cover of episode #18 三位疗愈师对话:疗愈背后鲜为人知的事情

#18 三位疗愈师对话:疗愈背后鲜为人知的事情

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Linny: 在疗愈过程中,外部环境和自身状态都会对疗愈效果产生影响。例如,摄像机等设备会干扰能量流动,距离近、设备大型的影响更大。一对一视频聊天影响较小,但大型设备怼脸则影响较大。此外,疗愈师初期可能会担心自身能力不足,影响疗愈状态。但疗愈过程是能量的流动,而非单纯的语言沟通,因此语言障碍不会对疗愈产生太大影响。能量流动会自动检索并使用合适的语言表达。在疗愈过程中,能感受到能量的流动,如同小河般自然流畅。最重要的是帮助来访者看到并面对他们一直回避的问题,从而获得释放。冥想状态是头脑逐渐关闭,意识保持清醒的状态,头脑的功能是聚焦在物质世界的体验上,不计划未来,拥抱未知的生活更有意义。许多行业都是基于恐惧进行营销,可以选择不参与基于恐惧的游戏。相信某件事物会招来相应的现实,担心某种情况会招来这种结果。 蕊菲: 摄像机等设备会干扰疗愈师的能量流动和状态,也会干扰超自然现象的发生。意识会对疗愈状态造成干扰,追求完美的状态反而会阻碍疗愈。在疗愈个案开始前进行放松练习(如冥想)可以帮助来访者打开状态,减少焦虑和紧张。疗愈师自身也需要提前进入状态,才能更好地进行疗愈工作。疗愈过程中,能量的流动而非语言本身,会引发来访者的情绪释放。人们应该接纳所有情绪,并允许自己体验低落和不快乐。接纳并陪伴自己的情绪,如同对待最好的朋友一样,有助于化解负面情绪。人们倾向于逃避痛苦和负面情绪,这会阻碍他们看到真相,恐惧是人们幻想出来的,并非真实存在。在进行能量工作时,需要获得对方的许可。一些来访者并非寻求疗愈,而是试图通过攻击性行为强化自身信念。来访者能够听到疗愈师的信息,意味着这些信息在其内在,疗愈的时机取决于其自身的缘分。催眠师的角色是引导者,而非治愈者,疗愈效果取决于个案自身。温柔而坚定的沟通方式,可以避免来访者启动防御机制。疗愈师的无条件的爱和接纳,可以让来访者感到舒适和安全。疗愈师需要保持稳定,并具备同理心,才能有效地进行疗愈工作,同时避免过度共情。来访者可能会通过话术来转移话题或引导疗愈师,疗愈师需要保持敏锐。催眠治疗没有时间限制,催眠治疗的标准流程包括至少两小时的面谈,之后再进行催眠。连续性的疗愈可以帮助建立连接和信任。打开某些来访者(例如成功的商人)的状态需要花费更多的时间和精力。可以尝试设定疗愈流程,例如先进行冥想来筛选来访者。疗愈前的访谈和自我回顾非常重要,但一天内完成所有步骤不太人道。催眠治疗的时长取决于自身状态,并非固定时长。在疗愈过程中,来访者在最后时刻往往会说出真正需要处理的问题。说出真正的问题后,来访者会感到轻松和解脱。来访者通常寻求的是实操性的解决方案,而非神秘学或力量外化的解释。外求的力量无法解决根本问题,需要找到问题的根源。人们需要相信自己有力量去改变,而非依赖外部方法。知行之间存在差距,需要持续练习才能将知识转化为行动。疗愈并非一蹴而就,而是一个循序渐进的过程。生活中的起伏和挑战是人生的一部分,不应该追求完全没有纷扰的状态。物质世界是线性的,需要经历过程才能完成转变。人们相信需要过程才能完成转变,直接的转变会让他们不相信。哲学需要转化为信念,并付诸行动才能产生影响。行动才能打破原有的惯性,将哲学转化为信念系统。知识和智慧并非等同的概念。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why does the presence of a camera affect the flow of energy during healing sessions?

The presence of a camera can interfere with the natural flow of energy because it activates the conscious mind, causing a split in awareness. This split can alter the frequency of the healer, making it difficult to channel entities or information effectively. The healer becomes more self-conscious, which disrupts the intuitive and energetic connection.

What is the role of meditation in preparing for a healing session?

Meditation helps the healer enter a calm and focused state, which is essential for effective energy work. It allows the healer to connect deeply with their own energy and the client's energy, facilitating a smoother flow of information and healing. Without this preparation, the session may feel disjointed or less effective.

How does language affect the healing process in energy work?

Language is secondary in energy work; the primary focus is on the flow of energy. The healer uses their second language intuitively, as the energy guides the expression of concepts and words. This allows for a seamless connection, where the healer can communicate effectively without being hindered by language barriers.

Why is it important for healers to avoid over-identifying with their clients' emotions?

Over-identifying with a client's emotions can lead to emotional entanglement, where the healer becomes absorbed in the client's drama. This can disrupt the healer's ability to remain neutral and provide clear guidance. A healer must maintain a balance of empathy and detachment to effectively support the client without being overwhelmed.

What is the significance of fear in the healing process?

Fear often acts as a barrier to healing, preventing individuals from confronting deeper truths. It is a limiting belief that can stop people from exploring their inner selves. However, facing fear can lead to profound breakthroughs, as it often signals that the individual is on the verge of uncovering a significant truth about themselves.

How does the concept of 'process' relate to personal transformation?

Personal transformation requires a process because the material world operates in linear time. People need to experience gradual changes to believe in their ability to transform. Skipping this process can lead to disbelief and resistance, as individuals may unconsciously recreate the process to validate their transformation.

What is the role of action in integrating philosophical beliefs into one's life?

Action is crucial for turning philosophical ideas into deeply held beliefs. Physical actions in the material world help break old patterns and create new momentum. This process allows the philosophy to gradually integrate into the belief system, leading to emotional and behavioral changes.

Why is it important for healers to maintain a stable energy field?

A stable energy field allows the healer to remain grounded and focused, which is essential for effective healing. It helps the healer connect with the client's energy without being overwhelmed or pulled into their emotional state. Stability ensures that the healer can provide clear and supportive guidance.

How does the concept of 'collective consciousness' influence healing sessions?

Collective consciousness can amplify the energy in a healing session, creating a powerful shared experience. When multiple individuals focus their energy together, it can enhance the overall healing effect. This collective energy can help participants feel more connected and supported during the session.

What is the relationship between fear and the search for truth in healing?

Fear often arises when individuals are close to uncovering a significant truth about themselves. It acts as a protective mechanism, trying to prevent the person from facing uncomfortable realities. However, confronting this fear is essential for healing, as it allows the individual to move beyond limiting beliefs and embrace their true self.

三位疗愈师分享在直播和个案中遇到的挑战,例如镜头对 channeling 状态的影响、来访者焦虑紧张时的应对方法、以及如何克服语言障碍等。他们强调保持内在连接和能量流动,以及运用放松练习和冥想的重要性。
  • 镜头对 channeling 状态有影响
  • 放松练习和冥想能帮助来访者打开状态
  • 能量流动比语言交流更重要,语言障碍可以通过能量流动克服

Shownotes Transcript

与疗愈师Linny(小红书:Linny的心灵奇旅))在新西兰惠灵顿市到当地疗愈师蕊菲家做客,茶余饭后闲谈一些疗愈师工作中的日常。中英文乱入,大家见谅。 送大家一朵新西兰的羽毛云☁️。 这期比较短,就不加时间线了。 🎵音乐:The Chemical Times (by Neo Retros)