The modern Apple-store experience
Marco reneges on his recent praise of Beats headphones, then receives the saddest real-time follow-up ever)
Headphones mentioned:
B&O BeoPlay H6): Great comfort, but not sound.
Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro) (32-ohm version; Casey's headphones) for very good sound at a great value (when the price drops) to $175).
Sennheiser PX 200-II i): Marco's favorite portable set. Great portability, clicker, and value, but poor sound and durability.
Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10) (Casey's earphones)
Nintendo's sad trombone
Nintendo 64 Accessories
Beginnings of WWDC predictions
The Prompt on Carousel), one of their many photo-management-related episodes
Casey and Marco explore mixed metaphors... politely. Ish.
John obliquely discusses some Overcast) complaints.
Wearables. Sorta.
More on headphones.
John was wrong about something.
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