你現在可以到我的網站 Flywithlily.com 下載「簡化生活的30日挑戰手冊」喔! 今日格言: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." 「簡單是最極致的優雅。」 Day 24 挑戰問題:How can decluttering help you build a life that reflects who you truly are? 「斷捨離如何幫助你建立一個反映真實自我的生活?」 For me, I feel that as I strip away my belongings, I'm also stripping away mental clutter. It's like a magical approach to simplifying not just my physical space but also my mind. As I let go of things that no longer serve me, I create room for the things that align more with who I truly am and what I want in life. 對我來說,當我剝離我的物品時,我也在剝離內心的雜亂。這就像是一種神奇的方法,不僅簡化了我的物理空間,也簡化了我的思想。當我放下那些不再對我有用的東西時,我為那些更符合真正的自我和生活目標的事物騰出了空間。 單詞記憶