cover of episode 411 Item 224 - Danny Pena from the Gamertag Radio Podcast

411 Item 224 - Danny Pena from the Gamertag Radio Podcast

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Shownotes Transcript

Interview with Danny Pena from the Gamertag Radio Podcast.


Links Mentioned in this episode:

Gamertag Radio Podcast)

Gamertag Radio App app for Windows in the Windows Store)

podCast411 - iTunes App) -  [email protected]

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Help the EFF save podcasting from a patent troll - Boing Boing)

A look at the patent on distributing podcasts)

EFF targets podcasting patent for invalidation)

How One Patent Could Take Down One Comedian)

How to Make War on Patent Trolls : The New Yorker)

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Podcast Patent - PRIOR ART REQUEST)