cover of episode #22 深度|这就是为什么“前世今生”并不存在

#22 深度|这就是为什么“前世今生”并不存在

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Linny: 意识是对自我存在的觉察,需要感知到自身以外的存在才能产生。"空"是一种包含一切却无自我存在概念的状态,因此没有意识。"空"并非"无",而是包含一切但缺乏意识的状态,因为没有"他者"的概念。存在包含"空"和"一切万有"两种状态,"一切万有"拥有意识和时间体验。"一切万有"超越时间,不存在被创造的过程,时间体验存在于"一切万有"之中。从我们的视角看,"一切万有"是静态的,但其运作方式超越我们的理解。宇宙并非静态的死水,而是不断变化的,只是其运作方式超越了我们的理解。意识不可能包含一切万有及其所有的经验,因为经验是不断扩展的。存在是整体,所有体验都是存在的一部分,包括创造本身。创造过程包含于"一切万有"之中,而"一切万有"本身是一个点,所有体验都是这个点的呈现。我们需要将自己从"一切万有"的层面切割出来,才能理解时间和线性体验。"一切万有"的状态是"存在"(to be),没有决定或选择的概念,时间是人为赋予的标签。连续性的体验与时间概念并非必然同时存在,时间是人类赋予的标签。连续性体验本身就是一个时间概念,但这个概念是人为赋予的。我们用语言符号表达体验的特点,包括连续性、时间、过程和变化。从我们的视角看,"一切万有"是静态的,但我们无法理解其运作方式。我们体验到的连续性是通过忽略差异性而产生的,是为了聚焦于其他方面。我们把不同的事物归类合并,是为了聚焦于其他方面,而非关注差异。语言标签可能会影响我们对连续性和时间的理解。在每个当下,我们都是同一个灵魂,只是选择不同的体验和载体。同一个人的不同状态可以同时存在于不同的平行现实中。讨论意识只能讨论自我意识,无法讨论他人或其他事物的意识。万物一体是因为只有一个存在,但它通过不同的视角呈现。所有存在都有意识,但其意识形式各不相同。我们对石头有意识的解释是自我意识的投射。石头有意识是因为它区别于其他事物,存在于其他事物之外。我们无法知道其他事物是否知道自身存在,只能讨论自我意识。所有意识都活在自己的现实里,这是因为我们只能感知到自我意识。不同的视角看待世界是同样有效的,这源于我们只能讨论自我意识。当我们能看到和知道前世时,与在物质世界讨论前世是两种不同的状态。只有当我们知道自己是超灵时,才能理解自己不同的部分(前世今生)。我们当前的"位"是为了体验过程而存在的。我们应该充分吸收每个当下的体验,而无需执着于其意义。灵性探索最终会超越时间和空间的概念。灵性探索的最终目标是重塑时空观,理解线性体验存在于非线性维度中。我们以连续性的视角看待世界,忽略了平行现实的差异性。我们的信念和决定会框住不同的时间,决定了我们体验的连续性。理解了这个结构,我们就能更投入地体验当下。小我的结构由信念、情绪和想法三部分组成,信念在最高层面运作。情绪是能量的流动,通过信念的过滤变成积极或消极的情绪。小我的目标是发现更多未意识到的信念。人生的挑战是为了让我们发现更多自我。小我的结构像三棱镜,不断变化,因为我们不断发现自我。即使细微的变化,也会导致整体结构的改变。当下是独立于过去的,理解这一点能赋予我们力量。有些人更倾向于沉浸于过去的痛苦体验。我们向往美好是因为我们设定的人生目标是发现自我。"发现自我"是自由意志的一种表达,并非人生的唯一目标。即使没有按照内在的兴奋去生活,行动也反映了个人认为有意义的事情。焦虑、恐惧和内在冲动是同一股力量的不同表达。巴夏的行动导向是落地且有效的,帮助人们突破困境并找到行动方向。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is consciousness according to the discussion?

Consciousness is the awareness of one's own existence, which arises from perceiving something other than oneself. This concept of 'otherness' is essential for recognizing one's existence in relation to the external world.

Why does the concept of 'the void' lack consciousness?

The void, which contains everything, lacks consciousness because there is nothing outside of it to perceive. Consciousness requires the awareness of something external, and since the void encompasses all, there is no 'other' to create self-awareness.

How does the concept of 'All That Is' differ from 'The One' in Bashar's framework?

In Bashar's framework, 'All That Is' refers to a state that contains everything and has awareness, including the experience of linear time. 'The One,' on the other hand, is a state of pure existence without consciousness, as it lacks any external reference point.

Why is the experience of time considered an illusion?

The experience of time is considered an illusion because it is a linear construct created within the framework of 'All That Is.' Time does not exist outside this framework, and our perception of continuity and change is a result of this experiential setting.

How does the discussion address the idea of parallel realities?

The discussion suggests that parallel realities exist simultaneously, where different versions of oneself can experience different states. These states are not separate but are different expressions of the same consciousness, choosing to manifest in various forms or experiences.

What is the role of belief in shaping our reality according to the conversation?

Beliefs are the highest frequency in our mental structure, automatically influencing our emotional responses and thoughts. They act as filters that shape how we perceive and interact with reality, often without conscious awareness.

Why is the concept of 'discovering more of yourself' central to the discussion?

The concept of 'discovering more of yourself' is central because it reflects the idea that life is a journey of self-awareness and uncovering hidden beliefs. This process allows individuals to understand and integrate different aspects of their identity, leading to a more authentic experience of reality.

Shownotes Transcript


音乐:前奏:世界中の誰よりきっと (by WANDS)结尾:Found Me (by Men I Trust)