Please donate to St. Jude). Cancer sucks, and childhood cancer sucks a lot. Please donate any amount of money, if you can.
Follow-up from Hypercritical #31) on 24 August 2011 (via Philip Spedding)
Casey apologizes to Collin Donnell)
Regarding 1Password and Electron
What about the dependencies? (via KingOlegOne))
Safari 15 Updates
A quick aside about battery health
Apple’s PR war against itself
Thursday, 15 July: Apple cracks down on remote work)
Wednesday, 4 August: Apple places female EPM on leave after tweeting about sexism in the office)
Thursday, 5 August: Apple’s CSAM roll-out)
Monday, 9 August: Apple shuts down employee-run surveys on pay)
Monday, 16 August: Apple forces FlickType for Watch) out of the App Store
Monday, 23 August: #AppleToo
How does one manage a large library of photos? (via Colin))
How does one search for specific tech problems? (via Sam))
Is there any point in updating Java anymore? (via Mark Slutsky))
Post-show: Marco went to a Phish concert!
Dave Matthews Band also played somewhere on 2021-08-07) (But you can’t listen to it, apparently. Probably for the best. –ed.)
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