Biaung traveled to Singapore to earn money to support her family and eventually return home to buy a house and land. She was from a poor village in Myanmar and had a young son to care for, making it necessary for her to find a better-paying job abroad.
Biaung faced inhumane treatment because her employer, Gayathri, and her mother, Prem, had a history of abusing domestic workers. Gayathri suffered from mental health issues, including obsessive-compulsive disorder and postpartum depression, which exacerbated her violent tendencies. They also saw Biaung as a convenient target for their frustrations and a source of free labor.
Biaung endured severe physical and psychological abuse, including being forced to wear multiple layers of masks, being denied basic necessities like food and rest, being physically beaten, and being locked in a small space. She was also not allowed to use her phone or have a day off.
The abuse escalated over time, with Biaung being subjected to more frequent and severe physical violence. On July 25, 2016, Gayathri accused Biaung of stealing food and beat her severely, causing fatal injuries. Biaung was later found dead, with 78 new and old injuries, severe malnutrition, and a BMI of 11.
Gayathri was initially charged with first-degree murder but was later convicted of first-degree culpable homicide and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Prem was convicted of 50 charges of abuse and was initially sentenced to 14 years, which was later extended to 17 years due to her role in tampering with evidence.
The case caused widespread outrage in Singapore and internationally. The Singapore government urged the public to report suspected abuse of foreign workers. A fundraising campaign raised 30,000 Singapore dollars to support Biaung's family, and a documentary was released to highlight the plight of migrant workers.
Biaung's case highlights the vulnerability of foreign domestic workers to abuse, the need for better regulation and protection of their rights, and the importance of mental health support for both workers and employers. It also underscores the need for societal awareness and intervention to prevent such tragedies.
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