cover of episode 998 飞机上的餐饮 | 想自己拥有的

998 飞机上的餐饮 | 想自己拥有的

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Think of what you have rather what you lack. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them.想想自己拥有什麽,而不是缺少什麽。选出自己现在最珍贵的东西,然后想想如果你没有这些,会多麽急切地想要得到它们。[ Marcus Aurelius│罗马帝国皇帝]飞机上的餐饮 Airline meal 注意过这些飞机餐单字吗?SFML:Fish, Seafood 鱼;海鲜ORML:Oriental Meal 东方餐食(荤食)AVML:Asian Vegetarian Meal 东方素食(无蛋奶、无葱薑蒜)VGML:Vegetarian Meal 西式素食(无奶、无葱薑蒜)BBML:Baby Meal 婴儿餐LSML:Low Sodium (Low-Salt Meal) 低钠无盐餐HNML:Hindu Meal 印度教餐食(无牛肉)MOML:Muslim Meal 伊斯兰教餐食(无猪肉)KSML:Kosher Meal 犹太教餐食(遵守犹太教之规定)