- What is AI? [2:27]
- AI is statistics, not consciousness [7:05]
- Why then so much talk about the singularity? [12:12]
- AI breakthroughs and FAANGs [17:21]
- Building the AI toolchain [26:07]
- AI applications in bio and medicine [30:19]
- Ali's favorite AI use cases [34:35]
- What will AI do to jobs? [39:27]
- AI in 10 years [46:09]
- Snowflake, Databricks, data Lake, data warehouse, and how it all fits together [48:16]
*Boss Talk is the Clubhouse show where a16z cofounder Ben Horowitz and Ali Ghodsi, the Founder/CEO of Databricks, discuss CEO stuff, leadership stuff, management stuff... boss stuff. Live every Tuesday 5-6pm on Clubhouse. *