cover of episode 年末总结闲聊:今年这个钱花得值【不上班办公室#39】


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@安安 :2024 年工作上最大的收获是产品发布会的成功,让她感到非常开心和自豪。发布会现场直播结束后,看到团队一起庆祝的场景,让她非常感动,这是她今年最难忘的时刻。生活方面,她感到很满足,因为这一年里她出差旅游,去了很多地方,见到了很多朋友,让她对这一年感到满意。在购物方面,她在日本轻井泽奥特莱斯买到了很多性价比很高的衣服,让她觉得非常划算。此外,她还推荐了几款好用的小商品,例如多功能便携护照证件夹、买菜小推车、一款不晕妆的睫毛膏、一款好用的睫毛夹、以及一款AR防反光磨砂手机膜和一个Stanley的小型保温杯。她还分享了使用补鞋胶修补凉鞋的经验。 @思琦 :2024 年,她感觉时间过得很快,尤其是在生日前后。她完成了N1考试和驾照考试,并且播客节目正常更新,让她觉得这一年比较踏实。买房方面,虽然没有买到最低点,让她有些遗憾,但她仍然觉得房子很好。在购物方面,她分享了在闲鱼上购买香港机场购物送机票套票的经验,觉得非常划算。她还推荐了劳山白花蛇草水和三得利O3O3零卡无糖无酒精啤酒。此外,她还谈到了在小红书上购物的体验,以及使用京东家政服务的感受。她还分享了今年一些不值得的消费,例如报PTE英语培训班,因为学习效果不好,以及购买了很多不需要的贵衣服。最后,她表示自己想买露营用品,以及购买了乙女游戏《恋与深空》的游戏账号来缓解负面情绪。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the most successful moment for the speaker in 2023?

The most successful moment for the speaker in 2023 was during a live product launch event for their phone. The event concluded with a standing ovation and background music, which brought the speaker to tears, marking it as the most rewarding and happiest moment of the year.

What was a significant purchase the speaker made during their trip to Japan?

During their trip to Japan, the speaker visited the Karuizawa Outlet and found great deals on branded clothing. They purchased a Max Mara knitwear jacket and a Siri sweater made of 80% wool, 10% silk, and 10% cashmere, which they found very satisfactory.

What innovative product did the speaker find useful for travel?

The speaker found a multifunctional portable passport holder extremely useful for travel. It includes compartments for passports, a pen, and a foldable A4 paper holder, which is particularly handy for carrying necessary travel documents like visas and flight itineraries.

What was a surprisingly effective and affordable beauty product the speaker discovered?

The speaker discovered an affordable and effective mascara from the brand Sanzitang, priced at just 49 yuan. It does not smudge and keeps lashes well-defined from morning until night, which was a pleasant surprise compared to more expensive brands.

What was a unique and cost-effective travel deal the speaker took advantage of?

The speaker took advantage of a unique travel deal where they purchased a round-trip ticket to Tokyo for 1200 yuan through a promotion that involved buying a code from someone who had shopped at Hong Kong Airport. This deal included generous luggage allowances, making it a cost-effective option for travel.

What was a major regretful purchase the speaker made in 2023?

A major regretful purchase for the speaker in 2023 was enrolling in a PTE exam preparation course. Despite investing significant time and money into the course, the speaker found the exam format confusing and ultimately performed better on the IELTS exam without any preparation.

两位前电视人安安和思琦回顾了 2023 年的收获与感悟,分享了各自最开心和最难忘的时刻,例如安安成功的产品发布会和思琦的旅行经历。
  • 成功产品发布会,安安激动落泪
  • 旅行经历,思琦对成都、上海、北京、山东等地的感受
  • 生日节点,一年结束的标志

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