What are ILPs? The letters ILP stand for Individualized Learner Plan, I like to think of them as Personalized Learner Profiles and in today’s episode I share what I include in ILPs for my English Learners and how I have adapted them to fit the needs of the teachers and students in my school. The point of these documents is to support communication between a general educator and an ELL specialist and to create a plan that outlines a success path for our English Learners
In special education, IEPs or Individualized Education Programs are lengthy documents that include info about students' educational and personal history and outline goals for the upcoming year and how they will be achieved for students with disabilities. ILPs are similar plans designed for students who are English Learners. ILPs usually include things like student information, a student’s educational and cultural background, “can do” statements, and recommended accommodations for class and testing.
There are sophisticated platforms your school or district can invest in to manage and gather data for ILPs. If your school does not have a budget or need for a platform like this you can manage all of the data you need using a google spreadsheet like I do.
Listen to the episode to learn more about each of these topics and how I simplify what I include in my ILPs to be useful for general education teachers.
What you will hear ILPs and what to include in them.
As mentioned in the episode, I am linking some useful resources!
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