展展开,探讨了具身认知、女性能量与男性能量的和谐统一、人生转变的应对方法以及日常练习等方面。访谈中,Silfath Pinto分享了她从金融行业转型到疗愈艺术的经历,以及她如何帮助人们在人生转变中找到新的方向和力量。 访谈中,Jonathan Fields与Silfath Pinto探讨了人生转变中可能遇到的挑战和机遇,以及如何平衡稳定性和成长之间的关系。他们还探讨了如何通过具身认知和能量疗愈来提升身心健康,以及如何更好地处理人际关系中的冲突和矛盾。 此外,访谈还探讨了如何在日常生活中融入一些简单的练习,帮助人们更好地整合觉醒时刻的体验,例如:回顾过去成功的经验,练习信任和接纳未知,以及培养玩乐和好奇心。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What pivotal experience led Silfath Pinto to leave her corporate career and pursue healing arts?

Silfath attended a sensual dancing class, which sparked her awakening and reconnection with her body and femininity. This experience made her realize that something was deeply missing in her life, leading her to quit banking and transition into personal styling and eventually healing arts.

How does Silfath approach the balance between structure and flow in her work?

Silfath combines her background in finance and system thinking with the organic, flowing nature of energy work and embodiment. She uses a structured approach to deconstruct past behaviors and heal, but also leaves space for intuition and the higher self to guide the process, ensuring a balance between masculine and feminine energies.

What are the three key elements Silfath focuses on when helping someone navigate life transitions?

Silfath emphasizes clarity, grief, and possibility. First, she helps clients articulate what they are letting go of and what they are moving towards. Second, she encourages them to take time to grieve. Finally, she guides them to explore possibilities through play, wonder, and curiosity.

Why is it important to integrate both feminine and masculine energies, according to Silfath?

Silfath believes that both feminine and masculine energies are essential for wholeness and balance. When these energies are in harmony, individuals can live in greater alignment and happiness, and relationships can be more sacred and fulfilling. She focuses on helping people understand and navigate the balance of these energies within themselves and with others.

What daily practices does Silfath recommend for integrating moments of awakening?

Silfath suggests practices tailored to individual needs. For trust issues, she recommends making a list of times the universe supported them and meditating on it daily. For fear of the unknown, she suggests listing and reflecting on moments of positive uncertainty. For play and wonder, she encourages small, playful actions like adding sparkle to their environment or trying new things.

How does Silfath describe the role of the body in living a good life?

Silfath views the body as the roadmap to a good life, holding the codes of truth, voice, essence, and legacy. Developing a deep understanding of how to be in and live through the body is essential for personal actualization and living in harmony.

Silfath Pinto's journey from a successful career in finance to a life dedicated to healing arts is explored. The pivotal moment that sparked her awakening and the challenges she faced during her transition are discussed. This chapter highlights the importance of aligning one's life with their soul's purpose.
  • Transition from finance career to healing arts
  • Awakening sparked by a sensual dance class
  • Challenges of leaving a stable career
  • Importance of aligning with one's soul purpose

Shownotes Transcript

Unlock the power of embodiment with Silfath Pinto, a trailblazer who left the corporate world to guide others in reclaiming their feminine energy and sacred union with the masculine.

In this captivating conversation, Silfath shares her transformative journey, blending somatic practices, energy healing, and mindset work to help people shed conditioning, heal trauma, and live as their most actualized selves. Discover daily rituals to anchor in wonder, play with possibilities during life transitions, and harmonize the profound feminine and masculine intelligence that exists within us all.

You can find Silfath at: Website) | Instagram) | Episode Transcript)

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