cover of episode Towards war with China? w/ Adam Tooze

Towards war with China? w/ Adam Tooze

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Politics Theory Other

Adam Tooze
Alex Doherty
Alex Doherty: 美国政府利用乌克兰和中东冲突,推进自身目标,并将中国视为头号威胁。美中关系恶化,中国军事实力增强,增加了美中军事冲突的可能性。美国对华政策从互利转向零和博弈,中国军事实力增长,华盛顿和五角大楼对与中国开战的可能性越来越担忧。拜登政府在构建针对中国的区域联盟方面取得了多大成功?拜登政府在对外政策中的虚伪性及其背后的功能逻辑。西方对中国经济的叙事发生了转变,从赞叹转向担忧,认为中国正面临经济危机。 Adam Tooze: 虽然美中之间存在地缘经济冲突,但将这种冲突等同于大规模军事行动的决定,逻辑上存在跳跃。美中战争的可能性从假设转向现实,华盛顿的战争游戏和乌克兰战争的影响加剧了这种可能性。美国正在进行核重新武装,并考虑同时应对多个战场的战争场景,这表明对与中国开战的担忧日益加剧。美国是否会利用其军事优势来对抗中国日益增长的实力?美国正在采取多方面策略来对抗中国,包括军事、经济和技术手段,其目标是恢复美国的全球主导地位。拜登政府在构建针对中国的区域联盟方面,由于美国国内政治环境的限制,其经济维度进展缓慢。中国经济面临严重挑战,但西方对危机的解读过于简化,忽略了中国经济发展的规模和复杂性。西方对中国经济规模和影响力的理解不足,部分原因在于文化差异和对中国经济模式的误读。西方对中国经济规模和影响力的理解不足,部分原因在于文化差异和对中国经济模式的误读。对中国清零政策的解读存在偏差,忽略了中国在疫情初期取得的成功以及后期的政策调整。中国的气候政策是决定全球环境未来最重要的单一政治因素,其重要性超过美国大选。对气候问题的解读存在西方中心主义的偏见,忽略了中国在应对气候变化方面的努力和贡献。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is war with China increasingly being treated as a serious prospect in Washington and the Pentagon?

The shift stems from the breakdown of the perception that the economic relationship between the U.S. and China was mutually beneficial. It is now seen as a zero-sum competition where the U.S. must contain China to maintain its primacy. Additionally, China's military power has grown as a share of its GDP, even without increased spending, due to rapid economic growth.

How successful has the Biden administration been in constructing regional alliances against China?

The Biden administration has made significant efforts in alliance-building, particularly through organizations like the Quad and AUKUS. However, they face constraints due to the U.S. Congress's reluctance to fund large-scale economic initiatives that could sustain these alliances. The focus is primarily on military and tech sectors, with less emphasis on economic support.

Why do decisions by the Chinese Communist Party leadership on climate policy dwarf the U.S. presidential election in significance?

China's decisions on climate policy are more significant because China is the world's largest emitter, accounting for 30% of global emissions. In contrast, U.S. emissions are on a downward trend and are projected to account for only 5% of global emissions over the next 80 years. China's commitment to neutrality by 2060 and its active role in the clean energy revolution have a greater impact on global climate outcomes.

Why does Adam Tooze disagree with the view that China's economic problems are primarily a result of increasing authoritarianism?

Adam Tooze argues that China's economic problems are more accurately attributed to overinvestment and diminishing returns, rather than increasing authoritarianism. The CCP's efforts to stop the housing boom and shift towards a green energy transition are seen as strategic decisions to manage long-term growth and sustainability, rather than purely political moves.

Why is the narrative around China's zero-COVID strategy considered misleading by Adam Tooze?

The narrative that China's zero-COVID strategy was consistently repressive and ineffective is misleading. Initially, China successfully contained the virus with low mortality rates. The strategy of dynamic optimization, which aimed to minimize lockdowns, worked until the Shanghai lockdown in 2022, which was perceived as cripplingly capricious and ineffective. This strategy, however, did not undermine the broader success in managing the pandemic in its early stages.

Why does Adam Tooze argue that China's climate policy is crucial for the global environment?

China's climate policy is crucial because it is the largest emitter of CO2, accounting for 30% of global emissions. Unlike the U.S. and Europe, which are on a downward emissions trend, China must fundamentally alter its trajectory, moving from significant annual emission increases to a sharp decarbonization. Xi Jinping's commitment to neutrality by 2060 and China's actions in clean energy, such as photovoltaics and electric vehicles, make it a key player in global climate efforts.

Why is the West often unaware of China's significant role in the global climate crisis?

The West tends to view the climate crisis through a Western-centric lens, often attributing it to capitalism without recognizing China's unique development model. China's rapid urbanization and industrialization, driven by a mixed economy with strong state involvement, have significantly contributed to global emissions. While market integration played a role, the state's planned energy policies, such as doubling coal output, were crucial in driving this growth.

Shownotes Transcript

Adam Tooze returns to PTO to discuss the extent to which war with China is increasingly being treated as a serious prospect in Washington and the Pentagon. We also talked about how successful, or otherwise, the Biden administration has been in constructing regional alliances against China during the last four years. And we went on to talk about why the Chinese Communist Party leadership's decisions over climate policy dwarf the US presidential election in significance. Finally, we discussed the economic slowdown in the country and Adam explained why he disagrees with analysts who see China's economic problems as primarily a consequence of increasing authoritarianism.