cover of episode Radio Free Skaro #934 - The Number of The Meep

Radio Free Skaro #934 - The Number of The Meep

logo of podcast Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro

Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro

Shownotes Transcript

Doctor Who is back, and so are Russell T Davies, The Doctor (the Fourteenth version, more or less), Donna, her family, new addition Rose Temple-Noble, and a suspiciously cute furbag sprung from the comic book pages known as The Star Beast! What did the Three Who Rule think of the inaugural episode of the RTD2 era, the differences between 10-Tennant and 14-Tennant, the resolution of the MetaCrisis, and everything else? Take a listen, and then dive deep into the Daleks In Colour, the Fifteenth Doctor meeting William Hartnell (sorta), a cavalcade of VAM, and all the other bibs and bobs that come with the 60th anniversary of our favourite show! Wait for it…Allons-y!
