cover of episode Leading Neuroscientist: How Out-of-Body Experiences Change Us | Marina Weiler, PhD

Leading Neuroscientist: How Out-of-Body Experiences Change Us | Marina Weiler, PhD

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Marina Weiler
Marina Weiler: 离体体验 (OBE) 是指个体在一段时间内感觉自己存在于身体之外的主观感受,其核心在于个体的主观体验而非客观证据。研究离体体验的方法包括探究潜在的精神病理学、分析其心理影响(如减少对死亡的恐惧和增加利他行为)、研究大脑活动以及探究意识的非局部性(例如通过实验测试个体在离体状态下能否感知远处目标)。她认为,即使不相信意识与身体分离,人们仍然可能体验到离体体验,只是解释不同。她还提出,离体体验可能通过自我消解导致移情和利他行为的增加,但两者并非一一对应关系。离体体验后的整合过程非常重要,这会影响个体对体验的理解和应用。她认为好的生活是接纳各种体验,包括异常和非凡的体验,这有助于人们理解自身的非物质性,从而减少对死亡的恐惧。 Marina Weiler: 她从研究阿尔茨海默症转向研究离体体验,是因为她一直对人类意识很感兴趣,特别是意识是否在肉体死亡后仍然存在。她先从事主流神经科学研究,建立学术声誉,再转向研究意识,认为这样更有权威性。她挑战了物理主义范式,提出大脑可能是一个过滤器,而非意识的产生者,意识可能普遍存在。 Marina Weiler: 她认为目前尚无法通过脑刺激等方法可靠地诱导真实的离体体验,因为人工诱导的体验与真实的离体体验感觉不同。真实的离体体验感觉非常真实,有时比现实本身更真实,并且个体不会失去自主性。 Marina Weiler: 关于离体体验与精神病理的关系,一些研究表明其与某些精神病理学因素相关,但她的研究结果并不支持这一结论。 Jonathan Fields: 主要围绕离体体验的定义、研究方法、与精神病理的关系、以及对个人和社会的影响等方面与Marina Weiler进行探讨。他提出了一些关键问题,例如如何区分真实的离体体验和人工诱导的体验,以及离体体验的实际应用等。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do out-of-body experiences (OBEs) challenge the physicalist paradigm of consciousness?

OBEs challenge the physicalist paradigm because they suggest that consciousness can exist independently of the brain. The physicalist model assumes that all mental experiences are generated by brain activity, but OBEs involve the subjective feeling of existing outside the physical body, which cannot be easily explained by brain activity alone.

What are the psychological effects of OBEs?

People who have OBEs often experience a reduced fear of death, increased empathy, and more prosocial behavior. They feel a sense of interconnectedness, leading to a deeper understanding that hurting others is equivalent to hurting oneself.

How does Marina Weiler define an out-of-body experience?

Marina Weiler defines an OBE as the subjective feeling that one exists without being in their physical body. This feeling can include perceptions of floating above the body, traveling to different places, and seeing the physical body from an external perspective.

Why is the distinction between real and induced OBEs important in research?

The distinction is important because real OBEs, which feel very real and are often spontaneous, are different from induced OBEs, which can be created through virtual reality or brain stimulation. Induced OBEs often feel more illusionary and do not fully capture the subjective and profound nature of spontaneous OBEs.

What is the brain filter hypothesis in relation to consciousness?

The brain filter hypothesis suggests that consciousness is not generated by the brain but is filtered through it. The brain acts like a radio or TV, capturing and translating consciousness, which is everywhere and fundamental, into our subjective experiences.

How does the experience of ego dissolution relate to OBEs?

Ego dissolution, where the sense of self dissolves, is a phenomenon often associated with OBEs. While not all OBEs lead to ego dissolution, those that do can result in a deeper understanding of interconnectedness and increased empathy. The experience of ego dissolution can create a profound shift in how individuals perceive themselves and others.

What are the potential societal impacts of OBEs?

OBEs can lead to significant societal changes by transforming individual behaviors. People who have OBEs often become less self-centered, more empathic, and more focused on spiritual growth. This can affect how they live, work, and interact with others, potentially leading to a more interconnected and compassionate society.

Why do some researchers use virtual reality to study OBEs?

Researchers use virtual reality to study OBEs to understand how it affects perceptions and to potentially reduce the fear of death. While these induced experiences can provide insights, they are generally less profound and real compared to spontaneous OBEs.

What methods does Marina Weiler use to study OBEs in a controlled setting?

Marina Weiler and her team use EEG to record brain activity and place targets in another room to test whether participants can perceive and bring back veridical information. They work with individuals who can induce OBEs at will and ensure the experiments are conducted in a way that minimizes sensory leakage.

Why is the integration of OBEs important?

Integration of OBEs is crucial because it helps individuals process and make sense of their experiences, especially if they challenge their existing beliefs. People who integrate their OBEs often report significant personal transformations, including changes in behavior, beliefs, and existential insights.

An out-of-body experience (OBE) is defined as the subjective feeling of existing outside one's physical body. The experience itself is considered real, regardless of belief in a mind-body separation. Different interpretations exist, ranging from brain-based explanations to a literal separation of consciousness.
  • Definition of OBE varies among researchers.
  • Subjective feeling of existing outside the physical body is key.
  • Belief in mind-body separation influences interpretation.

Shownotes Transcript

Can consciousness exist outside the physical body? Neuroscientist Marina Weiler shares fascinating research on out-of-body experiences (OBEs) and their potential to radically shift our perception of reality. Discover the profound psychological impacts of OBEs - from decreased fear of death to increased interconnectedness - and explore whether these experiences provide a scientific glimpse into the non-local nature of consciousness.

You can find Marina at: Website) | Episode Transcript)

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