cover of episode #19 我要像萨古鲁老婆一样虹化

#19 我要像萨古鲁老婆一样虹化

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金:分享了在新西兰旅行中偶遇的巧合,认为是宇宙的奇迹和礼物,体现了创造的兴奋感。也谈到了在灵性修行中容易陷入幻想而忘记活在当下,以及对活在当下的理解。 金:探讨了幻想与冥想的关系,认为两者都是一种想象,但要区分幻想和行动,只有付诸行动才能实现现实。分享了自己对timing的理解,认为很多时候,你想要的事情会在特定的时间点出现。 金:分享了对“红化”的理解,以及自己对极致美好的追求。 金:与Linny讨论了“红化”的含义,认为它并非离开身体,而是到达另一个维度,其意义在于体验极致的美好,但它并非一个静态的终结状态,每个当下都是完美。 金:分享了在新西兰旅行中与一位骑车者的神奇邂逅,认为是宇宙的安排。 金:谈到了修行过程中情绪的处理,以及对修行和灵性的看法。 Linny:探讨了想象力是把双刃剑,行动才能带来显化。分享了对信息来源权威性的看法,认为判断信息来源的权威性会影响对信息的理解。 Linny:对“活在当下”的意义进行了扩展,认为它不意味着否定幻想和冥想,而是在当下专注于正在做的事情。 Linny:认为我们是创造者,不要害怕入幻,而应尽情体验人生。 Linny:分享了对宇宙法则和显化的理解,认为行动才能带来显化,因为行动反映了你当下最相信的事情。 Linny:讨论了想象力的边界,以及如何利用想象力连接现实,并通过行动来表达,才能让想法在现实中扩散。 Linny:分享了对“红化”的理解,认为它并非离开身体,而是到达另一个维度,其意义在于体验极致的美好,但它并非一个静态的终结状态,每个当下都是完美。 Linny:分享了一个朋友的故事,说明选择留下来体验生活是正确的。 Linny:对“凡所有相皆是虚妄”的理解进行了阐述,认为真实的是你对于所有“相”的体验。 Linny:对“显化”更准确的表达是“让看见”,关键是调整频率。 Linny:分享了自己对灵性修行的理解,以及如何处理修行过程中遇到的问题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the significance of 'living in the moment' according to the discussion?

Living in the moment is not about being physically present but about having awareness in whatever you are doing. Whether you are daydreaming, meditating, or taking action, as long as you are fully engaged and present in that activity, you are living in the moment. It’s about expanding the meaning of being present rather than narrowly defining it as not allowing your mind to wander.

Why is action necessary for manifestation?

Action is necessary for manifestation because it reflects your belief in the idea you want to bring into reality. Without action, the result cannot be realized, as it shows a lack of belief in the idea. Physical action is the primary way to bring about change in the material world, and it aligns with the linear nature of time and space in our reality.

What is the concept of 'rainbow body' or '虹化' as discussed in the podcast?

The concept of 'rainbow body' or '虹化' refers to a state where one’s consciousness leaves the physical body without causing any harm to it, essentially transcending the material world. It is seen as a form of spiritual liberation where the body remains intact, but the consciousness has moved beyond the physical realm. This idea is often associated with advanced spiritual practices and is considered a form of ultimate spiritual achievement.

How does imagination play a role in connecting with different realities?

Imagination is a powerful tool that allows individuals to connect with different realities and possibilities. It acts as a bridge between the physical world and other dimensions or parallel realities. By imagining a desired reality, one can align their energy and intentions with that reality, which can then guide their actions in the physical world. Imagination is not just a mental exercise but a way to tap into the infinite possibilities that exist beyond the material realm.

What is the relationship between emotions and spiritual growth?

Emotions are an essential part of spiritual growth as they provide valuable insights into one’s inner beliefs and unresolved issues. Rather than suppressing or avoiding emotions, embracing and understanding them allows for deeper self-discovery and healing. Emotions are not obstacles to spiritual progress but rather tools that help individuals navigate their spiritual journey and integrate their experiences into a more holistic understanding of themselves.

Why did Sadhguru’s wife choose to leave her body at the age of 40?

Sadhguru’s wife chose to leave her body at the age of 40 as a conscious decision, possibly as part of her spiritual journey. This act is often interpreted as a form of transcendence or liberation, where she moved beyond the physical realm without causing harm to her body. It is seen as a profound spiritual choice rather than a premature or tragic event, reflecting her advanced state of spiritual realization.

What is the role of timing in the process of manifestation?

Timing plays a crucial role in manifestation as it aligns the desired outcome with the appropriate moment in the linear flow of time. While individuals have the power to create anything, they must trust the timing of when it will manifest. This trust allows for the natural unfolding of events without forcing or rushing the process, ensuring that the manifestation occurs in harmony with the larger flow of life.

How does the concept of 'forgetting' relate to the process of manifestation?

Forgetting is an essential part of the manifestation process because it allows individuals to fully immerse themselves in the experience of their manifested reality. By forgetting that they are the ones who created the situation, they can engage with it more authentically and enjoy the surprises and spontaneity of life. This detachment from the act of creation helps maintain the flow of the material world’s linear experience.

  • 不要狭隘地理解活在当下,专注于当下所做之事即可;
  • 想象力是双刃剑,需付诸行动才能显化;
  • 连接想法,成为想法,并付诸行动,才能朝向现实进发。

Shownotes Transcript


00:02:07 不要狭隘地理解“活在当下”00:06:24 幻想和冥想都是一种想象00:09:28 每个人都可以创造一切但要相信timing00:14:52 修行是视角的扩充和选择的自由00:20:03 不是要“破”,而是要“超越”00:24:11 想象力是一把双刃剑00:30:43 为什么“行动”才能带来“显化”?00:33:33 极致的美好=虹化?00:40:11 如果一切结尾虚妄那什么是真实?00:44:07 Linny分享温暖故事00:48:32 显化就是“让看见”00:49:30 萨古鲁老婆为什么要40岁时离开?00:56:36 与骑行者的神奇邂逅00:59:01 修行一定要时刻保持宁静吗?01:05:28 对小事有情绪是说明修行不到位?

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