Don’t Question My ManhoodSo in essence what we are really saying is this, “Don’t question my egotistical self-centered attitude about things that make me upset because I don’t agree with what you are doing or saying to me.”Five very important basic but complex principles, to which each man is expected to conform too.1, Humility before his God2. Control of his appetites3. Protection his family4. Providing for his family and5. Leading of his familyScripture references:Psalm 49:20Gen. 1:26-27Gen: 1:31So before you open your mouth you need to ask yourself these three questions,Is what I’m about to say the truth?Is what I’m about to say good? andIs what I’m about to say useful? If not, then you need not say anything.Eph. 5:25-32Rom. 8:29Eph. 5:2John 13:14-15Eph. 5:28Micah 6:8Ro. 3:232 Pe. 3:91 Pe. 5:7Heb. 13:15Matt. 6:33Rom. 12:2Heb. 4:121 Cor. 3:21 Thess. 4:3-51 Cor. 10:13Mark 7:8-9Prov. 14:12Prov. 1:7Ro. 6:121 Pe. 1:14Eph. 5:25Neh. 4:13-14Gen. 3:11, 171 Pe. 3:7Gen. 3:17-191 Tim. 5:9Ro. 12:4-5Gen. 2:23Heb. 3:15Ro. 7:23-25Prov. 19:1; 29:1Jude 1:10Thank you for your support in liking, following, and sharing our podcast with